《Jenlisa | Guide To Raising The Sick Villain》7


Old Lady Kim was really distressed because of the piece of meat, and she stayed up all night with an aggrieved heart, waiting specifically for Father Kim to come back so she could file a complaint with him.

"I bought the meat especially for Seungmin to eat. I told her to leave some for Seungmin, but there was nothing left..."

Father Kim frowned, and Kim's mother answered quickly. "It's just a piece of meat and yet you're acting like she ate everything in the fridge. Children want to eat, just let them eat, it's not much. If others were to hear you won't they think that our family can not afford even a piece of meat."

Old Lady Kim's lungs started to hurt. Wasn't Mother Kim saying that she was being nitpicky?!

"I bought this for Seungmin!" Old lady Kim repeated angrily.

"A'Seungmin's father made him a delicious meal at the store today. It's not rare to have a beef meal." Mother Kim slammed back. Father Kim wanted to say something but then he heard Mother Kim's words and remembered that his son ate a good meal today so his mood improved immediately.

Because he was in a good mood, he suddenly felt that Mrs. Kim was making a big deal out of nothing.

Moreover, Father Kim's stinginess for money was not even one-tenth of Old Lady Kim's.

Seeing that her son also spoke, and Old Lady Kim's brain hurt.

Mother Kim gave birth to three daughters in a row. Old lady Kim scolded Kim's mother every day for not giving birth to a son. Father Kim also beat and scolded Mother Kim a lot. For this reason, Kim's mother always felt that she owed Kim family because she was unworthy. Finally, after many tries, Mother Kim finally gave birth to a son, and her status in the family skyrocketed. Because of her son, Father Kim no longer disliked Mother Kim.

Later, because she received lots of gift money from her two daughters, things had been much better for Mother Kim in recent years.

On the other hand, Old Lady Kim saw that her son's attitude had changed, because of Mother Kim he slowly began to oppose her. A few years ago, her son listened to her very well, but in recent years he had listened to her less and less.

Old Lady Kim teeth tingled with hatred.

Mother Kim was in a good mood when she saw Old Lady Kim being angry. In the past few years the fight between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had become more and more tense. After saying that last sentence, Mother Kim added another, "Our family is now rich, but mom you are still the same. It's just a few dozen yuan if you want it so bad, I'll make it up to you in awhile."

Old Lady Kim quickly replied without thinking, "Make it up, is that not my son's money?!"

Father Kim was dissatisfied with Mother Kim when he heard this but he was immediately startled by Old Lady Kim's words. When he saw that his wife looked hurt, he felt that his mother didn't pay much attention to her words. He looked at Old Lady Kim and asked her not to talk nonsense, and turned around to comfort his wife.


Old Lady Kim watched her son side with her daughter-in-law and was silly for a long time with her mouth wide open. When she finally returned to her senses she stormed out and went back to her room.

For the entire night Old Lady Kim could not fall asleep, and had stayed awake all night.

Jennie didn't know that Old Lady Kim was angry again, and got a good night's sleep. The next morning she woke up early and ran into Mother Kim who had just woken up to go to the bathroom. Turning around, Mother Kim saw Jennie. Remembering how mad she made Old Lady Kim yesterday, she was suddenly in a good mood. Taking two hundred yuan from her wallet she handed it to Jennie.

"Is your lunch card running out of money? Don't think I don't have money, take this. You're too thin, people will think I'm abusing you or something. Don't let your grandma see the money. Tell me if you need more." Mother Kim said, before yawning and going back to her bedroom to sleep.

Jennie looked at the money in her hand and then at Mother Kim's back. It was a good turn out, now her future meals would be guaranteed for some time..

Jennie arrived in the classroom a few minutes before 6:20 in the morning.

In the morning self-study period she was only allowed to memorize Chinese and English, but this period of time before the morning self-study period was open for any subject. Jennie had been learning political history and geography recently.

Although she had only studied for a little more than a month, it was only a dozen days before the midterm exam. Jennie still has to work harder to get the place that she wanted.

Usually people arrived at school at 6:40 in the morning, but it was currently only 6:20. There are only a few students in the class who live on campus and, seeing Jennie come so early, they were quite surprised. But as the days went on the previous surprise had slowly faded and it became a natural occurrence.

Besides, unlike before, when she was trying to talk to the boys Suho hung out with, she was now studying seriously. Everyday they would see her with a book in her hand reading studiously.

The students were all clustered together. Generally speaking, the conditions of the students who lived on campus was worse than those of the students who didn't. Except for a few who studied very well, the other students who lived on campus had hardly encountered Suho or Sehun, so they were quite estranged from then. Because of this they were not familiar with Jennie.

After encountering Jennie multiple times, they would occasionally make eye contact to say hello.

Jennie wanted to memorize political history today, but the classroom was especially quiet today. She was worried that her reciting would disturb her classmates, so she took the textbook out of the classroom and found a place to recite.

Within a few minutes, someone called her name behind her.

No one but the teacher had called her name since she transmigrated into the book. Jennie turned her head in surprise. A girl with a high ponytail stood behind her. Jennie used her good memory to judge that this girl was not in her class.


The girl glanced at the political book in Jennie's hand, and sneered as if wondering if she had read it correctly, "Are you reciting the book?"

Jennie looked at the girl blankly. What nonsense are you talking about?

Nayeon couldn't believe it. Jennie didn't like to study at all, and yet here she was reciting the political history book. Why did she come here? This place...

Nayeon subconsciously glanced at the cafeteria and didn't want to argue with Jennie, "You go to some other or go back."

Jennie felt that the girl in front of her was picking a fight.

"I'm not going."

"How can you recite your book in such a loud voice!"

There are so many students around, and there are several that were much louder than me, why don't you tell others go to move?!

Jennie exhaled, controlling her temper, "I came first, then you came later. If you don't want to listen, you can move."

Nayeon gave Jennie a stern look, and then sneered after staring, "I know you came here deliberately. It's better to read more books if you have the time. But even if you do Suho will still look down on you. After all no matter how many books you read you will still be ugly! "

After speaking, she ran away angrily.

Jennie: ...

Jennie was completely dumbfounded.

Was she not currently reading a book?

And what does her reading here have to do with Suho?

When it was almost 6:40, Jennie collected her books and prepared to go back to the classroom. As soon as she turned her head, she saw Suho come out from the back of the cafeteria.

Jennie: ...

She finally understands the meaning of that girl just now.

This place was probably where Suho passed by every morning.

When Jennie remembered what the girl had said, she frowned and was a little irritated. When she raised her head, she looked at the boys around Suho with profound eyes and then at Suho's annoying face.

She became even more irritated.

I'll never come to this ghost place to recite books again.

Jennie walked towards the classroom speechlessly, and happened to meet Lisa who had just arrived.

Although Lisa ignored her last time, Jennie still greeted him.

After saying hello, she didn't say anything else, instead, she just smiled and turned around to enter the classroom.

Lisa looked at Jennie's back with dark eyes for a long time.

This was the fifth time that this girl had greeted him.

She was not specifically looking for him, but after encountering him, she would naturally say good morning or good afternoon, but Lisa never responded.

He has refused so many times, why did she still want to say good morning to him.

Did she not see that he wanted her to stay away from him, or that he did not respond to her.

Ever since Lisa decided to hide himself and not to believe in anyone's goodwill, no one has spoken to him again and again like that.

His mother said that he would come to regret rejecting the people who were kind to him, but Lisa did not regret it at all.

Because since he refused them, those who had teased him never succeeded.

Except for his mother, no one in this world would treat him kindly for no reason.

In his fifteen years of life, Lisa had already seen everything and understood it well. This cold feeling was something that he would always have.

Just like this girl's initiative, maybe next time, it will disappear cleanly.

Lisa lowered his eyelashes, turned his wheelchair and returned to his seat silently.

But like fate would have it, this girl seemed to be different.

One afternoon two days later, on the school campus, Lisa was turning his wheelchair as before, when he heard a familiar voice.

Jennie stood two meters away from Lisa and greeted him, "Good afternoon."

Lisa looked up at the girl in front of him silently, his eyes cold.

Jennie has gradually gotten used to Lisa's attitude, and perhaps since no one has spoken to her in the class or at home recently, Jennie talked a little bit more.

Jennie took a step closer to Lisa, "I'll push you." Lisa's fingers on the wheelchair tightened uncomfortably for a moment, and his whole body stiffened as if he was encountering an enemy, "Go away!"

He didn't care what this girl was called, but he had to care about why she was approaching him again and again.

All of her active concern had the potential of persecution for Lisa.

Jennie looked at Lisa, who was suddenly nervous, and regretted that she took the initiative to push Lisa that day.

Obviously, Lisa was very resistant to human approach.

Jennie took a step back.

She was not a person who couldn't speak, but she didn't know what to say when facing Lisa. She was always afraid that she would say something wrong, so she turned her head and glanced at Lisa.

His long hair covered eyes, the bridge of his nose was tall and beautiful, and his lips were stretched into an indifferent arc, slightly dry.

Dry lips... Jennie glanced at the cup of water in her hand, thought about it, and said, "Well, do you want to drink, I can get you a cup along the way."

As soon as her voice fell, Lisa's pupils suddenly shrank, as if he heard the cruelest and most terrifying words, his fingers firmly grasped the wheelchair, and the wheelchair began to shake.

Lisa's voice was as cold as winter on the twelfth lunar month.


"Stay away from me."

Jennie stared blankly at Lisa's back. Even though Lisa only said two words, Jennie still understood that Lisa was angry.

Her own words made Lisa angry.

But Jennie thought and thought, but couldn't remember which word she had touched Lisa's pain.

She said three sentences, and Jennie analyzed the three sentences in her mind over and over again, but still couldn't think of what she had said wrong.



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