
Ishika was anxiously moving here and there and arzoo were trying to make her relax but all in vain...then ishika decide she will go to that place where everyone went!!!

Arzoo-no, ishika you can't go there....arhaan won't like it!!

Ishika- arzoo, try to understand my point,i can sit here and do nothing....my whole family is in danger!!!! and this time i am not only a mother but a wife too!!!

Arzoo- fine, but you will not do any such things which land you in trouble ok!!!

Ishika- i promise you!!!

Arzoo- take this gun,it's for your safety!!!

On the other hand, arhaan and team reach at the kidnapper place.....

Officer ram- guy's there are so many children's, we will make sure that not a single children will get harm, understood!!!

Officer's- YES SIR!!!!

Officer ram,shivani, david and alina were going to distract the kidnappers and officer lakshay, priya, arhaan and ishaan were going to save the children's!!

After sometimes officer ram and team were successful in distracting the kidnapper's but lakshay and team couldn't find the children's!!!

Arhaan- i think we should divide in two group's,me and ishaan will search on the upper floor and

Lakshay- me and priya will search on the lower floor's got it!!!

Arzoo and ishika were also reach there and officer ram saw them and guide them to stay quite!!!

When Arhaan and ishaan were searching for the children's, they hear some sounds which is coming from the other corridor,when they reach there....some goons were keeping an eye on door,and arhaan got to know that his roohi is in that room!!!

Ishaan told arhaan that he will distract the goon's, you go and find roohi!!! he somehow distract the goon's and arhaan get a chance to enter in the rooms....when arhaan went in room,he couldn't hold his tears, his roohi was tied by the rope!!!


He immediately release her and the other children's but somehow one of the goon saw him and fire the gun!!!

Hearing the the gun shot, everyone got froze on their place, ishika run upstairs to find arhaan-roohi, and other's too!!! then they again hear a gunshot!!!

When everyone reached there, ishaan was standing there with a gun and one of the goon lay on the floor, arhaan got injured while saving the children's.....

Officer Ram told everyone that they successfully completed the mission and they had arrested the other kidnapper's too.

Due to shock ishika faint and arhaan take her to the hospital!!!

Other officer went to CBI office to inform about the incident to Mr. Bakshi.

Doctor check arhaan and ishaan's injury and prescribed some medicine to them...arzoo is with ishika!!!

Arhaan enter in her room and sit on her side, roohi was also there!!

Ishika- are you ok?

Arhaan- yeah i am fine!!

Ishaan sense that arhaan want to talk to her alone so he take arzoo and roohi with himself telling them that he is hungry!!!

Ishika- arhaan, i want to tell you something....first listen to me and then decide!!!

Arhaan- ok!!

Ishika- after today's incident i realize that i couldn't live without you and roohi, you both are my lifelines...i couldn't loose you and roohi, arhaan i am sorry whatever i did in the past please forgive me....i couldn't live with this guilt...please!!!

Arhaan- i too had realize that i couldn't live without you and roohi so please forgive me too!!!

Ishika hugged him tightly and said let's forget this and start a new life with new memories!!

Arhaan node and kissed her forehead,arzoo and ishaan saw everything and realize that they should also forget their !!!

Ishaan hold arzoo's hand and promised her that he will try his best to make their relation work!!

Arzoo smile and hugged him.....promising him that they will do their best!!!

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