《The A.I.P. Mystery》The End (Until you read the sequel)


"Wow, this place is cool," Selene whispered to Aria, looking at the cement and steel. "It's like a cross between a fortress and a prison!"

"You are quite right," said Becca, who had evidently been listening to their conversation. "Alcatraz prided itself on being unescapable. Except when- well, that's a story we'll save for later."

As they walked through a mini courtyard, Selene said to Aria, "They say this place is haunted!"

"Oooh, that'd be fun!" Aria whispered back.

Becca was just saying something about the design of Alcatraz when she suddenly stopped and said "Okay, we're about to go into Alcatraz, it's not for the faint of heart! So if you get scared, just tell me and I'll show you where the Exit is."

All this did was make the children more scared, but none were ready to admit that.

"Okay, let's go in!" she said.

They walked through a cement hallway for a bit, then...


They walked into a huge cement building with rusty cells and tiny beds, the cells were tiny, too. The whole place was bathed in creepy orange light. It looked like it was a prison from a horror movie.

"Okay, Children," said Becca, "You can just run around here for a bit, looking around, and if you get bored, I will be telling facts about Alcatraz, also, you may run into things that you would think you would usually not find in here."

This made the children a bit wary, but a few kids, Selene, Aria, Alex, Brad and Timmy, started venturing into the creepy orange-lit room. Selene could not wait to go into the cells, look for clues and play around! Soon everyone was milling around, some playing, some looking and some were just doing their own thing. Suddenly, Lucy and Emma, who were looking in cell 137, screamed.



Everyone ran to where Lucy and Emma were standing, squished in, trying to see why they were screaming, and once they saw, they all ran out, screaming. Selene was screaming too, even though, if you asked her, she would say she was trying to calm everyone down.

Now, you're probably wondering what was in that cell. I'll tell you, it was... A HEAD!!!!!! Actually, a paper-mache head, but the children didn't know that.

"Please, calm down." Becca was saying, "CALM DOWN!!"

They calmed down. A bit. Well, stopped screaming.

"Now," said Becca, "Let me tell you why that's there."

Everyone listened.

"Good." She said, "Okay, in 1962, when Alcatraz was still a prison, there were a few prisoners by the names of Clarence Anglin, John Anglin, those two were brothers, and Frank Morris. And they planned to escape from Alcatraz. Their plan was simple: they would make paper-mache heads, so the guards would think they were sleeping, and sneak out, we don't know how they snuck out, under the cover of darkness. They sailed away from the island on a raft made of 50 raincoats. This is a true story. The only escape attempt that actually worked. Now, we put fake paper-mache heads so you could have an experience. Also, we put the heads in cells 137, 138 and 139, because those cells were Clarence's, Frank's and John's cells. How's that?"Becca finished, smiling.

Everyone was silent, until Eva said "That was AWESOME!!!!!!"

And then everyone kept exploring.

Selene was just starting to keep exploring cell 137 when she stopped, ran over to Aria and said, "Wait a minute, what was the number on the back of your brooch"?

"It was", said Aria, "138, I think".

Selene gasped, "Cell 138! Let's go!"

They ran to cell 138, looked in, found another paper mache head, and a sign saying "Welcome to cell 138, the cell of Frank Morris, an escaped prisoner of Alcatraz. Morris had family in San Francisco, and they visited him from time to time. His family had a metal brooch that gave them access to his cell. Morris had 2 children."


"Morris..." Selene was saying, "Morris... Norris... Morris... Norris! Aria, what if your last name isn't Norris, it's Morris! And, what if the metal brooch that they used to come into the cell was your brooch! What if your family was Frank Morris's family? In other words, what if you're related to Frank Morris?!?"

"It all makes sense!" Said Aria, "They told me my last name was Norris to protect me! And they put me in the orphanage for the same reason! But, they gave me the metal brooch to remember them!"

"And," Said Selene, "They ran away in 1962 because that's when Morris escaped, and the police would probably suspect them!"

Aria sighed, "But we still don't know who did it."

"Hmmmmmm, you're right." said Selene

Just then, Pip came in with his notebook writing things down.

"Oh! Hey guys!" said Pip

"Hey." said Selene, looking up. "Cool notebook!"

Pip blushed, "Thanks! It's the only one in the orphanage!"

"Only... one... in... the... orphanage.........." said Selene "Interesting... veeeery interesting. Pip, d'you happen to know where Aria's missing brooch is?"

"Why would I know that?" said Pip, his upper lip sweating "Why would I know... th-"

Aria had suddenly blocked the exit of the cell. "Where is my brooch?" she said in a deadly calm voice.

Pip's demeanor suddenly changed.

"You'll never find it!" He snarled.

"Why?" said Selene "Just, why?"

"Why?" He cried "I'll tell you why! When John, Clarence, and Frank escaped, my grandfather was blamed for the escape! He was their guard! It ruined my family's life. The police decided to force me to go into the orphanage and... I lost my heirloom! A pocket watch! It was taken away when I went to the orphanage! Which means, your family caused all my suffering!"

"Okay," said Aria, "That's a really stupid reason but, whatever."

"Well," Pip explained "That's not all I'm going to do! I'm going to tell people that YOU are Frank Morris's granddaughter, and they'll never trust you! Then I'll frame you for a crime and you'll probably go to JAIL!"

"No," said Selene "I don't think so."

Then, she grabbed Pip's ear and dragged him out of the cell.

"You see," Selene explained to Pip and Aria "when you're a villain, you have to be physically strong, otherwise you're powerless. You ALSO have to be smart."

Selene was now dragging Pip up some stairs. Then, on top of Alcatraz, Selene said, "Do you like swimming, Pip?"

"Ummm, no." said Pip

"Well, good for you."

Then, Selene gave Pip a slight push and Pip, being famously always off balance, fell off the edge.

"Did he die?" said Aria, horrified, as she rushed to the edge.

"Nope. He'll just get in big trouble. Don't you know that the one rule of our Alcatraz field trip? It's to never swim in the water? He'll get in trouble, for sure."

And he did. Pip was kicked out of the orphanage for swimming unauthorized in the ocean on a field trip (and the fact that one of the Alcatraz staff had to fish him out), they found the brooch in Pip's room, and Selene and Aria lived detectively ever after. Kind of.

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