《Lipstick》Chapter 9: Magnetic Magenta


I knew Josie was going to try something, I just knew it! Because that is just typical Josie. What I hadn't prepared for is how hot she would look. She went full out. I swear if you saw her walking around Hollywood you would think she was a famous person.

Her hair is somewhat spiked up, she has on this bright magenta-colored lipstick. She's wearing form-fitting black leather pants. Those amazing designer boots I gushed over for a whole week. What I would do to have those boots. She also has on a magenta crop top, showing off her flat stomach. I can also see her pink thong peeking out of her pants.

It's a weird thing to be attracted to someone you hadn't been attracted to before. I've never felt anything when looking at girls, but damn, I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel anything looking at her like that.

She walked by me with confidence, hardly even looking my way. My eyes followed her as she walked over to some girl I've never noticed before. The girl is okay looking I guess, not as pretty as me. Josie can do better.

I watch the two laugh about something, the girl casually runs her hand up Josie's arm. I clench my jaw and look away. What the fuck? What is her deal!? Ugh! I stomp over to my usual table and plop down next to Sage and Sophie.

"Hey," Sage says.

"Whatever," I grumble.

"Someone's in a pissy mood." Sophie points out.

I roll my eyes.

Carson walks over to me and shyly looks around before saying, "Can I sit with you?"

I snap out of my funk and look at him, "of course, you don't even have to ask. Come here." I pat the spot next to me.

He smiles and joins us at the table.

Sage eyes him but doesn't say anything. Wyatt shows up shortly after and sits next to her, taking her attention away from me.

"How's your morning?" Carson asks.

"Fine, kind of hungry though."

"I'll go get you something to eat."

"Thanks," I peck him on the lips before he walks away.

Josie finally decides to grace me with her presence. She's wiping the corner of her lips, fixing her smeared lipstick. How did it get smeared when I just saw it flawless? I narrow my eyes at her. She smirks at me.

"Morning," she says with a bite, baiting me.

"Morning," I glare at her.

"You look amazing today," Sophie gushes.

"Thanks," Josie playfully bumps shoulders with her.

"Yeah, just great," I say through gritted teeth.

"Don't be jealous," Josie flicks me in the nose.

"Who's jealous? Me, psh, please." I roll my eyes.

"Very convincing," Sage butts in.


"Whatever," I cross my arms.

Carson comes back with some toast and mini doughnuts.

"Thanks," I force a smile for him.

"No problem." He kisses me on the cheek.

I glance over to Josie and she narrows her eyes at me.

That makes me feel a little better.

We eat in silence. The tension is so thick that it's almost suffocating. Sophie just keeps glancing back and forth between Josie and me. Sage ignores us and talks with her boyfriend. When breakfast is over Carson walks me to class, we hold hands.

In class Josie ignores me, texting someone on her phone. I try to peek over her shoulder to see, but she purposely moves so I can't see. I huff and cross my arms, well if she wants to ignore me, two can play at that game.

During the class change, that girl finds Josie again and they start laughing before they even say anything. I glare at the girl. Who the hell is she? Josie pulls her close, too close. The girl looks up into those seafoam eyes and blushes.

I scoff out loud and stomp off to our next class.

She's totally trying to get a rise out of me. Well jokes on her, I don't care. Like I would care about that no-name basic little bitch. Please! I'm way better than her. Josie is kidding herself if she thinks she'll get to me.

When Josie walks into class she's once again fixing her lipstick.

I stare at her, when she looks at me, I quickly avert my gaze.

She won't get to me.

Not today.

She wishes.

I see her smirk out of the corner of my eyes. Ugh!

This pattern of behavior continues all day. By lunch, I've had enough. Carson sits next to me but I ignore him to confront Josie.

"Who's that girl?" I ask.

"What girl?" she plays dumb.

"You know who I'm talking about."

"Why is it any of your business?" she baits me.

Sage and Sophie watch us.

I clench my jaw and look away from Josie.

"Everything okay?" Carson asks.

"I don't know, everything okay Kat?" Josie teases.

"Everything is just fine," I snap.

"There you have it," Josie shrugs.

I sigh and look down at my food. Who is that girl? Does she like that girl now? Is that like her girlfriend? Why does it matter?


She's right, it's not my business.


For the rest of lunch, I just pick at my food. I lost my appetite.

The next class I just lay my head down to ignore Josie texting someone.

And the class after that.

And the one after that.

Why do we have every class together?

"Everything okay Kat?" Mr. Fouler ask as I rest my head on the desk.


"I don't feel good," I mumble.

"Want to go to the nurse?"

"I can walk her," Josie volunteers.

Just great, I can't escape her.

"I'll write you a pass." He says.

I take the yellow slip and grab my bag before walking out. Josie quickly follows me.

"Just leave me alone," I complain.

"What's up?" she plays dumb.

"Just don't," I whirl on her.

"What?" she smirks.

"Ugh! Why are you so, ugh!" I turn around and stomp off towards the nurse's office.

"You can tell me if something is wrong Kat," she mocks me.

"Fuck you!" I whirl around to face her again.

I don't know why but I'm on the verge of tears. Okay, so she got to me. But she doesn't have to be such a bitch about it! Ugh!

Josie's smirk slowly fades away and she looks at me in concern.

"Who is that girl!?" I demand.

She sighs and pulls me into her arms.

I close my eyes tight to hold my tears in. She rubs my back to soothe me.

"I'm sorry," she says.

"Fuck you," I whimper into her.

She pulls back and grabs my hand, pulling me with her as we walk into an empty classroom.

"She's no one." She says.

"Bullshit!" I snap at her.

"She's no one! I swear. She's my cousin's friend. A freshman. Literally no one."

I take a shaky breath and turn away from her to wipe my tears.

"If this isn't friends with benefits what is this?" she asks.

"I don't know," I wipe more tears.


"I don't know okay! I don't. I'm so confused! You confuse me. I don't know," I shake my head trying to fight off more tears.

She walks over to me and pulls me into her arms.

"Asshole," I whimper.

"Now you know how I feel."

I look up at her and she looks down at me.

I don't care if we are at school, I grab her by her shirt and pull her in for a kiss. She lets out a pain-filled moan and pushes me against the wall. I let my hand glide up her flat stomach to her ribs.

She grabs me by my waist and sits me on her leg which is pressed between mine. She opens her mouth and our tongues tangle together. I run my hand up higher, slipping under her bra.

She moans into my mouth.

She digs her fingers into my hips, pushing me up and down, forcing me to grind on her leg.

We break apart for air and she peppers kisses up my neck.

"Uh..." I moan and rest my head against the wall.

It's not enough, she wants more. she moves me over to the teacher's desk and pushes all the stuff off. I wrap my legs around her.

"Kat, I want... I want people to know about us." She pulls back to look me in the eyes.

"I... I don't know." I avert my gaze.

"You can't deny you feel something here. Tell me he makes you feel like this and I'll drop it."

I look into her eyes.

She waits for me to answer.

"Josie... I don't think I'm gay. I am not even attracted to girls." I admit.

"Then what do you call this?"

"This is different."


"You said it yourself, we've known each other for years. You aren't just some girl. Plus, there is still the other stuff."

"Other stuff?"

"What if we try and get intimate and I get grossed out? I've never actually seen another girl's vag before."

"You're still a virgin, I know you've never had a dick either."

"But I've seen a dick, and I liked it. What if I don't feel the same about a vag?"

"You won't know unless you try."

I watch her as she peppers kisses down my chest to my stomach to my jeans. I feel my breath get caught in my throat. She looks me in the eyes before unbuttoning my jeans. The sound the zipper makes feels so loud when in reality it's not.

She gently pulls my jeans down to my knees and kisses me over my panties.

My breathing is erratic and no matter how hard I try I can't get it under control. I rest my head back and stare up at the ceiling as I feel her grab the hem of my panties. Before she can do anything though, the door to the classroom opens.

We scramble to get decent.

I lock eyes with a teacher as I zip up my jeans.

I watch her face slowly dissolve into disgust as she realizes what she just walked in on.

"You," she says.

Then she walks over to us and grabs us by the shoulder, dragging us to the principal's office just as the bell rings and people file out into the hall to leave for the day.

"How dare you do something so inappropriate here at school, on my desk! How disgusting, you should both be ashamed of yourselves." She scolds us.

People move out of the way and watch us go by.

I quickly wipe my lips and do my best to hide my blazing red face.

"Young ladies shouldn't be doing that with other young ladies. School is no place for sex!"

I groan out loud and duck my head.

Josie does the same.

I lock eyes with Carson just as the teacher shoves us into the office and the door closes behind us.

So much for keeping things under wraps.

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