《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 44


Chapter 44: So . . . Options . . ?

It was worse because it was not the first time that it had happened. I had been yawning all morning because, like an idiot, I wanted to stay up for the longest time to watch The Bachelorette.

I was now extremely tired and worried about being able to stay up for all of my classes. The only good that came out of that decision was getting through so many episodes, but I was really questioning whether it was a good decision.

Of course, because of the lack of sleep, I couldn’t really think that well and quickly gave up on comparing the positive and negative consequences soon after I started.

I also didn’t use every opportunity to sleep, since I had spent a good chunk of the morning grilling my sister to try and get more info about her impromptu kiss with Thulani.

The moment we were all seated for breakfast, we quickly decided that Warlo, Harvey, and Nick would try to crack Thulani while Sam and I worked on my sister. From what Nick told me afterwards, Lani was a 30 layer iron vault that they were incapable of opening.

Dipi probably would have been just as challenging if I didn’t have the trust built up over the years of living together and being siblings. It was barely five minutes after Sam left that Dipi looked at me with bright eyes and said to me,

“Sebastian?” My eyes snapped up to hers in less than a second, but she didn’t even laugh. Her mind was too far gone. “I . . . it was amazing. And it wasn’t because of his technique or any other normal reason but because of him. I’m not in love with him, but I think that I could be soon.”

I had screamed so loud that she had to cover my mouth to shut me up.

“Don’t tell anyone else that, alright?” She told me, now staring me straight in the eye with a serious and threatening look. “This is in confidence, do you understand?”

“Of course, the sibling code, I got it, sergeant.” I said in reply, gaining an eye roll from Dipika. After a couple of seconds, I grinned again and scooted closer to her to whisper. “Congratulations. You guys are really cute together.”

We had hugged quickly before joining the group again. We didn’t want them to get suspicious. Now, over an hour later, any energy I was able to grapple together to talk to my sister disappeared. So I was left hovering through the halls using my magic, with my chin falling onto my chest.

When I entered Magic 101, I zeroed in on my seat and only saw the flexible black plastic and mesh chair as I walked. The moment my butt hit the thick layer of cushioning, I was sighing and falling into a light nap.

The next time my eyes opened, the bell was ringing and Ms. Dovermal was trying to start the class. I cannot tell you how difficult it is to go from ‘charging up on sleep’ to ‘wide awake and ready to learn’.

It was a very difficult feat, but in a matter of minutes, I appeared just as awake and aware as any other pupil in my classroom. Looks can be deceiving because I still felt pretty dead. But hey, fake it ‘till you make it is around for a reason, right?


I hoped that just looking awake would get me through this class, I could worry about staying awake for the rest later.


“I hope that this activity can help you all imagine yourselves in these careers.” Ms. Dovermal said to us, pacing in front of her desk with a faraway expression. Her eyes began to sparkle, and the soft smile that began to grow on her face was unlike anything we were used to seeing. “See yourselves pursuing careers that can use your magic for something more than simple pranks and convenience. Using your magic for your livelihood, and to help the world.”

She paused, and you could’ve heard a pin drop from the silence in the room. No one moved as she continued to stare up at an unknown spot in the room. Then, she turned to us again, the smile dropping from her face before she explained what we would be doing today.

We were going to be going through some stations that would guide us through how magic was used in different careers every day. While our spells would be on practice subjects and scenarios, we had the knowledge that professionals did this with real people every day.

My first station was in species relations, acting as a filtering system between two different leaders of dimensions. They were arguing over a controversial topic, so I was guided through some spells that would allow me to look at the situation objectively and find them the most logical solution to their issue. It was really fun and I couldn’t help but feel a bit powerful as I did it. Going through the station explained why our dimensions have been so peaceful for so long.

My second station was to use my magic to find similarities in genetics between two feii and from that tell if they were cousins or not. It was kind of crazy to further see how magic and science worked together to help people. But, I knew that the spell was complicated, and that explained why those who did it tended to do it as a career, and not as a favour. It was difficult to get the spell right, but once I did, it was clear that the two were cousins.

The rest of the class went by similarly, testing out a career that used magic and seeing how cool and interesting it really was. The feelings I felt in these made-up scenarios reminded me of how I felt when I further understood a species. Light, airy, excited. Ms. Dovermal had us all sit down and reflect over some of our favourite stations, as well as write down if there were any careers we would have liked to see that we didn’t.

My classmates went on, writing and smiling as they did so. But I couldn’t. I was now conflicted. I had spent nearly my entire life seeing my future one way and had even begun to plan my life with my mate around that. Now, I’m considering changing it all. And, honestly, I have never been good with change.

I was a passionate person, and my future will be decided by what I have passion for. But, could I be more excited and more passionate in this than I had expected? Is this really something for me?


I was frowning down at the small piece of paper in front of me and my pen hadn’t moved for several minutes at this point. I had been thinking for so long, and I still wasn’t coming to a clear decision. Another second passed before I felt a presence in front of me. Looking up, I found Ms. Dovermal looking down at me with a curious look in her eyes.

“Sebastian.” She stated hoarsely, clearing her throat before she tried again. “Sebastian, is something wrong? You haven’t written anything down since I asked you last.”

I glanced up at my teacher for a bit, before I looked back down at the table in front of me and sighed. I was shaking my head before I even spoke.

“I don’t know what to do.” I sighed, speaking honestly to the older woman. “I thought that I knew what I wanted for my future. But this has kind of messed up my plans. Know I don’t really know what I want for my career, and I’m not sure what the best choice is.”

She was quiet for a moment, looking down and humming as she did so.

“Well, what do you want?” She asked me simply, causing me to look up with a confused look. “For your life I mean. Behind all of the details, what do you want to do for yourself or the world?”

“To help others.” I told her without any hesitation. My answer seemed to bring a small smile onto her face.

“Well, some of the careers I showed you could definitely help you achieve that. But, I think as long as you keep that goal in mind, you can make a great decision.”

My mind was still in turmoil, but my heartfelt more at ease. I looked up at Ms. Dovermal and smiled.

“Thank you Ms. Dovermal.” She nodded at my words and turned to walk away.

“You are welcome.”


I had been thinking about Ms. Dovermal’s words for hours. And while her advice was useful, I kept finding myself battling between my options. The only relief was thinking of Dean. I found myself continually thinking back on our previous conversations or imagining what our first time would be like. While I had gone further than a simple kiss with Dean, we had never even tried to complete the final step of a mating.

While I could tell that neither of us felt ready for that step, the image continued to pop up in my head. But soon, my mind would stray to the issue at hand again because I felt guilty. Guilty that an aspect that Dean thought to be tried so close to me is now being brought to question. Was I betraying him by changing my mind?

One of the first things that we bonded over was that field. What if he thought I had lied about it to be closer to him or to please him? Would this cause another rift in our still young and new relationship? I was not sure, and that might have scared me more than anything.

I had to make a decision, at least so I could be honest with him about where I stood.

It was Friday evening, and Dean had texted me that he wanted us to meet up today. I had expected several different places for him to want to take me, but I somehow never considered for it to be his house.

I felt a tiny bit sad that I could not wait around with my friends, all of us attempting to distract ourselves as we waited to hear how Dipi and Lani’s first official date would go. But, I consoled myself with the fact that I would instead be wrapped up in my mate's arms, satisfied after a meal that he likely cooked for me.

The thought had a smile on my face as I made my way to the “staff town’s” entrance. I went to pull out my phone with the intent of texting Dean about my presence, but I then noticed him pulling himself up from his seat, and making his way over to me.

Dean went to reach for my arm and pull me to him but paused before looking around us. There were a couple of people walking around, so Dean dropped his arm, a look of clear disappointment on his face.

But I wasn’t having any of that and created a quick spell to put invisible walls up between us and the others mulling around. Dean jumped slightly, feeling the pulse of magic in the air, and looked at me questioningly.

“They can’t see us.” I told him simply, smiling as I stepped closer to him. Dean was hesitant for only a moment before he pulled me to him again.

Our kiss was soft, sensual, and deliberate. I felt my eyes flutter closed, my body falling into the kiss and further into Dean’s touch. But, as time went on, the passion began to evaporate from the moment. It was not due to technique, or even a loss of love.

He was distracted.

I was distracted.

Both of us were too deep into our thoughts to fully enjoy the touch of our mate, and I pulled back and immediately bit my lip. But, I really wanted to kiss him again. Dean smiled softly at me, but I could see that there was something on his mind.

We would be speaking later, and I just really wanted it all to go well. I needed for our relationship to be okay. The two of us stepped away from each other, and I quickly lifted the veil. Dean stepped back from me, starting towards the door.

“Shall we?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows obnoxiously. His actions got the desired effect and I was soon laughing and giggling at my mate’s face.

“We shall.”


Hey, this wasn’t that long since the last update I think.

You know, I might be getting better.

Honestly, this chapter has been 95% finished for nearly a week but I never finished it until today.



What do you guys think will happen on Sebbie and Dean’s cozy home date?

Will their conversation go as well as either of them planned or hoped?

And what do you think Seb will decide about his future?

See, my questions are getting better, right?


Do you think Thulani and Dipika’s date will go well?


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