《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 41


Chapter 41: Sink Or Sail!

I told my friends, wringing my hands together as I spoke. “This is a big deal.”

“Not just a big deal, but a huge deal.” Dipi added, eyes excited despite the nervous frown on her face. Like usual, she was one of the most anxious over this situation. Dipi and Lani had joined Warlo, Nick, and I in our room. We were all sitting around, eating snacks and gossiping because right at this moment, Harvey should be telling Sam that she is his mate.

The six of us had actually been at our usual spot outside when Sam had walked up and after greeting all of us, asked Harvey is she could speak with him. The rest of us quickly got the message and ran inside before they could even consider finding a different spot to talk.

Now, we were trying to entertain ourselves with food and simple games when we all wanted to be flies on the wall beside Sam and Harvey. We were dying to find out how their conversation was going, and that frequently came into the conversation.

“Those two are mates and now we have to sit around and wait to hear if Sam accepts him- I can’t do this.” Dipi whined loudly, standing up and trying to run out of the room. Lani reached out, getting a handle on her calf and kept her from racing out of the room.

He had been sitting next to Dipi, on her right, I sat on her left. Nick was on the other side of me and Warlo on the other side of him. Lani was the only obstacle in Dipi’s way but he luckily took the initiative to stop her before she barged in on Sam and Harvey’s conversation.

“You can’t go in there, Dipika.” Thulani said softly yet firmly. Dipi made a small sound of complaint but sat down next to Thulani again.

Warlo laughed behind his hand at how quickly Dipi gave up but quickly stopped when she sent a dark glare his way. Dipika sighed heavily, pulling at the hair tie that secured her ponytail until her hair fell along her back in loose waves.

Lani’s eyes were glued onto Dipi as she did this, and Warlo smirked at the sight. Nick, always the best at this, quickly changed the subject and brought the focus back to Harvey and Sam.

We spoke and gossiped about the two of them for a while, Lani and Warlo in a casual game of speed at the same time. Some time passed when Nick suddenly got a thoughtful look on his face.

“What do you think their ship name would be?” Nick asked, fingers pulling at his bottom lip without much focus. Lani released a sudden loud laugh, shaking his head softly.

“Would be? Those two are basically an item.” Lani pointed out, getting some nods from others in the room.

“Okay then, what should we call them, now that they are an official item?” Nick asked, now rephrasing his question. Dipi hummed, biting on her bottom lip.

“I don’t think I am a very big fan of Sarvey or Harsam. Those names kind of sound weird.” Dipi thought aloud, eyes downcast as she wore a thoughtful expression. Warlo looked up from his game with a small smirk.

“I have been calling them Ham in my head for the longest time now, actually.” Warlo admitted with a relaxed shrug. “I just think that it fits.”


I had to get up to give Warlo a high five after that.

“I agree. I have been calling them Ham since the first time they met.” I added with a prideful grin. “It really is the best choice.”

It took a bit of convincing from Warlo and I, but we eventually got everyone on the same page. Soon after that, Dipi went to open up another group chat titled “Convo About Ham” so we could talk about them.

All of us were still laughing and talking over the many different sayings we could create with the name when the front door was suddenly opened. All of our heads snapped up, turning towards the noise, and found Harvey walking in with a hesitant smile.

We all held our breath, waiting to see if Sam had joined him. There was some red hair, alerting us that Sam was here, then we caught sight of two hands clasped together.

The room erupted in cheers, the five of us yelling and clapping our hands loudly at the sight. Sam lowered her head, shifting awkwardly on her feet while Harvey was rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably.

While I wanted to continue making this a huge deal, I began to notice how awkward the two are about everything. Most of us slowly stopped, deciding to smile at the two silently. But Warlo, ever so confident, stood up with a large grin.

“Guys, I think they’re dating now.” Warlo grinned excitedly, clapping his hands and rubbing them together for no apparent reason. “Ham is a thing.”

“Oh stop it.” Sam growled, going to march right up to Warlo but getting pulled back by Harvey’s grip on her hand. Sam looked back, blushing when she saw how intently and lovingly Harvey was staring at her and walked back to stand next to him again.

It was an interesting sight because while the two were holding hands, they stood next to each other so awkwardly. They clearly liked each other but were moving away from one another with their bodies while their hands stayed connected.

It was really cute though. Dipi and I were already having a mental conversation about it, giggling when Sam tried to peak up at Harvey, only to find that he was already staring at her.

Lani seemed to have had enough of them standing awkwardly in the doorway and stood up, walking over to them with a purpose.

“Come on, guys. Sit down. I don’t think that you’re leaving anytime soon.” Lani told them with a friendly smile, pulling them further into the room and onto the floor with the rest of us.

Nothing was said for a moment, all of us staring at what we assumed to be the new couple while they tried to sneak in glances at each other. Harvey was smiling goofily, seemingly without a care in the world. Sam looked at him for a bit longer than before, then sighed heavily.

“Okay, what do you guys want to know?” Sam asked, earning excited grins from the rest of us.

“What did you two talk about? Are you going to become official mates now?” Dipi asked quickly, not needing another second to figure out what she wanted to say. Harvey’s smile widened and Sam pouted a bit when he placed a kiss on her cheek.

“I was planning on apologizing and figuring out what force compelled Harvey to kiss me that day.” Sam starts, speaking of the plan that she had mentioned to me before. “But I had barely said a word before Harvey was blurting out the fact that we’re mates.”


We laughed at that and Harvey blushed a bit at Sam’s retelling of what took place minutes before.

“I was shocked and kind of didn’t believe him. Then I was scared of getting involved in another serious relationship.” Sam explains, smile falling as her mind seems to be somewhere else, far away from us. “I never went into much detail, but my last relationship was tough. I didn’t want to get into another one here in University. But . . . I guess Harvey is different. And, he agreed that we can take things slowly until I am comfortable. So, I guess we’re dating. But, not official mates.”

“Yet.” Harvey adds, grinning widely when Sam turns to gently hit his chest. “Hey, I’ve got to set those good affirmations out there.”

Sam rolled her eyes at Harvey’s excuse and tosses her hair over her shoulder with a huff. The quiet “sure” that she muttered had me laughing out loud. Warlo clears his throat, and I can’t help but look at him worriedly. What in the world is he going to say now?

“Wait, when you say ‘take it slow’,” Warlo begins to ask, wearing a falsely innocent expression. “You do mean that in all areas of your relationship, right?”

Sam quickly takes to cursing Warlo out, while Harvey takes a more subtle approach and just flips him off. We all laugh, taking pleasure out of how flustered the two of them are.

“You guys really are mates, huh?” I say, drawing their attention over to me. “You had the exact same reaction to Warlo’s shit.”

And so, we talked for hours, teasing the new couple for as long as we could before changing the subject so they wouldn’t leave. It was a great evening and I was a bit sad when it was time for them to leave. Of course, Nick and Warlo would still be here but it wasn’t the same.

I was still moping over the fact that our friends had just left when I noticed a hair tie on the floor. I knew that it couldn’t be any of the guys since none of them had hair long enough.

It could be Sam’s since she had pretty long hair or- wait. Dipi had taken off her hair time a few hours earlier; it must be hers.

I picked up the hair tie, telling Warlo and Nick that I would be back soon before I walked out of our room. I shut the door carefully, not wanting to disturb any of our neighbours before I looked up with a soft smile ready to give the hair tie back to my sister.

I stop in my tracks when I see Dipi and Thulani just down the hall, speaking quietly to each other. While their voices were low, the sound carried and I was easily able to make out their words.

“ . . . out for lunch this weekend. I heard a new restaurant is opening up and I think it will be fun to try it.” Dipi was telling Lani. Her voice and posture was all confidence, but I noticed how nervous she was by the way she continued to giggle as she spoke. Lani was beaming, though. His smile was so wide and happy that I wondered how Dipi wasn’t being blinded on the spot.

“Sure, absolutely. I would love to go with you.” Lani agreed, smiling through his words. Dipi’s smile widened as well.

“Great. I’ll text you the time.” She told him, eyes flickering over his face.

“Great.” Lani repeated.

“Great.” Dipi said again, taking a small step back. “It’s a date.”

I silently screamed, arms flailing around excitedly.

Holy crap, holy crap, HOLY CRAP! This was everything!

From the corner of her eye, Dipika noticed from frantic movements and looked to see me freaking out right outside my door. Her eyes widened and that was when I put myself back together and cleared my throat.

The small noise was enough to attract Lani’s attention as well and I walked up to them with a slight smile. It was hard not to grin like a crazy person after what I heard, but I kept my excitement at bay even as I stood next to them.

“Dipi, you forgot your hair tie.” I said gently, handing Dipi the small item with a smile. Dipi took it but sent me a dark glare. She knew I overheard, but there wasn’t much she could do about it now. I already knew about her date. Lani seemed completely unaware of the silent looks Dipi and I were exchanging and gave me a small wave as I walked back to my room.

It was only after I closed the door that I allowed myself to scream. Warlo and Nick both jumped, staring up at me as if I were crazy while I danced and jumped around our room. The looks got worse when I began to sing a little song under my breath.

“My sister’s gonna get laid~ my sister’s gonna get laid~ She finally has a man~ she finally has a man~”

This had to be the best night ever for my fanboy self. I just hoped I could ride this high for as long as I could.



I hope you guys liked this Chapter. As I was writing it, I was worried that it was getting a bit dry but I do not have the energy to try to fix it right now.


I don’t really have a question but more of an announcement. I am leaving tomorrow for a trip that will be well over a week long. From what I remember the last time I went there, the phone service is not the best so I probably won’t be able to update during that time. :(

I am hoping that I will get enough free time to have a couple of Chapters written up to be posted when I get back but I am not sure how my time or headspace will be then.

So, if you don’t hear anything from me for a week or so, know that there is a reason.


In better news, I have just completed my fifth book. You guys might remember, it’s called Running From Him. So, I will be able to focus on this book a lot more in the future and my aim is to have this finished before September.

Fingers crossed.


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