《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 40


Chapter 40: Protection is Better Than Cure

We had been working for nearly half an hour at this point, Dean having quickly sent us off to work on our projects the moment class began.

Sam has been working pretty diligently, but I saw many times how she would stop in her work, looking at something with a thoughtful expression. That’s what was happening now, Sam staring down at the paper in front of her, not reading what it said but focusing on it mindlessly.

I leaned over, placing a hand on her shoulder as a comforting gesture. It seemed to focus Sam on the world again and she looked back at me, blinking repeatedly.

“Sam?” I asked her quietly, hoping to keep the conversation as private as possible. Sam looked down at the paper in front of her again.

“I think I want to talk to him.” She whispered, voice low and quiet. “I may have been a bit overwhelmed but he didn’t really deserve my anger. So, I’ll apologize and hopefully, he’ll explain why he did it.”

I had to bite back my smile, watching Sam excitedly.

“That’s a great idea, Sam.” I tell her gently, hiding my excitement behind a gentle front. “Harvey has some important things to tell you.”

Sam's head snaps up and she eyes me warily.

“What things?” She asks, watching my expression carefully. I pale and turn away from her quickly.

“Nothing big.” I say quickly, before regretting my answer. “Well, maybe not small but not life-changing. Or maybe kind of life-changing- just, talk to Harvey.”

Sam was not happy with having to wait, but didn’t push it any further and went back to work on our project again. It was incredibly lucky because I probably would have spilled it in one way or another in my panic.

The class went by smoothly, Sam and I working efficiently and feeling prepared to move to the next step. When the bell did ring, Sam and I weren’t prepared and rushed to pack our stuff and leave to our next class. I waved at Sam, watching her redhead exit the room in a rush before turning to my next issue.


I walked up to his desk slowly, waiting for him to notice my presence but hesitant to see his reaction. I really was not sure if he was going to speak to me or not. Dean looked up, and I got my answer when he shook his head, turning to a girl that stepped up to his desk with a kind smile.

I deflated, my hope leaving me in an instant, and left the room.

So everything still wasn’t alright. I thought sadly, eyes watering slightly as they were trained on the ground. I sniffled, rubbing at my eyes to rid them of the moisture and moved even faster to leave.

I wasn’t going to cry, there was no point. If Dean had an issue, he had to tell me about it. Until then, I wouldn’t freak out and do my part to stay calm.



I checked my phone, once again finding no messages in the group chat about Harvey and Sam’s relationship. Specifically, I found no hint that the two had spoken and confessed their mutual love.

I knew that if Sam went through with the effort of contacting Harvey, our group chat would be filled with talk all about it. But all I saw were a couple of memes and the few lines of conversation that followed each one.

I was slightly disappointed, but I shouldn’t have expected Sam to move so quickly. She had a lot of conflicting feelings when it came to relationships after her ex, and needed time to think. I just hoped when the time came for them to actually talk, that Sam wouldn’t reject Harvey, her mate.

I moved off of my bed, heading towards the bathroom to take a much-needed shower. Nick was sitting outside on the “patio”, probably using his phone in front of the nice view, so I was a bit bold and started changing out of my clothes on my way to the bathroom.

The only thing I still had on by the time I opened the bathroom door was my underwear, and that was thrown out on the floor with the rest of my clothes.

I quickly waved a finger, my previous clothes being thrown in the laundry and summoned another outfit for when I was done. My shower was long, every action taking more time than it should as I did them while my thoughts ran wild.

I couldn’t help it, I was still thinking about Dean. The entire situation confused me, and I couldn’t figure out why he was acting so oddly.

I left the shower, putting on lotion quickly and throwing on my clothes without much thought. I walked out of the bathroom, steam flowing behind me as I went, and went for my phone. The text notification was unexpected, more so when I found that it was from Dean.

The towel that had been drying my hair dropped, both hands holding my phone tightly. I stared, wide-eyed, at the message before me.


I let out a shuddering breath and focus on calming myself down enough to reply like a normal human being.



I was too anxious to walk, but I didn’t know who may be around if I teleported to where Dean wanted to meet me. So I jogged, adding a spell to allow me to move faster without the effort. The halls blurred as I passed, a few looks pointed my way but I couldn’t see who they were and didn’t even care.

I slowed when I saw Dean, letting my feet skid along the floor until I was right in front of him. And, surprisingly enough, he smiled.

“Hey.” He grins as he whispers the words out.

“Hi.” I reply, a bit in shock. What had changed, where was the attitude he had this morning?


Dean looked around us for a moment before he looked back at me, taking my hand and pulling me along. We entered the teachers’ little town quickly, but as he walked, Dean continued to watch the area around us with careful eyes. His hold on my hand was tight but distanced in the way that it felt like he was prepared to let go at any second.

The mixed messages were confusing me, and really not making it easy for me to prepare for whatever he had to say soon. We were entering his house in no time, but I felt my body tense up despite being in a familiar environment. I was nervous and somehow found it worse being surrounded by all things him.

Dean moved to his living room couch, organizing the cushions and pillows for some time before turning to me, gesturing me over to the couch. I walked over slowly, toeing off my shoes before sitting as far from Dean on the couch as I could.

Dean frowned slightly, noticing it, but didn’t say it.

“I’m sorry that we haven’t hung out in a while.” Dean tells me, eyes apologetic as they move from me to the floor in front of me. “But, I didn’t realize that you would be so upset that it has been so long.”

My brows furrow, confused by what he was saying.

“What do you mean?” I asked angrily, turning to him with narrowed eyes. “You were the one that was ignoring me in class and not texting me at all at night.”

Dean seems confused before my words seem to finally set in. He facepalms and shakes his, sighing heavily.

“You mean how I was acting in class?” He asks, to which I nod my head. “I wasn’t distancing myself from you to be mean. It was for class specifically. Whenever I present the first project of the year to the class, students get really nervous and are always looking at some reason for students to be getting special treatment. Because we actually are dating, I didn’t want this to lead to us being reported because someone was on edge.”

My jaw dropped, unable to believe that he actually had me so uncertain over something so dumb.

“Are you serious?!” Dean jumped back in surprise at my loud voice, not expecting it and nods hesitantly. “Why didn’t you tell me?!”

“I didn’t think I had to.” He replies, shrugging simply and making me even more upset.

“What about the texting thing?” I ask then.

“I was a bit busy and didn’t get around to texting you.” He explains, smiling apologetically.

“Are you kidding me? Why?” I say, my hands clenched tightly as I begin to rant out of anger and frustration over the entire thing. “Like actually, why are you so freaking dense and allow me to worry over absolutely nothing? I was about to cry, you idiot and I was so scared and afraid and-”

Dean pulled me into his arms, surprising me with the fact that he had already gotten so close when I wasn’t paying attention.

“I’m sorry.” Dean whispered, voice soothing me more than I thought possible. “I’m sorry.”

I grumbled into his chest, letting silent tears of relief fall while Dean couldn’t see me.

“I really thought that you changed your mind and were going to start dating some mature older woman that had her stuff together.” I tell him, hugging him tighter just at the thought. Dean chuckles, kissing the top of my head.

“I would never ‘change my mind’, Sebastian.” He says, arms tightening around me. “I am way too obsessed with you to do that. And, you’re my mate. There’s no one I’d rather be with than you.”

I smile, enjoying Dean’s comfort, and nestle into him further. After several moments passed, I slowly pulled out of Dean’s arms. He gently wiped at the remaining wetness on my cheeks and left two kisses on each side. I laughed, not expecting the gentle kisses, before puckering my lips. Dean stopped, looking at my puckered lips before he went to move away. I frowned.

“Where are you going?” I ask, stopping his movement.

“To . . . set up the TV?” He tells me, his statement coming out as a question. I shake my head, grabbing onto his wrists and pulling him closer.

“No, you’re going to kiss me.”

Dean chuckles, but still resists and gets off of the couch. I pout as I watch him set up the TV and grab the remote before sitting next to me again.

“Why won’t you kiss me?” I ask him, still staring at his perfect soft lips. Dean looks back at me again, going to watch the TV but eyes staying drilled on mine.

“If I start kissing you, I won’t be able to stop, Sebastian.” He admits, warm eyes focusing in on my own. I bite at my bottom lip, eyeing his with heated eyes.

“Who told you to stop?” I say, smiling when I watch the way his eyes heat up as well. The next thing I knew, I was sitting on his lap and Dean’s hands were both in my hair. By the time I left Dean’s place that night, neither of us had looked back at the TV once.


. . . Hi.

At this point, I know that a ton of you guys had been waiting for an update.

I hope this wasn’t too disappointing after all this time.


What did we think?

My brain is tired so don’t expect too much from it at this point.


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