《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 38


Chapter 38: Ignored?

I didn’t really notice or acknowledge the fact that Dean hadn’t returned the look. I was far too excited to care anyway.

“Sam!” I called, smiling widely when she looked up with a surprised expression. “My ship is sailing!”

“Which one?” Sam asks with a small chuckle. I ignore the teasing expression on her face, plopping down into my seat happily.

“Let’s just say a sibling of mine and a South African hunk are gonna have kids within the next ten years.” Sam snorts at my sudden comment, turning away from my wide smile to collect herself.

“Oh my God!” She gasps, gaining back her breath only to laugh. “I have no idea what your sister would think if she knew that you talked about her like that.”

“Not her, per se.” I disagree with a small shrug. “But her relationship.”

“As if that is much better.” I don’t argue with Sam further, partly because she is right.

My eyes drift over to Dean, hoping that he will be looking my way. I frown slightly when he isn’t but shake it off when I notice that he is speaking to a student. He is a teacher after all, of course, he will be busy.

“Anyway, it is a cute ship though, right?” I ask excitedly, barely keeping my voice from being heard by everyone in the room. Sam nods and I take that as permission to continue talking about it.

“I mean, first of all, they have the same sense of humour. They could just talk and laugh about nothing for the longest time because of that.” I rambled, eyes off in a faraway place as I spoke. “Dipi is a very dominating person and Lani is good with people like that so he can handle her. And, Dipi is all about self-reflection and growth and Thulani has the same vibes because he’s from South Africa. They are like the same people but different. Perfect, right?”

Despite trying to remain as the sane one between the two of us, Sam was quickly becoming nearly as excited as I am.

“Yeah! And Dipi has magic and Lani knows a shit-ton of self-defence. They can be badass together too!” Sam adds, her eyes squeezing shut and a grin splitting her face.

The two of us continued to giggle, squeal, and obsess over the imaginary relationship between Thulani and Dipika until Dean started the lesson.

Pulling our items out of our backpacks, we sat up straight at the sound of Dean’s commanding voice.

“Good morning, class!” Dean grinned, eyes scanning over the entire class and their expression. I had a wide smile on my face, waiting for Dean’s eyes to meet mine.

They skimmed closer and closer before skimming down and up, completely avoiding my eyes. I blinked, my smile dropping as bubbling excitement was replaced with confusion.

What was that?

I shook my head, removing the thought, rolling back my shoulders back and placing another smile on my lips. It’s fine. It is all fine.

"Now, I know that I have been an angel of a teacher, rarely giving you tests and no projects." He starts, pacing in front of our seats with a small smile on his smooth lips. "But, we will, unfortunately, have to have a project for this unit about vampires. Because this is the first project of the year, I'll go easy on you and make it a pair project. I'll even give you the chance to choose your partner."


With that last phrase, Dean had to pause to not be spoken over. At one moment, dozens of conversations took place as friends and loners tried to find who their partner would be. Dean gave them a moment to talk and get their excitement out before he silenced the room. All he had to do was raise his hand and soon the room was silent again.

"I do have to warn you, if you pick a friend or a partner that won't do their work or if both of you are the type not to do so, then I wish you luck with getting a passing grade." The mood around the room fell a bit, but we all quickly snapped out of it. Those who knew who they were were too excited to do anything about it or take the advice. It would show in the projects, I guess.

Dean walked back to his seat, letting the conversation continue behind him until he was sitting down comfortably in his chair.

“I will be going down the list of names and asking you about who your partner is. Once you have one, you will choose which type of vampire you will be doing your project on. Because each type has very distinct differences, it is important that you research properly and don’t give me another type of vampire’s information.” He announced, sliding on a pair of sexy glasses and bringing a paper in front of himself. “Alright, Kaitlyn, who’s your partner?”

And the list continued, name after name being called and that and their partner’s name being crossed off the list. I sat up straight, mentally preparing myself for one form of public speaking when my name was next on the list.

Dean looked up, his eyes momentarily landing on me before quickly moving to Sam.

“Samantha, who is your partner?” My mouth actually fell open when Dean asked Samantha instead of me. He was avoiding speaking to me. Why?

Samantha looked up, slightly startled, and glanced between Dean and I. She was just as confused as I am but bit her lip and spoke anyway.

“Uh, Sebastian, Mr. McCain.” She told him, still looking between him and I.

Dean nodded and went to cross off our names. He also asked her what type we wanted and after we chose, he quickly moved onto the next name.

Sam looked at me and I could practically feel the question that she desperately wanted to ask.

What’s going on?

“I don’t know.” I verbally replied despite the fact that she hadn’t actually asked. Sam was not surprised by the fact that I knew what she wanted to ask, instead, she simply nodded and otherwise avoided the subject.

While I did wish that we could talk about it so I could have a better idea about what was happening, I understood. It is my relationship and my problem so it is my job to figure it out with Dean.

That would have to wait, though. Right now, the two of us needed to organize how we would handle this project as quickly and efficiently as possible.

I kept glancing over at Dean as I worked. I couldn’t help it. He was not only my boyfriend but my mate. But, the desire was amplified by every instance that I did so and he was not looking back.

What was that about?

Sam and I ended up making good progress and by the time that the bell rang, we were feeling confident about our project. Sam quickly made her way to the door while I walked up to Dean’s desk.


I was fairly close when he looked up and for the first time today, met my eyes. The discovery was disappointing, though, because he quickly frowned and shook his head. He didn’t want me to talk to him?

I nodded solemnly, leaving the room as calmly as possible. None of the students in this classroom or Dean could know how sad or boiling mad I was. I would keep it contained and nurtured wonderfully so I would release it all on Dean when it was time.

With that happy thought, I found myself smiling as I exited the classroom. The promise of vengeance always calmed me down.


Harvey and Warlo were cackling happily, eyes fixed on an upset but still playful Lani. Now, barely a day after their fight, Lani and Harvey seemed to be on great terms once again.

It was nice to see that they were able to get over these type of arguments easily. It was really tense among the group when anyone was fighting and the two were much happier now that everything was back to normal --for the most part anyway.

The seven of us were gathered at our regular spot outside and sitting down on the soft grass, talking, laughing, and relaxing after another busy day at Calfuray Academy.

Harvey and Warlo were tag-teaming it as they teased Lani who, honestly, was taking it pretty well. Dipi was with us this time and along with her, Nick, Sam, and I were all laughing behind our hands and watching it unfold quietly.

Eventually, they eased up on him and moved the subject along. As we all continued to talk, Sam suddenly stood up, running over to Harvey and bending over at the hips in front of him. She was picking out some small thing from his hair with a soft smile on her lips.

We continued to talk while she did so but I eventually stopped when I saw a deep red blush growing on Harvey’s cheeks, nose, and ears.

I leaned to the left a bit to get a better look at what was going on and sighed with a warm smile on my face when I saw it. Sam was wearing a loose t-shirt with a low neck so, with the way that she bent over, Harvey could perfectly see not only her bra but her breast in great detail.

Poor guy, I think with a chuckle before quickly backtracking. Never mind, he is hella lucky.

Sam finally stands up, after clearing all of the little things from Harvey’s hair, and Harvey lets out a deep, relieved sigh. Sam turns to walk away but Warlo stops her. He points to a spot of ground next to Harvey before hitting the ground that separates himself from the Polar Bear shifter.

“Why don’t you just sit on the other side of Harvey?” He suggests, a happily clueless smile on his slightly cool-toned skin. “There is no one there anyway.”

Sam looks at Harvey, a silent look of permission in her eyes. Harvey, reluctantly might I add, nods and Sam gives him a wide smile before sitting down. Her left thigh rubs against Harvey and I watch as he tightly shuts his eyes and clenches his fists. To stop himself from doing what, I don’t know. Either way, I am enjoying his struggle a lot.

“What do you think, Sebastian?” Someone asks, pulling me away from my silent staring and analyzing and back into the conversation.

“What?” I ask, turning away from Harvey and Sam to see Nick looking at me expectantly.

“Do you agree that Adidas is better than Nike or not?” He repeats, his wide and questioning.

“You probably don’t want to ask him-” Dipi tries to say, only to be interrupted by Warlo.

“No, you are just trying to avoid him because he will agree with me.” Warlo argues with strong conviction. “What do you think, Sebastian?”

I look between all of their faces, sighing at the reactions I will inevitably receive.

“I am actually more of a Puma guy-” I try to say, only to be cut off by the loud ‘ew’s that erupted around the group. Dipi was laughing smugly, already knowing this fact about me but the rest of our friends were either disgusted or dying from shock. I simply shocked, already very used to these reactions.

The moment was interrupted when a large flash went off right above our heads. All of our attention was focused on it, squinting as we struggled to figure out what it was. Soon it came closer and more visible to our eyes, and clearly quite huge.

“What is that?” Sam asked aloud, her question going unanswered as the rest of us were still confused.

Then, Nick, Dipi, and I quickly stood up, the first to recognize it as what it was, a magic explosion.

This could occur when someone exhausted more magic than containable and accidentally released an explosive ball of magic. It could be quite dangerous if not contained by another person with magic.

But with so many people on campus who could, it is rarely a problem. Now, though, with it quickly falling towards us, we were starting to realize that we would have to deal with it ourselves.

“Do you know how to contain it?” Nick asked, having to raise his voice since the quickly approaching magic was loud as well.

“Yes, I do.” Dipika told us, allowing us to relax. “But, I am not powerful enough to do it.”

A wave of panic swept across our group before all eyes were suddenly on me. In the heat of the moment, I took the sudden responsibility and tuned to my sister with narrowed eyes.

“What do I need to do?” I asked, my voice now serious and focused. Dipi did not reply, instead mentally sharing the memorized spell to me. I lowered my eyes, gaze now set on the ground and hands moving swiftly.

“You guys better get to the ground and fast.” I mutter through a rough voice, my mind already focused on the spell. Most of them fall to the ground and cover their heads with their hands. But since Harvey and Sam were the furthest from me, they did not hear the command and continued to stare at the ball of light and my now sure movements.

They probably weren't told either because everyone's eyes were either kept on the ground or shut tight. I did not have time to check, though, because I was already deep into the more advanced spell.

I began to speak the chant, allowing a ball of darkness to grow and fold between my moving hands. The ball was getting extremely close now and I started to chant louder and move my hands faster than ever before.

I could feel the panic growing in those around me but swiftly ignored it since I was confident. I was confident because I could feel that it was now ready. I looked up, finding that the ball was right above us and threw the large blanket of darkness at it.

While it seemed silly and elementary, the blanket of dark energy calmed down the ball of light energy, balancing it out and causing it to explode in a calm and non-destructive way.

A large wave of energy washed over us, causing the three of us who were still standing to stumble and push our friends who were on the ground a bit further into the grass.

From my new position on the ground, I looked up to find out how Sam and Harvey had fared. What I saw actually shocked me.

Harvey was laying on the ground with his back to the ground, his face shielded by a curtain of thick red hair. Sam was laying on top of him, her legs off to the side, but her stomach and chest pressed against his. Her arms were on both sides of his head, elbows pressed to the ground were her hair still stroked the grass. She was probably keeping her face from being pressed against his as well but I could not see it due to her curtain of hair.

My eyebrows were to my hairline at the scene that the two of them made.

This will be great for laughs later.

Then, a loud growl rang out through the clearing. It vibrated our bodies and slightly hurt our ears, alerting us that there was something powerful nearby, among us. After releasing that loud sound, Harvey used his large Polar Bear hand to pull Sam’s hair off of the grass and to the back of her head. It gives me and everyone else a perfect view of his next action. Harvey, with that same hand, pulled Sam’s head down and held it there as he started to give her a long, languid kiss.

My jaw drops, a visual representation of my surprise. Warlo is the first person to lift his head since the magic explosion was finally taken care of. His face quickly morphs into one of shock and he starts to lose his shit right before my eyes. Lani looks up next, his eyes widening, and then turns to me with a questioning expression. I can only shrug in response. I am still not sure why it happened, but I am not complaining.

Then, Nick looks up, and the only way I can describe his reaction is a display of complete and utter shock. He has no idea what to do with his limbs and then decides to tuck them all under his body the best that he can.

Harvey had then deepened the kiss and with the way that the two’s heads were moving and breaths panting out, I could not describe it as languid anymore. It was deep and passionate and I did not want to watch it anymore. Dipi looked up casually, turning around only to gasp when her eyes catch sight of Sam and Harvey making out on the grass.

“Holy crap!” She yells, shocking the two out of their moment. Sam jumps, as if literally shocked by electricity, and leaps off of Harvey.

She begins to sputter, words jumbled and incoherent before she sets her sights of Harvey.

“You, you-” She begins, face heating up and eyes growing more upset with each second that passes. “YOU ASSHOLE!”

A loud, resounding smack is heard before Sam marches off and into the school. Harvey slowly raised up a hand, the same hand he used to push back Sam’s hair and kiss her, now using it to cup his red bruising cheek.

“That was a powerful hit.” Harvey chuckles, likely in shock. “It might leave a handprint bruise with fingerprints and all.”

Harvey was laughing all by his lonesome while the rest of us watch in shock.

“What the fuck just happened?!” We all turned to Warlo who was now standing up after he yelled out his question. Harvey is no longer laughing, his eyes now focused on the grass next to him.

We all waited eagerly but quietly. While some of us suspected that there was something between the two of them, we never expected this to happen, let alone Sam's following reaction. What was really going on?

Harvey quickly answers our unspoken question.

“Sam is my mate.” He states seriously, no smile on his pale face. “And she doesn’t even know.”

That dropped the mood real quick, and only one thought was on everyone’s minds.

What the fuck were we going to do now?


Hee, hee, hee.

Oh, these side ships are starting to get really fun.

I hope you guys aren’t too upset about having to wait for a month for this update.

I mean, you should have done it before anyway.

At least, this Chapter was hella long, so it should have satisfied your parched souls.

Anygay, let’s get to the good stuff.

A LOT happened in this Chapter.

What are your thoughts about:





My writing skills?????

Jk about that last one. You can share if you want, though.

This Chapter has kind of revived me, though. Maybe I can write faster for the next one.

I guess we’ll see.


Thank you for all the support I have been getting. This has to be my most popular ongoing book and I am so glad that you all are still enjoying it and supporting it.


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