《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 33


Chapter 33: Why Did You Laugh?

I jumped in my seat, my heart thumping wildly from surprise, and turned to the voice. “Would you like to come down to planet earth long enough to answer my question?”

The other students in the classroom giggled, chuckled, and snorted at the sweet tone in their teacher's voice. A few had some empathy for me because they had experienced some similar embarrassment, but most just took great amusement from my position.

“Uh, yeah. What was your question?” I asked sleepily, my mind not fully there. Ms. Dovermal rolled her eyes and I heard a few more laughs before she finally repeated her question. I glanced at the board and felt my heart ease a bit when I was reminded of the answer.

“There were 47 of them Ms. Dovermal.” I said, a grin slowly coming on to my face when I saw the slight dejection on my Magic 101 teacher’s face. I had gotten it right.

“Very good.” She bit out, releasing a breath and looking back up with an easier smile. “Then I won’t have to explain who Jacqueline Moris was and why recapping that question was important for your test in two weeks.”

My jaw dropped open and I gaped as I tried to come up with something to say.

“Pay attention.” She stated, giving me, and a few other students, harsh looks before she went back to teaching. I sighed, rubbing a hand against my temple.

The reason why I had been so dazed had been because of one person, one man. While we were still keeping it from others, we had been meeting as often as we could. Whether it be for several hours or a few minutes, we did the best we could to see each other. We also finally exchanged phone numbers and unlike my first few months of being here, I am now constantly carrying my phone in case he messaged me.

I knew I was acting ridiculous, but it felt nice to finally be in the honeymoon stage with my boyfriend, my mate. We hadn’t yet talked about that aspect of our relationship or what we were going to do about, but simply having him around was enough.

Class went on for another 20 minutes before she assigned the homework and let us pack up before the bell. I was putting my book into my bag when I heard my name called. I looked up and quickly realized that it was Ms. Dovermal.


Standing in front of her, I finally acknowledged the fact that my path down to her was probably awkward. But, I didn’t focus on it. With the way that she was looking at me, seeming awkward was certainly not important. The bell rang and the familiar thumping of feet as students raced out of the classroom did little to calm me.

Ms. Dovermal sat at her desk, silently going through her work as her students continued to file out of the classroom. I shuffled from foot to foot, unsure of what to do. She still hadn’t spoken to me but I couldn’t leave either. When the last person who planned to leave left, she finally looked up at me.

“Did you study magic in high school?” Ms. Dovermal asked, startling me slightly. In high school in most dimensions, they did not teach magic to those in high school. While some were naturally born with the ability to use it, it can be quite dangerous. Most spells are not allowed to be used in high schools and could be punished quite harshly. There were some students that were able to enroll in special programs that allowed them to learn spells earlier.

“No, I didn’t.” I told her truthfully. I felt my curiosity build when she looked confused. In my case, I was simply allowed to practice at home and got better at it. But, I never did anything extreme or advanced, but she clearly thought otherwise. “I did practice simpler spells at home though, that might have done something.”

Ms. Dovermal was already shaking her head before I finished.

“No, that can’t be it.” Her eyes were cast downwards and her brows were deeply furrowed as she thought. Finally, she sighed and looked up at me again. “Never the less, you are one of the most naturally talented students in any of my classes, Sebastian. Despite your occasional tendency to zone out in my class, your ability to naturally generate and pinpoint power is far beyond your years. When you are able to become specific in your control, you will be extraordinary.”

The heat in my cheeks seemed to have a heartbeat of its own. I was so embarrassed by her compliments and felt my shy side come out full force. Ms. Dovermal ignored my reaction and continued to speak.

“Are you planning on going into a magic centred career? Like mystic science or psychology?” She asked, staring at me intently. I shook my head, a small smile coming on to my face.


“No, I’m taking magic because I enjoy using it,” I explained gesturing around the room with a wide smile. “But, I plan on going into a species-centered career.”

Ms. Dovermal nodded, but she didn’t seem happy.

“Sebastian, I think that you should seriously consider it. You are a great magic user, I would hate for your talent to go to waste.” Ms. Dovermal then stood up before handing me a thick pamphlet. “Just think about it.”

I glanced down at the pamphlet. “Magic Centered Professions”. A soft frown marred my features. I had decided what I would do with my life years ago, having a teacher suddenly pushing me in a different direction didn’t help me to feel secure in my decision.

“Thank you.” I said, forcing a smile before I left.


I sighed, laying back into the couch. An arm carefully went around my shoulder and pulled me into a built chest. I smiled. This is how I should always react after a homework filled day. His chest vibrated with a laugh and I felt his hand grip my shoulder tighter. The Kevin Heart video playing on the screen was right up his sense of humour alley. And, when I didn’t find a joke funny, I still ended up laughing due to Dean’s reaction.

I had just walked out of the bathroom, having taken a shower after I finished all of my homework when I had gotten a phone call. Dean wanted me to go over to his place and I was bubbling with excitement. I had never yet been but it seemed like another important step in our relationship.

We had a little evening snack of stir fry and rice, my boyfriend is a really good cook, before settling down into the couch to watch some comedy videos. The videos would have been funny enough, but the warmth radiating off of his body and sinking into mine made it a thousand times better.

When the video ended and both of our stomachs were sore from laughing, I took a second to look up at Dean again. His eyes were surprisingly, already on me and he sent me a warm happy smile.

Our eyes stayed locked and after a few moments, I found him leaning down. Our lips met gently, moving softly against each other. My hand went into his soft hair and I couldn’t keep back my smile when he nibbled on my bottom lip.

I tried to stay focused on the actual kiss, but I was soon giggling and laughing too much to keep my lips pressed against his. I could see Dean’s slight irritation through my squinting eyes but I still couldn’t stop laughing. When I finally calmed down, I saw that he was actually smiling. He was clearly still a bit irritated but not upset.

“Why did you have to laugh?” He asked a pout appear on his rosy lips. I giggled, leaning up to give him a light peck on the lips.

“I don’t know. I’m sorry.” I apologized, giving him my best wide-eyed look. He waved off my apology and internally celebrated. I rested my head against his chest and he took the opportunity to wrap his arms around me.

A thought came to mind. Despite how embarrassing it was, I was too curious to not ask.

“Dean?” I took the hum that he let out as a “yes?”. “Am I . . . do you think that I am a good student? Like, I could really go into a Species centred career?”

I felt myself being moved before Dean was pulling me away from his chest and holding me in front of him.

“Is everything alright?” He asked, his expression serious and still extremely sexy. I gave him a small smile, nodding. He sighed deeply, clearly not believing me. “Yes, of course, you are. Sebastian, I think that you could probably do just about anything that you wanted with your life. If you want to be someone versed in the species, then do it. I will support you, alright?”

I beamed and nodded.

“Alright.” We both relaxed again, staring at the dark TV screen and feeling no desire to do anything about it. My eyes fell closed but after a few seconds, they shot open again. “Actually, Dean. I think that I want to tell my friends about us.”

Dean tensed momentarily before relaxing again.

“You trust them?”


I looked up at Dean from my position on my chest and found him humming with a small smile.

“Then I’ll trust them.” He lent down and pressed a firm kiss against my forehead.



Sorry that it has been almost a month since the last Chapter. I was focusing on finishing my book No Control, which is now completed so go check it out, and I was really busy so I kept pushing this back.

What did you think of this Chapter?

I really do have the energy or mental capacity to come up with more questions.


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