《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 27


Chapter 27: AA = Awkward Angry

They could barely stop themselves from storming me with questions over my sudden change of mood after meeting with my, now ex, boo.

But instead of doing that, they simply offered me quiet and otherwise silent comfort, which I greatly appreciated.

Something about being smothered with affection at times was too much, especially in particularly bad moods. So the way that they treated me was perfect

Until the morning came.

Spending well over an hour avoiding their questions and trying to curb my seemingly permanent irritation was not fun. But few things were fun when you have just had a fight with your . . . boyfriend? Mate?

I'm not very sure of what to call him, I just know that I am angry with him, and I want him to suffer too.

Unfortunately, I couldn't tell my friends about that. I wasn't completely sure about the school's policy towards teachers dating students and I also was not sure of how our relationship might affect Dean's career.

I didn't consider my friends to be the total gossip types, but I still had more to learn about them. If they thought that spilling our relationship tea would protect me from being used by an older man, they would certainly do that too.

Plus, I was raging mad at the guy and didn't want him to have the blessing of being proclaimed as my man.

That was too good for him right now.

But my friends and sister sure were persistent. Talk about awkward when the subject of the conversation refuses to speak a single word once "last night with 'bae'" or "Dean" is brought up.

They simply assume it was because it had to do with relationships in general and I was not going to correct them.

Packing up my stuff in Magic 101, I can feel the presence of my teacher lurking close by. I somehow am able to keep my body relaxed and open when I turn around, despite my urge to shrink away from the woman.

When I see her serious eyes and hard expression, I assume that my act worked.


"Mr. Terrenova," She starts, her chin high and her eyes calm. "You have performed fairly well in class today."

My eyebrows shoot to my hairline in surprise. A compliment? Is that what I am hearing?

My cheeks warm the slightest bit and a duck my head.

"Thank you Ms. Dovermal-"

At my response, she raises her left hand as a symbol to shut me up. When I do so, she lowers it again and starts to speak.

"Sebastian, your performance is usually spectacular or at least amazing. 'Fairly well' is not your norm." She explains. Her voice blunt and to the point. "You need to figure out why you are completing your spells like this again and fix it. My advice? Figure out your relationships first. Knowing you, it wouldn't surprise me if it was a lovers spat."

My mouth was hanging open at what I thought would be the last of her comments until she tilts her head and narrows her eyes at me.

"By the way, Mr. Terranova. If you want to appear unafraid of me, then please do it convincingly. You looked like a chihuahua trying to find a husky."

With that, Ms. Dovermal then walked away, and I was left confused and even more upset than before. Is it that obvious that Dean was affecting me? Is his control over my emotions so strong that he messed up my performance in class?

Looking around and seeing how quickly those around me averted their eyes because they had been listening gave me my answer.

Yes, yes it was.

I growled under my breath and quickly finished packing up my things before stroking out of the class. Whether it was true or not, I didn't want to be in there anymore. The sooner I got out, the happier I would be.


Sitting next to Sam was, like everything thing else that day would be, awkward. Sam clearly wanted to talk and have a lively conversation as usual, but I was irritated and hesitant to talk to her in case she managed to get me to spill on my problems.


So, sensing my mood, Sam was careful with her conversation topics, and our conversation as a whole was strained and forced.

When Dean stood up after the bell rang to start class, I breathed a sigh of relief. But that relief quickly vanished when I remembered that I would be spending the rest of class listening to him speak.

A soft frown painted my features and it did not go unnoticed by Sam or Dean. Sam was a student, so she could do little to help as class was going on, but Dean tried his best.

His relaxed, well-received jokes came more frequently and were funnier than usual. He took extra time to describe the topics in a way that made them seem poetic. And many a time, his words did not seem directed to the subject, but to a lover.

My frown deepened.

Sam and some other students were a bit confused.

Dean slyly being romantic now was not going to work. I made sure that it wouldn't work. I was angry, upset, and insulted. As long as I felt these emotions, Dean would feel my rejection.

The class itself, despite all of the distractions that Dean brought, was still very educational. I had plenty of notes from it. It was almost upsetting to have to admit to myself that the class was good, great even.

Dean was an incredible teacher, and even I couldn't take that away from him.

Dean glanced at the clock on the far wall, seemed to tire of reading it, and pulled out his watch to see the time up close.

"Alright. Class is about to end so everyone, start packing up your things to leave for your next class. I will start taking any questions now."

Most of the students in the room went to pack up their things but a few went straight to his desk, probably to ask questions. There was still a chance, though, that they were also there to flirt. So, I wasn't surprised to see that the first three people were shooed away immediately.

My mate is a sexy bastard.

I chuckled at the thought but soon sobered up when I realized what it meant.

I sped up my process, packing up my things far more forcefully than needed in my rush to leave.

As I walked out from behind the table and into the aisle, I noticed Sam raising her hand to get my attention. When I turned back to her she speedily rushed to my side and gave me a concerned look.

"Sebastian, are you alright? You were acting oddly during lunch but even more so just now." She told me, her worry leaking heavily out of her voice.

I bit my lip and turned away from Sam, unable to immediately come up with an excuse.

Sam continued to stare at the side of my head while I avoided her eyes. Then she hummed softly under her breath.

"Is it . . . Is it because of Dr. McCai-" The bell suddenly rang and I was the first person to start moving and managed to be the third out of class.

I knew that Sam was probably confused, and Dean was probably a little disappointed that I wouldn't be talking to him.

But I was happy to get away and raced towards Mr. McCain's class, some of the first hints of a smile gracing my features because I was saved by the bell.



Happy New Years!

How are all of you in 2019?

I'm doing pretty well and feel good now that I have updated this book.

Did you like Sebastian's more pouty, vengeful side?

Or, did you want to give him the hearty smack of common sense?

I'm a bit of both, to be honest.

And, how do you think Dean will handle this situation?

I feel like there is still so much to learn about the immortal man so it will be a bit of a guess.


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