《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 26


(A/N: Dean McCain Up Top)

Chapter 26: Explain!

My eyes shot open, simply because of my shock and surprise over the entire situation. I finally knew why I was also so drawn to Mystery Man, he was my soulmate.

But I was met with an even bigger shock than before when I took in who I was looking at.

"Dean . . . " My voice broke off. I covered my mouth with my hand and shook my head. "How could you?"

Dean McCain was my mate.

He reached out a hand to touch my cheek but I swatted it away. I stood up and walked away from the rock, creating distance between Dean and I.

Dean slowly lowered his hand as I glared darkly at him.

"Sebastian, I didn't-"

"You didn't what? Try to lie to me? Attempt to keep your identity a secret even though we became friends? Play with my trust and disregard all of my feelings?! Tell me that you didn't do any of that, tell me! Give me another huge lie and tell me!"

I turned to head back to the dorms but Dean rushed over to grab my arm. I threw the offending body part off of me again and turned to find him looking at me with even more desperation.

"Sebastian, please listen to me." Dean pleaded, biting his lips harshly as he gave me desperate eyes.

I crossed my arms and scowled at Dean's pretty face.

"Give me one good reason, Dean. Because right now it is getting hard for me to find one." I challenged him, raising my chin smugly when he paused.

Dean stared at the ground before looking back up at me, his bright eyes shocking my body.

"Because we are mates, and whether you like it or not, we completed a bond that can't be broken, at least not right now."

I blinked up at the taller man, my mind repeating the word repeatedly in my mind.

Mates, mates, mates, mates . . .

My true mate is Dean, I am mated to Dean.


A pleasurable flatter went through my chest and down my body until it reached my crotch. My lower belly tightened and my back clenched in response. Gritting my teeth, I pushed the happy thoughts away and focused on the anger, I was mated to a guy that had played me for a fool, I needed answers.

"Explain then, I think at this point I should know, right?" Dean winced at the barely contained venom in my voice before.

"I . . . I have dated only three people in my lifetime, but I have gone on far more dates. Growing up in the predominantly human realm, dating was very popular and normalized and I fell into that idea as well."

"But as a sort of prodigy or genius, people often became interested in me because they were interested in my future. They started dating me because they wanted what I could give them. The moment I was granted immortality for myself and a future partner, even more people wanted me. Strangers, recent exes, people that I hadn't heard from in years suddenly wondered how I was doing. Wanted to know if I was in town and if we could hang out. My second relationship was with a guy, and I found out after dating him for seven months that he started dating me for my immortality, and he was still seeing other men on the side."

Dean turned to look away from me, his eyes focusing on the fall leaves crushed under his foot.

"I've lost some trust in people Sebastian. I wanted to trust you too so I made sure that you didn't know who I am."

I lowered my eyes and chewed my inner cheek in thought, how do I respond to all of that?

"Why did you keep yourself hidden even when we became friends?" I asked softly, staying strong even when his gaze returned to me.

Dean took a hesitant step towards me and sighed in relief when I didn't step back.

"Sebastian, I honestly didn't know you that well. Although I wanted to believe that you had the best intentions for being my friend in the first place, it wouldn't be the first time that someone who seemed genuine wasn't."


"And after that," I continued on. "After you already encourage my affection for you in these woods. Why wouldn't you tell me then?"

Dean winced and sighed heavily.

"That was the reason that I wanted us to wait to be official, I wanted to wait and see if you would be with other people because you didn't know who I was."

My mouth dropped open in disbelief and I felt my eyes flare with anger.

"And by other people, you meant yourself. You thought that I would be with you in the woods then pursue the famous Dr. Dean McCain at the same time." I whispered, barely able to believe what I understood to be true. Barely able to believe how low of a person Dean saw me to be.

Dean opened his mouth to protest but closed it when he couldn't deny it. My eyes widened before they narrowed even further at the man in front of me.

"Was that why you were acting so odd when we went out? Because you were trying to make me go after you?"

Dean's only reply was a nod, so I turned back around.

"Wait- Sebastian!" I ignored Dean's yell, my feet speeding up and moving me further away from the waterfall. Further away from where it all began. "Come on, Sebastian, please!"

When I heard Dean start to run, I didn't give him the satisfaction of realizing how upset I was. I kept my pace and allowed him to catch up to me while his breath came out in short, quick puffs.

He came to stand in front of me and I stopped to glare at him and his flushed.

Why does he have to look so effortlessly handsome?

"We can't just leave things like this. We have to talk about it." Dean reasoned, trying to use logic in hopes of convincing me to listen. But I shook my head in regards to his reason.

"Actually, we can leave things like this and we don't have to talk at all." I insisted before taking a few steps back from Dean. "If you really wanted to talk about things, you would have started by talking about the truth before I saw for myself."

The guilt was clear and strong in Dean's expression. Seeing it so clearly bothering him almost made me want to give in, make him happy. But I wouldn't, not until I felt as if I could fully forgive him for what he did and how he played me out of fear. Even out of fear, he should have known better.

"I'll see you around Dr. McCain." The last thing I saw was his look of shock and wide eyes before I was standing in front of a relaxed Warlo.

Warlo did not even notice that I was there so I turned my gaze from my friend to the door leading to our balcony. I found myself slowly walking towards it and then I was finally standing in front of the floor to ceiling glass, taking in the beauty of the waterfall.

My eyes started to burn, and eventually, I felt a single tear slide down my cheek. Following it, were many more, and eventually, I was crying. Again.

The beauty of the waterfall seemed to be tainted by my emotions, by my anger. Anger that did not seem to be leaving any time soon. Anger that also came from a place of hurt and pain.

Anger, that led me to curl up under my covers and spend the rest of the evening releasing silent tears onto my pillow before I fell asleep.


Hey everyone!

I am so sorry that I haven't updated for this long. First exams, then the rush of freedom of a break.

Aka. I was a slacking

So, incredibly sorry guys.


Yes, I call them chappie sometimes, just answer the question.

Oooooh, the tea is heating up guys!


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