《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 25


Chapter 25: Connection

Although I told all of my friends that there was nothing going on, I still found myself to be more conscious of him than usual. Altogether, Dean was pretty normal though.

He made his usual types of jokes, somehow getting the class to laugh every time, he taught the subject clearly and helped us review for our upcoming test. But, he met my eyes more, much more actually. And for some reason, my cheeks started to heat up as he did so. I'm not sure why, but somehow, his behaviour started to really affect me.

I shook my head as I thought back on my previous class. I shouldn't be thinking about Dean while I am sitting in his brother's class. I should focus. I looked back up to the board to find the older McCain brother peering up at the class.

"Sebastian," He suddenly boomed, startling me into jumping in my seat. I looked back at him with wide eyes and nodded. "Tell me why ancient theologists thought that male shifter slick was a gift from the gods."

I blinked slowly.

Oh god, did I forget? I bit my lip harshly and stared down at the table. Think think think . . . Oh!

"Uh, was it because, for about 200 years before, the male shifters showed no signs of being able to carry a child after the magic-induced continental drift?" Mr. McCain nodded with a small, pleased smile. I sighed in relief and sank back into my seat.

"Yes, that is exactly it. Good job." He gave me a small before turning back to the class. "For the rest of you who were zoning out like Sebastian here, I hope that you start paying attention or else you won't be as lucky as Sebastian to know the answer to the question that I ask you."

I felt my cheeks warmed and tried to sink into my seat further. So I answered the question correctly, yet I was still embarrassed. I really couldn't win now, could I?

Mr. McCain didn't make me another public example so the rest of class was alright. It was a bit harder to pay attention at times because the class was basically a history class on the different species, but I plowed through and kept myself awake.

But, there were some interesting parts to the class, honestly. If I stopped thinking about all the different names that I had to remember and focused on the interesting things that they did, I could enjoy myself. I was just not going to do that today.

"It looks like class is about to end soon so for homework tonight, I want you to read from page 34 to 44 in the animal species textbook and answer the guided questions that they have on each page-" Mr. McCain was interrupted by the ringing of the bell and sighed as everyone quickly started to pack up. "Remember, page 34 to 44 including the guided questions. I'll be checking it tomorrow!"


Almost half of the class was gone by the time he repeated himself and the rest were barely listening. I chuckled under my breath at the put-off expression on our teacher's face before I continued to pack up.

Mr. McCain, the older of the two brothers, wasn't very good at hiding his annoyance. He could certainly be patient, but one knew when he was starting to get frustrated, and I enjoyed that a lot in terms of amusement while in his class.

Not to say that he was boring but as I said before . . . his class is kind of like a history class. I can still get those grades and make it rain straight A's if you know what I mean, but I am just not the biggest fan of history classes.

Now, that said Mr. McCain's gaze did linger on me as I was leaving his class. Whether that was because I answered his question correctly after zoning out, was a student that was mentioned by his brother a lot, or was just plain fine, I couldn't tell. I had no idea if the older McCain, Jason I think, even knew about how much I talked to his brother, so one of those possibilities might be out of the question. Either way, the look caused some curiosity but I wouldn't find out today because I was going to see my, kind of, boyfriend!

Just a couple more classes I thought to myself. Then I will finish my homework and finally see him.


"Sebastian." He hummed, pulling me against his firm body. "Sebastian."

My cheeks heated when I heard his voice and felt his body. My name had rolled off of his tongue with a sexy husk and that paired with the feelings of his muscles and soft skin was everything that I needed to feel my pants tightening.

"Your name," I sighed dramatically, deepening my voice and letting it go rough. "Your name."

I laughed and he chuckled while he swayed my body gently from my seat on the rock. A few moments passed with the two of us simply enjoying each other's presence and warmth. Something about Mystery Man was always made me feel comfortable. Whether it was his voice, his touch, his presence or even just the thought of him. Everything about him either made me feel calm or cause my heart to race. I was crazy about the man.

I was still thinking about how much I adored him when Mystery Man suddenly cleared his throat.

"Sebastian, can you close your eyes for a moment?" He asked gently. I nodded my head quickly and shut my eyes. What was he doing? I wondered briefly. Was he going to try and look at me from the front?


Mystery Man walked around my body and when he stood in front of me, paused for a few moments. Nothing was said and all I could hear was the soft sound of his breathing. Soon, the sound got louder and before I knew it, he was leaning in and kissing me.

My body jumped when his lips touched mine. Like before, they were soft, supple, and warm. His arms slowly snaked around my waist before pushing me into him. Without a moment's hesitation, I relaxed into him, sighing softly into the kiss.

The kiss, which was slow at first, started to speed up with our intensity. I brought my hands up from where they had been placed on his shoulders and ran them through his hair. If either one of us had been paying attention, we would have realized that I could have used clues from his haircut to narrow down who he was, but we were too invested in the kiss.

The warmth that was constantly in my chest when I was around him, a regular sign of my affection towards mystery man, started to heat up. It got stronger and with it, my desire. Our kiss became frantic, our breaths deepening, and our mouths moving faster with every moment that passed.

He bit gently on my bottom lip and, taking it as a sign, I opened my mouth eagerly, allowing him access. I shivered and moaned out when I felt his smooth tongue slither into my mouth. Soon after our tongues started to swirl together, I let out a loud gasp. A shock went through my body and as it passed it left a tugging sensation as if my soul was drawing out of my body and into his.

We pulled apart slightly from surprise but were unable to leave any distance. We both stayed still as our body stayed stuck together by an invisible force. The shock passed and all that was left was the affection, love, and desire.

I always knew that those emotions were there but never recognized to be this strong. And then it hit me. We were mated.

I had a mate.

The idea of having a soul mate was regularly discussed but most people didn't dwell on it because we were taught that on average, there were about 1000 people on the earth that would be absolutely perfect for one person. But, out of those 1000, there was one that would be the best match.

Often times, a person will find someone in that general 1000 and they will have a blissfully happy relationship.

Finding a soulmate and having your souls connect was for most a rumoured experience that many didn't go through.

But I just did

And it was . . . wonderful.

My eyes shot open, simply because of my shock and surprise over the entire situation. I finally knew why I was also so drawn to Mystery Man, he was my soulmate.

But I was met with an even bigger shock than before when I took in who I was looking at.

His eyes were already open, he had been staring at me, his expression loving before it resolved into a panicked shock.

He had never planned to show me who he was today, but because of the mate bond, I was now seeing who he was all along.

I couldn't help the betrayed look that fell upon my face, or the tears that welled up in my eyes. My bottom lip wobbled and his expression soon turned guilty. He had caused this because he had lied to me.

He had caused this by keeping this from me. He had been so close to me, yet he never thought to tell me that he was the man I was dating.

"Dean . . . " My voice broke off. I covered my mouth with my hand and shook my head. "How could you?"

Dean McCain was my mate.



Drama time

What is up people?

Happy for the eventful update?

If so, comment

Sound off in the comments please, I want your words to come from a place deep in your heart where your fangirl emotions live.

Side note, the mate thing had been an idea that I had for this book the very first time that I thought about it, but I was kind of giving up on it for a while.

But suddenly had the urge to change the plot a bit and bring it back as I was writing the make-out scene,

Did it work?

Please tell me if the emotions in the scene or the way that their bond came up was too abrupt so I can edit.


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