《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 24


Chapter 24: He Likes You

I wanted everyone to stay as far away from me as possible before I was quickly surrounded by my friends. And there was no way that it wasn't going to happen. In just a few moments, every single on of them would be sitting at the table with me.

In 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .

Several footsteps came clattering over and before I knew it, the entire 'gang' was back together.

"Hey, Sebastian!" Sam chirped excitedly, grabbing her fork and eagerly digging into her breakfast. "How are you doing this fine morning?"

I peeked through a space underneath my hand to look at my friend. Her cheeks were puffed out from the food that she had stuffed in her mouth and her lips were a bright red. I smiled and pulled my hands off of my face.

"I would be doing much better if I didn't have to deal with all of your hounding this morning." I told them truthfully, picking up my fork so that I could start cutting into my waffles. I looked around the table before my gaze landed on Harvey. He was sitting next to Warlo but his eyes were fixated on Sam's lips. I smirked and looked back down at my food. "If you loved me, you would let me go."

Sam rolled her eyes and swallowed loudly. Lani scoffed and shook his head.

"Sebastian, you always have some drama going on. What types of friends would we be if we weren't around to always get the tea." Lani argued with a fake concerned look. "For the purposes of helping you, of course."

"Mmm . . . " I hummed sarcastically. "I totally believe you."

Dipi seemed to realize that I was in fact stalling and slammed her hand on the table. The rest of us jumped, not expecting the noise and especially not expecting it from my sister. Lani, like the rest of us, was staring at Dipi with wide eyes. Dipi turned and caught Lani's gaze before smirking and sending him a wink.

My eyes bulged out and I looked around to see if anyone else noticed that. Turns out everyone else had and when I looked at him again, Lani was blinking dumbly as he stared into nothing. Dipi had no idea of what she just did to that poor boy.


"Anyway, now that I have your attention, we can get down to what's actually important." Dipi bit out sassily before turning her entire body towards me. "What happened last night with the famous doctor Dean McCain?"

All eyes turned to me and there was absolutely nothing that I could do to avoid them now. I sighed heavily.

"Well, we went to play pool, like I told you." I started slowly, thinking about how I would tell them everything. "I have never played in my life so he had to teach me."

They were all nodding along to my story and listening carefully as I spoke.

"We played for several hours and it was really fun. He has a great sense of humor so we were making a lot of jokes and laughing a lot." I shrugged while going to eat more waffle. "That was pretty much it. It took a lot of energy out of me so that was why I came back tired."

They were taking my story well and when I finished, they sighed in disappointment.

"Really, that's it?" Nick asked in a whine. "That doesn't even make sense! Why would you get so tired after playing pool I- ah, wait! Didn't you mention something about him touching you a lot and that making you tired?"

I froze when everyone's eyes suddenly turned back to me.

"Sebastian . . . " Dipi started threateningly. "What is Nick talking about?"

I bit my bottom lip and tried to shy away from their stares.

"Didn't you guys watch the video that I sent you?" Warlo asked suddenly. "It was in there. Sebastian said that Dr. McCain had been accidentally touching him a lot and because he kept tensing up, his muscles got tired."

The rest of the table gasped loudly and I groaned under my breath. There was no way that I was going to get off the hook now. Warlo huffed softly and rolled his eyes.

"You guys really didn't watch it?" Warlo asked with a frown. "I went through so much trouble to record it and even more trouble waiting to get it uploaded." People at our table started to avoid eye contact with Warlo as he continues to get upset.

Lani looked especially sheepish while Sam seemed to barely be affected.


"I was going to watch it but it seemed so long and I wanted to watch some videos before bed." Thulani explained with an apologetic smile in Warlo's direction. Warlo continued to frown and after a moment, Sam decided to add on.

"Well, I think if it took so long to load, then maybe that was a sign that you should have cut it into multiple videos if you wanted us to watch it." Sam commented as she continued to eat her food.

A couple of us started to laugh at how unapologetic Sam looked and Warlo growled angrily.

"You all suck." Warlo bit out, eating some of his scrambled eggs to calm himself.

Harvey, who was sitting next to Warlo, started to rub Warlo's back a bit. Warlo shook him off and Harvey chuckled deeply. The sound reminded me of the fact that Harvey was a Polar Bear shifter and I smiled despite my situation.

"Ok, can we stop talking about the video? Sebastian was finally about to spill, you guys." Nick said impatiently. He seemed to be quite interested in me and a part of me wanted to slap him silly. I was so close to getting away without telling them but he kept ruining my plans. At this point, I was just tired. I wanted to just eat my food and get on with my day.

So I told them exactly what had happened. Everything from how Dean joked to the weird way that he acted. Every single detail. They were a lot quieter then I expected them to be as I did so, I never got interrupted, and they barely touched their food until I finished.

The first person to speak was, as usual, Dipika.

"Goodness, Sebastian." Dipi whistled loudly and shook her head with a small smile. I looked around the cafeteria frantically to see if any other table heard her. I turned back to Dipi to find her giving me a teasing smile. "You got the famous Dean McCain to be into you. I applaud your skills."

I frowned in confusion, shaking my head at her words.

"What are you talking about, Dipi? Why in the world would he like me?" I asked her, completely unconvinced. "He is famous, young, handsome, probably straight, and able to get any person that he could ever want. I am average at best."

The protest that arose from everyone around me was immediate and thundering. It would have been pretty funny if it wasn't all directed towards me because of how everyone looked. Since it was hard to get the attention of the entire table, most of the people speaking at one time would be trying to get the attention of someone next to them.

And, a lot of them would pick up on something that someone else said and, without realizing that they did so, repeat exactly what that person said to someone else because the agreed. Sometimes a couple of them would say the exact same thing in different ways to each other and try to prove their point to the other person, not realizing that they were saying the same thing. It was a total mess.

After about five minutes of them arguing against me, I got a general idea of what they were trying to say because it was repeated in so many different ways over and over again.

1: I am sexy as fuck, and I shouldn't doubt that

2: We can't confirm that he is straight and

3: He probably isn't because he is certainly into me.

Their compliments to my looks were quite nice but I didn't agree. Dean being into me seemed as far-fetched as it could get. Yet, a small part of me . . . actually agreed. But I don't think that I would be listening to that part of me or my friends. At least not for a very long time.


Hey, Guys!

What's up?

So I am currently at school, literally sitting in the canteen as I type this in. So I hope you that you appreciate the effort here.

I hope that you guys like this chapter but I really don't know so, comments are always nice.

I don't have the energy to ask you any questions so I will just say a few things.

Recently, I decided to properly confirm the species of all of the characters.

Sebastian is a magic-user, his sister is as well but their brother (Orlando's) magic is so weak that he is more of a human. Nick is a Feii, Warlo a Vampire, Harvey a Polar Bear Shifter, Sam an eagle shifter, and Thulani a regular human. Dean and his brother are humans as well

I hope that makes things clearer.


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