《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 23


Chapter 23: Late Hour Silliness

I looked up, expecting to see my roommates getting ready for bed or sleeping. But I was surprised to find them sitting on their beds, their phones up and pointed at me.

A light clinking noise went off on Nick's phone but Warlo's phone was still silent. I sighed and gave the two tired smiles.

"What are you doing?" I asked them tiredly, my voice stretched because of how drained I was. Warlo looked at me from above his phone before looking back at the screen without saying a word. Nick smirked and shrugged lazily.

"A better question is, why are you so tired?" Nick asked in return, eyeing me with judging eyes as I tiredly made my way over to our closet. I glanced at Nick from over my shoulder before turning the dial and opening the closet to the shoe closet version.

I was throwing my shoes in and taking off my coat when Nick sneaked up on me from behind. I hadn't seen him and was about to turn around when he yelled and grabbed my shoulders. Startled, I yelled as well and immediately after that I violently smacked Nick's arm.

Warlo was laughing energetically as I sighed. Nick frowned while rubbing his arm and biting his bottom lip.

"I had hoped that startling you would have given you more energy but you still look dead on your feet, Sebastian." Nick explained, hissing as he continued to rub his arm and walked back over to his own bed. "Gosh, you didn't have to hit me so hard. Why are you so strong?"

I sighed, for the thousandth time, and went over to my own bed.

"I'm sorry, Nick. I'm just worn out." I told him, rubbing my hands down my face. "It takes a lot more effort than you think to play pool with Dr. McCain."

Warlo and Nick turned to each other with confused looks before turning back to me.

"Why would it be tiring? Pool is pretty chill, right?" Nick asked, continuing to speak while Warlo didn't say a word. I shrugged while looking down at the floor.


"I think it is, but Dean was accidentally touching me a lot and I was tense for so much of the night that I started to get tired." I explained casually, smiling as I thought of what had happened barely half-an-hour ago. "Before I knew it, we were finished and my abs, thighs, and arms were sore."

Nick coughed and I looked at him questioningly. He shrugged and let out a small smile.

"It's nothing." He said, lose to laughter. I rolled my eyes with a huff and continued to stare at him. After a few moments, Nick finally caved and opened his mouth up again. "I'm . . . just surprised that you actually had abs in the first place. I thought that if they did ever exist, that they disappeared because of all the food that you love to eat."

My mouth dropped open because of the pure insult and in a matter of seconds, I had the nearest throw pillow flying through the air and hitting Nick right across the face. I smirked in satisfaction when Nick flopped down onto his bed because of the impact.

"No body-shaming, Nick. I do not approve of such things in this household." I scolded Nick, smiling when he nodded obediently. Warlo said a quiet "done" right after I heard a soft clink sound from his phone. I looked over at the taller boy and tilted my head when I saw him let out an exaggerated "phew".

"I'm so glad that I finished taking that video, I was dying to say something to the two of you guys." Warlo told us, sitting up in his chair as he put his phone down.

"What?" I asked sharply, my patience almost non-existent because of my body's state. Warlo smirked before picking up his phone again.

"The both of you are immature, it hurts to watch you argue." Nick took deep offence to that statement while I just rolled my eyes. It wasn't uncommon for Warlo to act as if the rest of us were immature when we fought, but Nick still took it personally every single time.


My eyebrows scrunched up when I remembered that the both of them had been taking videos of me, only in Warlo's ae, he continued to take it even as Nick and I were talking.

"Nick, Warlo, why were you guys taking photos of me?" I asked them, taking another one ofa the throw pillows on my bed and hugging it to my chest. Nick and Warlo shared a glance before Warlo started speaking.

"The rest of the group wanted to know how you would be right after your 'friend date' with Dr. McCain." Warlo explained nonchalantly, fiddling with his fingers as he spoke. "Nick only had to get the shot of you right when you entered and immediately send it to the group chat, while I had to get everything that was important for a good ten minutes."

I quickly pulled out my phone and checked our group chat, only to find that no one had posted a single thing on there in the past 5 hours.

"What group chat? I don't see a single thing about that in here." I told the two of them, turning my phone around to show them. Nick shook his head at me as if I were a child and sighed.

"We have a different group chat that you weren't invited into." Nick said with a bright smile that weighed heavily on my nerves. "It's called 'What happened now?' and it's for all of the gossip about you and your drama."

I gaped at the two of them , my mouth opening and closing repeatedly for a few times before I sighed in defeat.

"You guys suck." I muttered childishly, my arms crossed over my chest, as I climbed out of my bed. "I'm going to sleep." Warlo and Nick easily ignored my pouting and instead yelled at as I walked away.

"Be quick, Sebastian. You look like death!" Warlo called, snickering when I simply groaned in reply.

"Yeah, and don't forget that you are going to tell all of us everything that happened tomorrow. Okay, Sebastian?!" I ignored Nick's call and locked the bathroom door behind me. Sighing, I leaned against the door. I knew that I would have to spill all of the beans for my friends tomorrow. And, as usual, they wouldn't hesitate before giving me all of their lovely opinions.

I smirked to myself as I walked up to the toilet. Lovely opinions my ass. Trying to fight their peer pressure is like trying to fight my dad. Practically impossible, but still much easier than fighting my mom. I laughed and shook my head as I unzipped my pants to pee.

I feel like my thoughts just get dumber and dumber the more tired I am. And that was probably true, judging by the fact that I started to try to do patterns in the toilet bowl with my pee. When I had made three circles and my third flower, I realized that I was out of pee and went to wash my hands.

Hopefully, a good nights rest would get me back in a sane mindset.



Short time no see!

I am so glad that I got another Chapter up!

I'm sorry that it wasn't very eventful. I had planned for more to happen but this one scene just got away from me and before I knew it, I had reached a thousand words.


I would normally think that it is shady but knowing Sebastian's sister, she would probably be the first to show all of the screenshots if someone said anything nasty about her little brother.

I'm not going to ask how you guys think that Sebbs friends will react because I think we all know, but if you want to, feel free to share your thoughts here.


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