《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 21


Chapter 21: So, I'm Into Older Men Then

Although the two of us were not officially dating, for some pretty obvious reasons, we were more open with our feelings with each other and it felt as if we were dating. And I loved every moment of it.

I didn't know his name or what he looked like, but when we talked and could hold each other's hands, I knew how much he cared about me. He was so sweet and caring, listening to everything that I said so carefully. He also was also so cute he played with my fingers, it was if he couldn't get over the fact that the fingernails that he was holding were mine. I loved it. I loved every second of it. But that was the problem. I loved it all,

And I still didn't completely know who I was loving.

Only a week has passed since my mystery man gave me his conditions, yet it felt like an eternity.

But, that eternity had been so amazing . . .

"You seem really spaced out Sebastian." I heard someone say, breaking me out of my happy bubble. "Even more than normal you airhead, what's up?" I was confused for a moment before I remembered that I was at one of the tables in the library with Nick

Nick and I had gone to the library again to work and study because of how quiet and comfortable it was to do so in the library. The rest of our friends could have possibly joined us, none of them had wanted to stay quiet for the librarians. I looked up from the book that I was pretending to read and sighed.

"What's up, Nick is that I am in love with a guy that I don't know the name of, and it is bothering me more and more as time passes." I explained to him dejectedly before gasping in surprise. I had already told my friends that it was starting to bother me a lot that I didn't know who he was, but I had never said that I was in love with him out loud. Was I even in love or did I just like someone so much that I just called it love?

I went to correct myself but stopped when I saw the slow smile that came on to Nick's face.

"Don't take this the wrong way, Sebastian," He warned with a small smile. "But that is really cute."


I blushed and shook my head.

"Yeah, yeah." I waved off the compliment, avoiding Nick's eyes purely because of embarrassment. "Why, don't we get back to working, huh?" Nick smirked at me and I worried that he would continue to tease me, but he listened and soon we went back to our work, talking occasionally but leaving each other to our business. I loved all of my friends but one of the reasons that I really enjoyed studying with Nick was that he studied too, and let me study by myself if I wanted to. Nick was a very chill person, far from flamboyant and excessively out-going in any way. Which made how he had acted a little over a week ago seem like a complete anomaly compared to his regular attitude.

I reopened my book and started to read it instead of staring at the pages. Because it was a school book, it was quite boring, but I read it and time passed smoothly as Nick and I went through our school work.


I sat on my favourite rock, a soft smile adorning my face while I swayed on the firm surface. I was humming a song I had listened to earlier and, as many songs do, it had gotten stuck in my head. I was still humming and swaying when I felt two large hands grip on to both of my arms. I squealed in surprise and jumped up, hearing my mystery man laugh because of it.

I huffed and crossed my arms, my youngest child mentality popping up suddenly.

"Hey, hey. I was just teasing." He tried to say, wrapping his arms around me. Because I hadn't gotten any warning, I was able to see his forearms again. He was definitely white. I closed my eyes and tensed, hoping that he thought that I was still upset. I wasn't upset at all anymore but he couldn't know that. He leaned forward and hugged his whole body against my back. I was starting to relax when I suddenly felt his hands grip my waist and start tickling me.

"What?! Wait!" I screamed, laughing through my protests when he started tickling me harder. "No- ugh! This-" I stopped to laugh. "This isn't fair!" But he didn't stop. This went on for a few more moments before I surrendered and yelled, "Fine, I give up! I forgive you!"

He released his hands smoothly as if he hadn't just been torturing me.


"You are terrible." I grumbled, earning a chuckle from him. My bottom lip popped out without my consent and soon I was pouting.

"Don't pout like that Sebastian," He cooed loudly, sounding doting as if he were speaking to a puppy. "It makes you look even younger than you already are."

I frowned out of confusion, turning instinctively as if I were going to look at his face.

"What are you talking about? I thought that you were in the same grade as me." I wondered aloud, drawing a scoff from mystery man.

"No, certainly not. I am much older than you and the other freshman, by a lot." He seemed shocked, almost insulted that I would even suggest it.

"How old are you then?" I asked, hoping that he would accidentally give me more information.

"I'm-" He cut himself off and I sighed in disappointment. "That was smart, but I will not tell you my age." I snapped comically and sighed loudly.

"Oh, golly. I missed my Big. Chance!" I knew without having ever seen him that my mystery man was smiling and that made me want to smile too, so I did. Right until the moment that I went to bed.


The following day was, interesting. With the second hint of him being older than me, I found that my eyes would continually scan the faces of all -and I mean all- of the men around me. Hearing his age compared to mine made everything seem much more real. I always knew that my mystery man was on campus, but when he made the comment of clearly being older than me, it felt like I could actually see him soon, or I had already seen him. And that got me excited.

My eyes were now searching for a moderately tall and built white man with blond hair who was older than me. I got the tall trait of his from him being taller than me by a bit when we had hugged. I got the built by his muscles that I had been able to feel through his shirt that day and in his arms when he hugged me. And I got the blond and white from the two times that I was able to see his forearms. As the day passed, with me looking around for suitable males, and I kept finding more and more who fit the description but weren't . . . right, I realized that they were more of these types of guys than I expected.

The men were not bad looking at all though, most of them were pretty handsome, and I found that I actually liked how many of the tall white blond men that were older than me looked like at school.

Would you look at that, turns out I'm into older men.

It was especially funny to see that Dean was eyeing me oddly because of how much time I spent eyeing guys in the class that weren't him. I'm not sure if it were some friendship jealousy or what but he did seem grumpier to my great amusement. After his class ended and we had a short casual chat, I left for my next class. That class was with MR. McCain, still have to get used to that. When I strolled into class, my eyes immediately found all the tall blond white guys.

Needless to say, I was pretty distracted during class, I still did all of my homework, it just took me a ton longer because I was also searching for the love of my college, and possibly entire, life. I received a few weird looks from the occasional person who noticed my straying eyes and 1 look from one of the guys that I had been staring at. I stopped because my mystery man would have loved to see me staring.

Gosh, he made me too cocky.

After I looked at the 23rd guy who fit the qualifications but did not work, I realized that there was a small chance that I would figure out who he was anyway. So after leaving the older McCain's room, I gave up on my quest. And a part of me knew that Dean would actually be happy with this news.

Because for some reason the guy was . . . a bit possessive over me.


Hey everyone, are you happy to see this within a week?!

I am fixing up my life!

Not really

I am supposed to leave in the near future but there is no set date for that. I know, boring, my life is not that interesting.


A short survey for my reader's taste.

For those of you who have preferences, do you like taller or shorter?


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