《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 20


Chapter 20: Acting Differently

They all wore different expressions that seemed to mean the same things.You better tell us what happened Sebastian!

I just continued to stare at them and they started to get anxious.

"Well," Harvey blurted, his impatience getting to him. "What happened?!"

I winced and bit my lip.

Although it was because of my friends that I was able to get the chance to be with my mystery man, I had hoped to keep what happened from them a little bit longer. I knew that they wouldn't like what happened.

I looked away from the group towards the glass windows in the canteen and sighed when I saw the sun start to rise. It was Saturday morning and I thought that I could flee out of the school's dimension to get away before the group woke up but the moment I had sat down to have an extra early breakfast, they were all already waiting for the tea. I was completely trapped.

I looked back at the group and slumped in defeat.

"Fine. Sit down so I can get started." I told them as my final attempt to stall in any way that I could. It was very funny how quickly the group rushed into seats, eager to hear what I would tell them, and because it had been so cute, I told them everything.

The reactions were pretty close to what I expected, they were not happy with how my mystery man had treated me. There was a lot of time dedicated to teasing me over our kiss but once they were done they went right back to giving me advice. The advice varied drastically between each of them. Some of them suggested that I push the envelope to make him jealous while others said that I should force him to at least let me see what he looked like. Warlo was even ballsy enough to suggest that I simply break up with him. I shot Warlo down immediately though, I might do a lot of things but I would not break it off when I finally got the chance to be with the guy that I cared so much about.


When I did not seem willing to do what they all were suggesting, my friends slowly started to give up. When Dipi finally surrendered after fighting longer than anyone else, I had been so relieved. Fighting off all of my friends was harder than it seemed.

"Well, since we are all together already, why don't we go into the nearby city today?" Sam suggested with a relaxed smile.

Glancing around the table, it seemed like everyone thought that it was a pretty good idea.

"As long as you guys don't plan to shove your opinions down my throat the entire time that we're out, then I'm in." I laughed, earning a couple of glares and chuckles in return.

"Then let's go, I don't want to waste a second of precious freedom." Nick said, surprising us all by his eagerness and excitement while he stood up. Nick was rushing towards the doors before the rest of us could even stand up.

"He seems energetic." Thulani commented, watching Nick race out of the door.

I stared after Nick with drawn-together eyebrows.

That was definitely weird.


The weekend passed by way too quickly for my taste. Saturday had been great, we went to the nearby city and spent an excessive amount of time shopping and going into different shops.

Sunday was boardgames, we had to play in the communal room because students of one gender could not enter the other gender's dorm on weekends. But because of that, some people who we didn't know joined us because we were playing a game that they loved. It was pretty awesome. Not to mention that I met with mystery man Sunday night and we had kissed, twice.

If you want to know what it feels like to literally fly, you would have to kiss my mystery man. But now that I got my hands on him, I wouldn't et you have that opportunity for a long time.


I was whistling, honestly whistling, as I walked to my class with Mr-Dr. McCla- Dean! I was going to Dean's class.


I was so happy with how my weekend went that I was floating through the hall and into the classroom. Dean noticed me quickly and raised a brow when he noticed my blissed-out expression.

"What has you so happy, Sebastian?" He asked with a soft smile. I paused, startled by feeling all of his attention focused so strongly on me. I looked into his eyes and felt my heart jump.

Eff . . .

"I had a good weekend Dea- Dr! Dr. McClain, I had a very great weekend." I rushed out awkwardly, getting a laugh from Dean in return. He walked up to me with slow, confident steps. I didn't say a word while he did so, and he only wore a smile himself.

"That's good. What did you do?" He asked innocently while standing less than an arm's length from me now. Relaxed by his question, I started to tell him about what happened. The two of us talked until I had to go my own seat and he had to start class.

The class was fantastic as usual, Dean continued to talk about werewolves but he gave us the assignment that would end the unit. I still loved every second of it but the thing that was different than usual was Dean. He talked with his typical enthusiasm and such, but several times, my eyes met his own.

And no, I am not a creep who is always staring for odd reasons, I always look at the eyes of my teacher as they are speaking. But, for some reason, he kept looking back at him. We are pretty much friends at this point but he had never spent so much time looking my way. Why?

His eyes met mine again and he sent me a smile before turning back to the rest of the class and continuing to speak. I blushed before turning to Sam who had the same confused expression. And that expression seemed to say the same as mine.



Hello lovely people!

It is great to be speaking to you all again.

I'm sorry that it took this long for me to get another Chapter up, but this wasn't bad, right?

At least I hope that it wasn't bad.

I wonder if you guys have guessed what I came up with.

I really want to know.



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