《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 13


Chapter 13: Gosh, I'm An Idiot

I had one more class before I got to go to lunch, which was with the other McCain brother, and I wondered how I would be able to focus and do any work.

I walked through the door right as the bell rang and Mr. McCain didn't even raise a brow as he was already used to my close call or just late appearances because of my "work" with his brother.

We really just talked and discussed the material and personal stuff, yes it was about school work sometimes but it wasn't necessary at all, but Mr. McCain didn't need to know that.

I hurried over to my seat and sat down, laying all of my stuff where it was supposed to go and then finally settled back into the seat.

"Alright, good morning, class!" Mr. McCain boomed in his threatening and respectable way.

We all greeted him back and he went right along to teaching. I paid attention as best as I could, writing down notes and repeating his words in my head to stay alert, but I still constantly found my thoughts drifting or realizing that I had just been staring at my teacher wondering how I had made the mistake.

Sure I had never seen him but the clues were there. When I asked my brother to "show me Mr. McCain" I said Mr instead of Dr so he didn't even think about it because he knew the guy. Sam constantly calling Mr- Dean Dr. McCain because he was the doctor. And probably other things that I didn't even notice.

Wait, maybe that is why Dean looks like the younger brother, he might even be older and I just didn't know.

Gosh, even that. How could Mr. McCain have been the immortal when he still looked older than Dean?!


I dropped my head into my hands and pushed back the urge to groan.

I really am an idiot. I thought, self beratingly.

With this thought, I focused back on what Mr. McCain was saying and listened intently. I might have made that mistake but I certainly was not going to let my thick-headedness make me lose good grades.

I took notes with a new fever and I knew that it was noticeable because the guy sitting next to me kept sending me odd looks.

But this situation wasn't all bad. It even let me know that my guessing skills were terrible too. Dean being my mystery man? What a joke.


I sat at the lunch table with my friends, sulking as they all laughed in complete hysterics.

Sam had tears streaming down her face and Warlo was slamming his fist on the table so hard, I worried that it would bruise.

I had come forward with my mistake about the McCain brothers and they haven't stopped laughing since. I checked my watch and saw that it was coming to 6 minutes now.

Thulani was the first was to calm down, his laughing started to get calmer and he took a bite of his food with a chuckle.

Then it was Nick, running a hand through his hair and shaking his head after looking at me. Harvey, Dipi, Warlo, and Sam eventually did the same and I was glad when they all finally stopped laughing.

"Gosh, only you could make such a dumb mistake." Dipika sighed with a smile. I knew that she was not trying to be hurtful but I still did not appreciate the comment.

"I already told myself that enough Dipika. I don't need you repeating it." I spat, turning away from Dipi and awkwardly trying to eat my food while being mad.


Dipi seemed to realize that I was actually upset and seemed apologetic but I didn't want to hear it.

"Oh come on Sebastian. What's the problem?" Harvey started, sounding fakely sympathetic and I cringed in preparation for his 'joke'. "All of us mistake a famous immortal for their nonfamous brother. Especially when. We have class with both of them, it is completely normal."

The rest of my friends snickered at Harvey's words but I didn't say a word and Dipi frowned.

"Harvey . . . " Dipika said warningly. Harvey seemed afraid to make her upset and stopped talking but looked at me with confusion. I could guess why but I wasn't in the mood to take this lightly. I was just really upset and probably for no good reason.

Everyone decided to try and talk without me, I felt a twinge of pain from that but didn't complain. It was what I wanted anyway in my grumpy mood.

I finished my food quickly and left the table as fast as I could. They still said their goodbyes but I didn't return it. I probably would tomorrow but today I wanted to be alone.

Or better yet, be alone with him.


I walked up to the waterfall, knowing that I would probably be alone tonight. I hadn't planned to meet him tonight and because we did not exchange phone numbers, I could not bring him here. I sat on my rock, feeling the familiar stone and sighing with comfort.

I could almost feel him here with me. I really wish that I could just, call him. I thought to myself. Then, a crazy idea came.

Well, I am a magic user who is pretty darn good at freestyle spells. Maybe I could just . . . And before I knew exactly what I was doing, I was sending a thought to the mystery man.

My eyes were closed and I was muttering something that even I couldn't understand while I just kept thinking, "I want to see you, I want to see you, I want to see you."

After a long amount of time, I finally opened my eyes again. I was still alone on the rock, but I felt much better now that I felt like he knew. So, I sat on the rock and gazed at the waterfall and the other beautiful things around me.

I don't know how much time passed but suddenly I heard a familiar set of footsteps and I relaxed back on to the rock.

"I wish I knew that this kind of stuff would have happened when I first started talking to you." He said softly, his voice washing over my body like a calm breeze.

"Would you have said no then?" I asked him, unsure if he was joking or not.

"No," Mystery man answered, coming to stand right behind me and placing his arms on my shoulders. "For this? I would never say no."


You guys, my past mistakes are coming to bite me in the ass. I seem to love to do random shit and not actually check to see if it works. I am so sorry for all the mistakes I made when it came to Sebastian's schedule. And the plot and yadda yadda yadda I need to get better at this story stuff.

Please ignore the chapter where he went to lunch, then went to his class with Dean's brother. That was a mistake that I can't change at this point.

I won't say anything else because this apology was already too long so,


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