《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 9


Chapter 9: A Connection

I hadn't expected much from him, but the moment he actually started teaching I wondered how I didn't find flyers around the school for a fan club. He was amazing, it usually difficult for a teacher to just make what they were teaching easy to understand but not only was he easy to understand, he was also incredibly creative. He approached teaching in a way I had never seen before and I never wanted to leave.

Eventually though he turned his left wrist, checking an expensive looking brown leather band watch and broke the news to the class.

"It looks like I'll have to end class here, we'll start the first chapters of introduction to species understanding tomorrow." He said, looking up to the class and smiling softly before turning around to organize his things.

Sam and I got up, putting our stuff away while -I'm a little ashamed to admit this- giggling to each other about our teacher.

"How is he not the entire face of this school?" She asked in disbelief. "They should just make a huge costume of him so he can become our school mascot."

I nodded my head eagerly.

"Absolutely. You can't be such an amazing teacher and not get your own statue somewhere on the property." Sam and I continued to create ways to reward the younger McCain for being such an amazing teacher until we couldn't hold in our laughter any longer, practically screaming at our ridiculous ideas.

"He seriously is a great teacher." I thought out loud smiling warmly at the memory of his eyes lighting as he spoke of the different species that made up our world.

"Yeah, he is." Sam agreed. "And fucking hot too."

The two of us laughed again.

"I think we already established that Sam." I teased her.

"Yeah but when someone looks that good, it should come up every five minutes."

"True that."


Before we had to split up for our next classes Sam and I agreed to sit together for lunch, she had told me earlier that she hadn't really made any friends before me so there wasn't any reason for us to not sit together.

By the time Sam had finally entered the lunch room though, Harvey and Thulani had already convinced me into joining them telling me that they didn't mind Sam coming as well. But when Sam actually joined Harvey got complete goo goo eyes and I knew He was already gone.

It was actually pretty convenient because prior to that Harvey kept glancing at me and sending me weird looks and I didn't feel like going. "What? Do I remind you of Rihanna?" and instead did my best to ignore it.

Now that Sam was here, unknowingly laughing and giggling at his jokes and flipping back her short blond hair Harvey was thoroughly distracted. My sister and Warlo also ended up joining us and every once in a while I would look Lani's way, hoping to find him looking at my sister but unfortunately for me, he barely even gave her the occasional look. Still I decided to take the good with the bad and spent my thoughts on plans to get The Great Ham sailing beautifully across the pacific.

"So Ham- I mean Sam, I never got to ask you while we were talking earlier, are you in a relationship?" I asked her once there was a pause in the conversation. "You seem like the girlfriend type."

Sam had already tricked me into revealing my sexuality earlier so she knew I wasn't asking because I was into her and my sister has known I was gay since I was fifteen. But the other three guys did not, so if thinking I had the hots for Sam made my question not seem as odd than go ahead, call me Bi.


Sam gave me a suspicious look but answered my question anyway.

"Actually no, I was dating a guy up until spring this year," She explained simply, not seeming even the tiniest bit bothered by her revelation. "Haven't really met anyone that I'm into since."

I looked over to Harvey and watched as the gears turned in his head.

The conversation seemed to stay around relationships and dating for a while before it somehow strayed to the handsome McCain brothers, courtesy of my great friend Sam.

"I also felt so BAD for Sebbie when he told me that he had both of them today." Sam told Dipi, the other guys at our table stopping their conversation about the school's sports teams tryouts when they heard my name. "No one should deal with so much handsomeness on the same day."

Sebbie? I thought. Where did she get that fro-

I tense considerably when I process what she said.

I look the two of them in the eyes trying to plead for them to drop the subject but they aren't looking at me.

The guys are.

"Really Sebastian?" My sister asked, looking at me briefly to see my nod but turned away so fast I couldn't even try to express my panic through my eyes. "Oh that sucks so bad, their faces should actually be illegal."

The three other people at our table lost interest at that and continued talking about the swim team Warlo planned on joining.

The two of them continued to talk about the brothers until the rest of our table had to leave for their classes, leaving Sam my sister and I.

Once all of the guys were completely out of sight I let go.

"Tell me you understand my pain." I pleaded to my sister, whining pitifully. "I thought it was enough to see my idol during breakfast and find out that he was a thousand times more handsome than the rumors stated, but then I have to be taught by him and his brother on the same day every single day?"

At Calfuray Academy students had about four classes a day. Each day consisted of two classes you do every other day and two classes you do every day. You have the opportunity to change your every other day classes but your every day classes can only be changed at the end of each year.

I wanted to help the different species in a more hands on sense in the future so one of my every day classes was Understanding The Basic Differences Between The Species and my other was Finding Your Strength Based On Your Species And Playing To It.

There were several teachers who taught both of those classes but somehow I ended up with both of the McCain brothers teaching the two classes I couldn't change for the rest of the year. The two classes I had to go to every single school day for the rest of the year.

Dipi sighed putting her hand out to gently tap my head from where I had placed it on the table.

"Sorry but no," She told me. "I don't."

I growned even louder, ignoring the looks I was getting and bang my head onto the table again.

"Woe is me." I say, pulling out my phone and checking the time. "And I have to be taught by the other McCain brother in like fifteen minutes." I sigh again. "I'm gonna go, if I have to deal with this I want to be in the best mood possible and I don't think that is possible after being trampled by a heard of students."


Sam and Dipi completely understood and five minutes later I heard the bell ring from from the speakers in the hallway and was glad that I had left when I did. But three minutes after that when I was standing onfront of the classroom door I wondered if I had made a mistake.

Of course I knew I was being dramatic making my self even more nervous for no point just because a couple of guys had a nice faces. But I still was uneasy.

So I take a deep breath, school my features, enter the classroom and there standing in all of his wonderful glory was THE Dr Dean McCain.


I want to fall onto the floor and blissfully watch the beautiful teacher coo and take care of me out of sheer panic as I watch through hooded eyes, but I know that's just my horny talking so instead I speed past him, finding myself a seat in the second row.

Dean glances up at me briefly and smiles, going back to whatever work he was doing shortly after.

For a second I want to yell at him for looking so good but instead I just gave him a charming smile of my own.

I planted myself down in the seat of my choice and at the time didn't notice that for five minutes after that repeatedly his eyes trailed over to me, neither did I realize the flash in his eyes as he did. I was not paying attention and the moment it was there it was gone again.


I run through the forest, my mouth releasing sharp breaths, partly from the physical movement but primarily from excitement.

It has been days since I've last seen my mystery man and I was anxious to get another meeting.

Last time we met he asked if I was okay with him sharing more personal information about himself during one of the next times we met.

Obviously I wasn't about to say no so I was incredibly excited to finally find out what he was planning on telling me and to find out more about him.

I was also hoping to finally see what the man actually looked like.

So after waiting for an extra half hour after the time I agreed to meet him I sped into the forest, hoping to catch him unawares and to finally lay my eyes on the one person that has been plaguing my thoughts.

When I finally stopped in front of the waterfall I was completely out of breath and at that point is was entirely because of the running.

I looked around me, taking in the water, trees, all of the gentle sounds of the insects at night, and I wanted to scream.

I knew that he somehow always came right after I arrived but I hoped that my plan would be able to earn me just a glimpse. But I had no such luck. The only thing waiting for thirty minutes then sprinting to the lake succeded in doing was annoy me.

With a huff I plopped myself down on the rock that I had claimed as my seat and waited.

And just as expected not even ten seconds passed before I heard footsteps from behind me.

"I don't appreciate you trying to see me." He scolded, drawing a pout onto my lips. "I'm keeping myself anonymous for a reason."

I don't want to see how he was right, I was just frustrated and logic doesn't seem fun right now.

"I know I'm just so curious. You're becoming a big part of my life and," I sighed, drawing my arms closer into me for support. "I just want to know who you are."

I suddenly felt tired, I wanted to express how I felt but I was afraid it wasn't coming out right.

But I tried anyways.

"Is that really so much to ask?" I questioned, beating down my want to look at him once again.


He told me that so matter of fact it felt a thousand times colder and I almost did not hear it when he let out a sigh, groaning a little before trying again.

"If I thought it would be a good idea to reveal myself to you I would have done so the second time we met." He explained defeatedly. "But I can't, I really can't. Please understand that."

He ended up pleading in the end and I could feel his presence getting closer with each word.

Eventually he was almost against my back, his shirt brushing against the nape of my neck.

I had the urge to turn around and pull him to me, hugging him as hard as I could but once again I didn't.

If he wanted to be so stubborn about this then I wouldn't push it.

I wanted to continue whatever sort of "friendship" we had. And if I could never lay my eyes on him for the entire duration of said "friendship" then so be it.

Because something about this man can never keep me away from him no matter what I do.

I wasn't sure if it was his smart and thoughtful personality. Maybe it was the husk in his voice when he spoke of me or the warmth that arised whenever he laughed. It could just be his voice. Since it was one of the only things I could focus on when it came to him.

Whatever it was it had me completely and utterly hooked and just with that I felt like I would do anything for him.

"Ok," I finally answered quietly, a small smile on my face. "I'll try." And though I wasn't really expecting much of anything he whispered lowly. "Close your eyes." And I did.

Seconds later strong arms were wrapped around me and without a moment's hesitation I relaxed into them.

His right hand was wrapped around my mid section squeezing tightly while his left arm went to the back of my head, pulling my forehead to his chest.

A warm tingly sensation errupted over my body the moment he touched me and I snuggled into his skin, absorbing his heat.

"If there is ever a possibility I want to know your name." I muttered contently. The words further muffled when I nuzzled his stomach. I took in a deep breath through my nose and smiled at his scent.

He laughed heartily, the clenching and releasing of his stomach shaking my head. He combed his left hand through my hair before ruffling it and thoroughly messing up the look.

"I think you're enjoying this a little too much." He chuckled, ruffling my hair once more.

We laughed together like old friends and after he moved behind me again we joked around until I had to go.

The the two of us laughed together before but our conversations mostly consisted of old stories, not light hearted jokes. So the change was quite nice.

"Oh I almost forgot." I finally said once I heard his retreating footsteps. "My name is Sebastian in case you didn't know."

"Yeah," He agreed. "I might not have known but I do know. I have known since the second time we met."

And with that he left, leaving me with more questions than ever, yet more sure than I have ever been.

More sure than I have ever been in my life.


You guys!

I am on a frickin' roll!

More updates for some of my other books are on the way as well so stay tunned.





I have always been a caps girl at heart so that felt great.

I don't really have a question and I'm really tired.

This Chapter ended up being like 2300 words and I added 800 of them just now so I'm feeling worn.


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