《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 8


Chapter 8: The McCain's

I walk out of the bathroom to check if they woke up or not then head back into the bathroom to brush my teeth and finish my morning routine. I have probably been awake for half an hour now and being able to shower without someone banging on the door for me to "hurry up and finish" was definitely worth it.

I heard a knock as I was messing around with my hair in front of the mirror and opened the door to find Warlo standing there with an obvious just woke up attitude. His eyes were extremely squinted and he was hunched up more than normal. Not to mention the puffy face.

But I looked exactly the same half an hour earlier so I couldn't judge.

"You done yet?" He mumbled tiredly, the whole sentence basically being a sigh.

"Yeah I was just messing around with my hair, you and Nick can use it." I told him, sending him a smile as I left the bathroom even though it was probably the last thing he wanted. He didn't even try to smile back and just shuffled past me, closing the door. I went over to our closet turning the knob until it was on brown and bent down to pick out my sneakers.

I felt my back pockets, finding that I actually remembered my wallet and phone already and walked out of the dorm room. Leaving a dazed and confused Nick who was still sitting up on his bed staring at nothing. It was relatively quiet and I assumed the earlier hour had the students either solemn or asleep. Five minutes later I was in the cafeteria and luckily I was a part of the early crowd of students so the whole spread was laid out piping hot and there were virtually no lines.

I absolutely have to make this a habit. I was almost running over to the food, quickly picking up a plate and in a matter of minutes had pancakes, waffles, french toast, crepes, syrup and was ready for the protein bar.

"Woah, slow down." Someone said, holding onto my shoulder to stop me from running away. "I think that is more than enough food for today. And it's not going to go anywhere, breakfast is virtually the same every morning." I looked up and saw my brother Orlando staring back down at me.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked. Now my brother was a hard worker and could switch from fun to serious as fast as you could switch on the lights. But if he gets the opportunity he will take that extra minute of sleep. Let alone an extra half hour. So it really didn't make sense why he would wake up unnecessarily early.


"The teachers are required to be up an hour earlier so that we can have a staff meeting then eat around this time and start setting up our class ready while most of you guys are eating." Orlando explained to me simply. "It's a smart process and since most classes end at two-thirty I can take a nap later." I nodded in understanding before I froze when a thought came to me.

"So Mr. McCain is here?" I was shaking with excitement and it was obvious Orlando noticed it by the smirk that dressed his face. Dr. Dean McCain was like my hero. He was a human that came here to study one of the many species relations courses that are at the heart of the school and soon went travelling around the world finding groundbreaking ways of better serving all of the species and at that point, he was granted the highest honour. Much higher than any honour you might be familiar with.

He was awarded the grant of immortality.

When someone from one of the core species, (a species that can invent and create and think completely for themselves) becomes what the council considers a great asset to the species, the council asks the greater one if the person can gain immortality. If it is allowed they will complete the ritual and never age for as long as they choose.

Apart from that technical stuff, the things that he has done with his own two hands are simply extraordinary. He has my greatest respect. Plus people say that at thirty-two he is simply gorgeous and similar words are uttered about his brother.

"He's at that table over there." Orlando pointed somewhere behind me and when I followed his finger all I could really do was gasp. "He's the blond one laughing." It was completely obvious who he was the moment I turned around. From what I could tell he was tall, his hair was kept back in a professional style reminding me of a Clark Kent do. He had sharp angle features and yes, a jawline that could cut meat. He was so handsome I was actually shocked.

"Wow." I whispered awe all over my face. No wonder he was famous.

"Well, I'm going to go eat my breakfast. Do you want to join me?" Orlando asked warmly.

"Yeah sure, I don't want this food to get cold." Orlando rolled his eyes but didn't comment.


I took one last fleeting glance at Dr. McCain and was startled to find him looking at me.

My heart thumped and I quickly turned back around.


I stood a couple of steps away from the door and took in a couple of shuddering breaths. Today I had two classes with "Dr. McCain's" and I was incredibly tense since I didn't know which class had which brother. Luckily I had already seen Dean McCain at lunch so I would know if it was his brother or not.

But that would be after class starts and just those couple of minutes of uncertainty are enough to drive me wild. I finally sighed, walking through the door to meet my teacher but there was no teacher in sight.

A good amount of students had already arrived but there was no one at the desk up front organizing papers or just waiting for students. I chuckle when I noticed some random student in a sweater hunched over and sleeping at one of the highest rows.

Dr. McCain definitely won't like that. I decide on the second row since I want to be close but do not want to be the first thing he sees. After a few minutes, a girl sits next to me and not even a minute passes before she starts talking.

"Hi, I'm Samantha but my friends like calling me, Sam." She greets me, a smile stretching over her face. She speaks quickly and is full of energy and I find myself smiling back.

"Hey Sam, I'm Sebastian." I shake her hand. "It's nice to meet you." And we end up deep in a conversation. It's mostly made up of random things until the topic of our teacher comes up.

"Wait you haven't seen our teacher before?" She asks with an over-exaggerated gasp.

"Well, I saw one of the McCain's during breakfast so I'm not sure which one is teaching me now, and which one is teaching me in like two hours." I explain to Sam. She lets out a short laugh and shakes her head.

"Wow, you have to deal with the two hottest guys on the planet both teaching you on the same day." She pats my shoulder comfortingly. "The only reason I know what Dr. McCain looks like is because I went to an event he was speaking at last year. And a little heads up, when you see him you will soil your pants as you swoon a thousand times over because he is just that good looking." I try to remember if it was that bad looking at him this morning and though it was close I don't think it was that bad.

"I'm sure I'll be fine." I try to reassure her, but she is far from convinced so I just give up. A minute later all of the seats are full and there is no smoking hot Adonis standing in front of us. I hear a grumbled "I'm done with this" and look back to see the sleeping hoodie kid heading down the stairs to leave.

He makes his way down quickly but abruptly stops in front of Dr. McCain's desk. He slides his hand down the smooth wood and one girl yells aloud.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" She asks, standing up angrily. "That's Dr. McCain's desk!"

The kid laughs,

"I know."

That draws a gasp out of Sam and before I could ask what was wrong the guy pulls off his hoodie and there standing in all of his glory was Dr. McCain. He took off his hoodie completely and I made a choked noise when I realized that this was not the man from breakfast, and deduced that this must be his brother.

He was also tall, about three inches shorter than his brother but tall none the less. Sharp features, cropped hair and goodness that stubble. Not to mention the pecks that were trying to rip out of his nice shirt.

He was stunning.

"Did you cum yet?" Sam asked.

"Basically." I probably should've been embarrassed but I was too busy ooggling my teacher to care. He sent lingering looks to every single student and when he got to me I was ready to leave. Like actually die a happy man.

"So let's get started shall we." He looked back at me and smirked.


I'm dead.



Another update?

I'm amazing, aren't I?


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