《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 6


Chapter 6: The Waterfall

Dipi and Orlando argued a bit over where we should go first but eventually, they agreed on a course.

They took us to the sports field, the huge library, the outdoor garden, and the greenhouse. Then the cafeteria, the study hall, the gym, and the theatre.

The school seemed to have it all and I should have been satisfied with seeing so much but something seemed to be itching in the back of my mind.

"Uh, guys," I called out loudly, grabbing their attention so they were all looking back at me. "I'm feeling kind of tired, I think I am going to head to bed."

"Oh really? So soon?" My dad asked, disappointment covering his expression.

"Yeah, I think all the excitement got to me." I told them, my voice coming out tired. I walked up to my parents and wrapped them up in a hug. "I'm going to miss you guys so much." I pulled away to look into their eyes. "I love you."

"We love you too." My mom smiled at me, her eyes a little glossy. "You're going to do great here."

I nodded my head frantically, trying to distract myself from my burning eyes.

My father already had tears falling but a smile was still on his lips.

He didn't say a word, but he didn't need to.

I knew.

I backed away from my parents, knowing the next time I would see them would be many months away, so I soaked up all of them that I could.

I waved at my siblings sending them my most convincing smile and turned around heading in the direction of the dorms.

After I was walking for a couple of minutes I looked behind me to make they couldn't see me and took off running.

I closed my eyes, imagining the beautiful waterfall right outside of my room and in a few moments, I was running in the woods towards it.


After a couple of seconds, I found myself right at the water's edge.

A sense of calm washed over me as I gazed at the fast flowing water. I looked down, taking in how peaceful I looked in the reflection and sighed.

I suddenly felt tired and looked around searching for someplace to sit.

There was a large rock, right next to one of the closest trees to the water.

It didn't look like it would be the most comfortable but with a view like this, I definitely wouldn't mind.

I made my way over to the rock and sat down. It certainly wasn't comfortable but I soon forgot about it and took in the scenery once again.

The flowing water, the gentle breeze, the sparkling lake. It was all perfect.

I don't know how long I just sat there, listening to the sounds of the birds and the bugs and everything around me, but at some point, I was taken out of my peace.

I almost jumped when I felt another presence. It was close by and probably knew I was there but didn't make a sound. I briefly wondered if I was imagining it but the crunching of leaves under their feet confirmed what I already knew,

I wasn't alone.

I was scared yet alert, ready to defend myself under any attack.

"Don't......don't be scared."

I froze when I heard his voice. It was deep, really really deep, and the fact that he was keeping it low to avoid scaring me did not help. It was also slightly ruff like he either hadn't used it in a while or he had used it too much.

Yet, it calmed me.

It was oddly soothing and for no reason, at all, I wasn't afraid.

"I'm not." I finally replied, matching his slow and careful tone. I wanted him to continue to talk like that. I wanted him to talk period.


He was silent.

I was disappointed.

"Can," I paused, embarrassed by what I was about to say. "Can you keep talking? Please?"

The man I was talking to was probably surprised, I would be too if a stranger asked me that. But I couldn't help myself, I was drawn to his voice and I thought I might go crazy if I didn't get more.

"Ok," he said, pausing before he continued. "Under one condition."

"Yes, anything." I blurted out before I could stop myself.

He chuckled.

"You don't even know what I'm going to say." I head the grin in his voice but I really didn't care.

He was talking to me.

"I don't need to know, I would agree." I answered instantly, there was no hesitation. Absolutely none.

He moved closer to me probably only a couple of steps away.

"What if I asked you to skinny dip into the lake?" He asked me.

"I would agree."

"What if I asked for a thousand dollars?" He asked again.

"I would get a job."

"What," He sucked in a breath almost as if he was panting from the thought. "What if I asked you to have sex with me?"

This time there was hesitation. I know absolutely nothing about this guy, I didn't even know what he looked like. And though his voice was all I needed to live for the moment, I would probably regret losing my virginity like that.

"Done," I whispered finally.

The man behind me swore quite strongly before he walked even closer to me, his breathing brushing the top of my head.

"Don't look at me." He ordered.

I was surprised.

"Was that the condition?" I asked him, resisting the urge to turn around look him directly in the eyes as I spoke.


"Then I agree."

So he continued to talk, telling me random stories, fairy tales, and just about anything that came to mind.

He didn't tell me anything about himself, his work, or his family. He gave me no clue who he was, his age his height or anything in between.

He was a total mystery.

Except for his voice.

I ached, literally ached to find out anything about him but there was no point in asking.

I knew he wouldn't tell me so I enjoyed what I got,

His voice.

It started to get dark and though I hated to say it, it seemed like I had to be the one to do it.

"It's getting dark, I think we should go." The man behind abruptly stopped his story and let out a long sigh.

"Yeah, your probably right." He backed away from me and messed up from the lost, I said the first thing that came to mind.

"May I see you meet you again?" I frantically asked him, the question was fumbled and rushed but he understood me.

"Two nights from now, seven." Was all he told me before he was leaving again.

I stayed put, giving him the time he needed to disappear and stood up shortly after that.

I gazed longingly at the waterfall again before I imagined the boys' dorm walking as I did so, and in no time I was standing in front of the door.


So I updated again.

I don't know why but ideas for this story just came again and I am not the type of person to stop them so here is another Chapter.


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