《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 5


(A/N: Orlando to the side)

Chapter 5: My New Home pt 2

"Holy fudge!" I turned around, facing the two guys that were smiling at my reaction like creepy old people. "Did you guys get this your first year?"

I was astonished.

I knew that Calfuray Academy was known for making anyone feel like a millionaire since they were a high class school but I was still completely flabbergasted.

"No actually," Harvey answered, shoving his hands into his sweat shorts before continuing. "My parents paid extra so . . . my room was a whole lot better."

Lani proceeded to give Harvey another well deserved shove before pulling the taller man back towards his chest and ruffling Harvey's hair.

"It actually wasn't really that much better but his parents did pay so that he would get some bonuses." Lani explained as he continued to mess with his friends hair.

I turned back towards my new room, dropping my back pack as I took it in.

The room was huge, dark brown hardwood floors stretching out far ahead of me as it had to accomodate three people, each with their individual "prince" sized beds.

The three beds were pushed deepest into the room, each of them having their own indigo dresser to their left and small purple coffee table to their right. To the immediate left of me the doors of a walk in closet were wide open, and before I could contemplate how my roomates and I would decide who would take it, I realized that it wasn't a normal walk in closet. Under the right doorknob was a dial with four sections on it. There was a red one, a blue one, a yellow one, and a brown one. It was currently set on the yellow one so I closed the doors and turned the dial to check the other closets.

The red and blue ones were the same as the yellow, big impressive walk in closets, but the brown one was much smaller, with just enough spaces for some coats and a shoe wrack at the bottom. I quickly realized that as well as our own personal closet, this closet acted as our jacket and shoes closet as well. I grinned.

I'm totally calling Red.

I closed the doors and turned the dial to Red once again before throwing my backpack inside, marking it as mine.

Past the closet was the bathroom that I quickly headed over to check out.


It, like the rest of the room, was large. It had double sinks, a private toilet, two showers, and a bathtub. You would've thought that it was made for a couple but it was actually designed for three people.

Oh well, I thought. At least they gave us more than one shower.

I moved back into the room, standing in the large space empty for a couch, a simple coffee table with a few chairs, or just a nice carpet to sit on. They left it up to you and I liked that.

Then the door to the right led you to a smaller sized sun room. The room had all glass walls, allowing you to see the amazing view from a waterfall the seemed to fall behind the school. Three comfortable looking adjustable porch chairs that let your feet lay straight ahead of you and sit straight up or completely lie down.

I walked back towards the room making my way over to the bed closest to the bathroom and jumping straight on.

I didn't plan on it but soon I was rubbing my face all up in the purple and indigo coloured pillows.

The beds were made with big white blankets, large purple and indigo throw pillows and a single Calfuray Academy throw blanket neatly placed over the foot of the bed with the schools symbol.

The blankets were incredibly soft and I sighed into them for a moment longer before adjusting myself on the bed so I was lying down, facing the two boys that have been standing right infront of the door the entire time.

I smiled at them before I started rubbing up and down on the blanket.

"So are you going to stay here for a little while?" Thulani asked, eyeing the way I stroked the soft linen blanket that covered my bed. "Cause we can come back later."

We all laughed but I soon shook my head.

"Nah, I wish! But I can't." I told them, a sigh leaving lips as I sat up on the mattress. "My sister is going to be giving me a tour of the campus with my folks and my brother. I'm only here so I can drop of my stuff then get back to the group."

They nodded in understanding.

I lifted myself off the bed, messing around with the covers and pillows so my roomates wouldn't think of taking it when they arrived, and went over to Lani and Harvey.


"So who's your sister?" Harvey asked.

"Dipika Mishra," I told him as I gave a cool shrug. "And my brother's Orlando Terranova. You know them?"

"Seriously?" Harvey gasped, disbelief clear in his voice. "Yeah, your brother teaches one of my classes and your sister is like campus legend."

I laughed, walking by them and leaving the room.

"Of course she is." I think out loud.

"Really dude, just ask any of the guys in the dorm." Harvey continued. "She is insanely pretty and smart to boot. All the single guys want her but she treats everyone the same. Some of the girls have been trying to pursue her but they are having the same luck."

I stopped in the main lounge turning around so Harvey could finish his rant.

"We're speculating that she's Asexual."

I smiled shaking my head at him.

"Unless she's been hiding her sexuality from me, which I highly dought since she told me when she kissed a couple of girls years ago at some dumb slumber party then never talked to any one of the girls involved again." I laughed just thinking about abouy how weirded out Dipi was afterwards. "Our family is just conservative, they wouldn't force us but they hope that we will stay clean until marriage and Dipi is just focusing on her studies. I'm sure atleast one of those boys would've been pleased by now since she is straight."

"Oh," Harvey mumbled, turning sheepish at Lani's laughter. "Do you think I have a shot then?"

Thulani stopped laughing and I tilted my head to think more deeply.

"Honestly," I started, hoping that slowing my words would soften the blow. "I honestly think one of the best guys for her right now would be Thulani."

Both boys infront of me stared as if I had just grown seven more heads and I noticed that the room had grown oddly quiet.

"Really?" Lani whispered, completely shocked right down to the bone marrow.

"Just from personality in my opinion. She might not even be interested in you." I rushed to explain. Getting his hopes up really wouldn't do him well when dealing with my sister but the effect seemed to be unfixable.

"Dayum! Feel blessed Lani!" Harvey laughed, smaking his friend on the back then snaking his hand up to grip his shoulder in a friendly shake. "You just got the seal of approval from the great Dipika's brother. Wear that with pride."

Lani got a momentary shine beaming from his face before he cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck and regaining his composure.

"Yeah, wear it until she shuts you down like everyone else." I mumbled, luckily making it quiet enough so I wasn't heard. "I'm leaving. See you later."

Unfortunately right before I walked through the magic doorway a werewolf student decided to inform Thulani of what I had mumbled only moments before.

I wonder if I will still have friends when I get back. I thought as I stepped though the doorway once more. I guess we'll see.

I walked up to where my sister was relaxing on a bench with her phone in hand.

She looked up when my shadow was looming over her Wattpad story and gave me a smile.

"Took you long enough." She was smiling as she told me this, her story clearly keeping her company during the long wait.

"Is that author really that good?" I asked her, ignoring her comment to change the subject. "You're always reading their Wattpad stories all the time."

She shook her head at me, letting the conversation be steered away as she stood up from her seat.

"Absolutely." She answered proudly. "You should read them sometime, there will be plenty guy on guy action for you to enjoy."

I rolled my eyes, bumping her with my shoulder as we started walking again.

"Stop trying to out me in public. I only say it if people ask." I reminded her.

We said nothing for a while before a conversation started again and we were heading away from the dorm doors.

The same dorm doors that Harvey had his head peaking out of, eyes wide with new knowledge.

Knowledge that he never should've known.


It seems like I actually kept my promise!


It's 1:26 am right now,

I know,

Late again.

But it just happened and my phone is about to die so I have to make this quick.

How do you think the situation with Harvey will unfold?

How do you think Lani will react to Sebie when he gets back?

Do you have any suggestions for names or nationalities of future characters?

Girls, boys, it doesn't matter,

I just dont want to have to go through the troubke of think of more names so help a sister out!


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