《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 4


Chapter 4: My New Home

It had dark indigo wallpaper with multiple swirls of purple all over, reminding me of the basic colour scheme that repeated itself all over the school.

Their school colours. I remember.

After a moment of pause, I actually step through the doorway, my feat finally on the thin corse carpet that lined the hallway floor when I see that the hallway changed.

Instead of seeing the dark hallway with dim lighting and no end in sight it was transformed into a warmly lit one. The hallway appeared short because it went straight for only a moment before heading right, where I could hear deep male laughter mingling with younger ones, all equally as loud.

That must have been an amazing joke. I think, rolling my eyes at my saltiness.

After about a year of me being here on the earth my family soon found out that I was an incredibly sassy child.

Unlike my brother who seemed responsible and calm most of the time, or my sister who was usually the one to speak her mind from personal knowledge just because she was CEO like that, my main point was that I have attitude and salt.

I was also a little dramatic at times but that wasn't as important.

And obviously this was a problem when it came to having to meet with relatives on my fathers side, (traditional in the Italian aspect) and relatives from my mothers side (traditional in the Indian aspect).

Both were extremely suffocating to my sniper personality.

When you felt safe and protected I shot you through the head with a killer insult.

It was who I was.

Obviously I learned to control my thirst for the blood from other people's egos but sometimes my tongue got the best of me. So I desperately hoped that I could hold my tongue from my fellow roommates.


I continued down the hallway, my backpack still over my right shoulder and turned right finding myself staring at . . . at . . .

Two guys having sex?

"What the fu-" I started, my confusion apparent but obviously not accepted because I was soon interrupted.

"Oh shit!" One of the guys in the surrounding crowd cursed. "The first newbie!"

Everyone's heads snapped over to me including the two boys in the compromising position.

The couple scrambled to get in normal positions while everyone surrounding them suddenly turned sheepish.

"Sorry, shit! This isn't what it looks like!" The lankier man started.

"Well it looks like two idiots putting on a creepy porno show for several more doofuses but I clearly must be wrong so please, explain so I may understand." I had drawled the sentence rudely, my arms crossing at some point as I spoke to the group of boys in the room.

So much for holding my tongue . . .

Some chuckles and laughs rang out from the group and amongst them were the two boys.

"Yeah, you were right." The other man said jokingly, earning a loud neck from his partner.

The lankier man who spoke to me first had sparkling hazel eyes and a charming boyish smile. He walked right up to me, putting his hand out to me in greeting.

"Hi I'm, Thulani Ayodele, but people just call Lani." He shook my hand as he introduced himself, a South African accent lacing his words. "The guy that appeared to be fucking me is Harvey Zima and we were just fooling around. The guys were discussing some odd sex positions and we decided to google them and kind of act them out for . . . um reference?"

The group of guys behind him snickered and he turned around to throw them a glare before facing me again so he could continue to explain.


"We split into teams soon after that and before long it turned into a weird form of charades." He was obviously trying to clean up the whole situation and was doing a fantastic job so far. "I'm sorry you had to see that and I understand why you would jump to conclusions. I would've already leaped over the couch with mine."

I shook my head, smiling as I waved him off.

"It's fine honestly," I told the mixed boy, honest as I spoke in a kind manner. "I didn't really mind and you both had your clothes on so I had no reason to complain." I was honestly actually quite shaken up by what I saw, but logically it wasn't any bad and the only reason I was still uncomfortable was because of my conservative parents.

Sex was taboo in our home and I would be surpirised if both of my siblings were not virgins at this point.

My eyes were just too innocent.

Lani and I exchanged smiles before I looked at the rest of the guys that filled the large area.

"Would any of you be willing to show me my room?"


Thulani and Harvey ended up showing me my room.

Though some of the other guys graciously gave offers, Harvey and Lani had insisted, taking an immediate liking to me and me to them so they explained that it would be much less trouble to any of the other guys.

I swear I saw some of them deflate from the misssed opportunity but all the air that left them went straight to my ego and I was glowing by the time I got to my room.

Lani and Harvey didn't make any comment but I'm sure they noticed my irritating grin.

"This, is your room." Harvey announced. We all knew what it was but he obviously still had to say it.

It was just what you did.

"Do you have your key?" He asked me, turning towards me with an outstretched hand.

"It's alright, I can open it myself." I "politely" explained before I stepped right up to my door, unlocking it after a couple of failed attempts. "There!"

Lani and Harvey were giving me looks but I just shrugged.

"It's better that I learned to do it myself right?" They didn't answer but I stepped through the doorway anyway and they quickly followed.


Hey guys, it's currently 3:16 in the morning and I just finished writing this chapter along with a the fifth Chapter that continues along immediately.

The fifth Chapter really is missing a huge chunk of description and both of them still have some spelling things and the new characters don't even have permanent names yet but I am obviously impatient when it comes to uploading so you guys can enjoy this until I edit and and fix it some time tomorrow or so.

Do you have any names for the new guys?

Bob is South African and I imagine him to be mixed while Amy (incase you haven't noticed these are from Good Luck Charlie) is American with some Ukrainian and Russian heritage so if you have any ideas for first and last names that would be appreciated.


I edited the names in!

So you don't have to deal with that anymore.

And since I don't have another question how about this,


I'm honestly really curious so please tell me.



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