《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 2


(A/N: Sebastian up top)

Chapter 2: Welcome To Calfuray Academy

I asked my father who was currently driving in the hyper speed lane.

"Ummm I don't know." My dad said pursing his lips. "Rani how long will it take us to get to Fresno county in minutes?"

"Twenty seven minutes." My mom said immediately.

"Including the time it take us to get to the school once we get there?" He asked her.

"Uh huh."

A smile fell upon my father's face as he took my mother's hand in his smiling down at her as she smiled back at him.

My mom is a hard working woman and she didn't seem to have many insecurities. But since she wasn't able to go to high school when she was younger my father said that she always felt like she was dumb and out of the loop. So after they got married my dad paid all the necessary fees and got her into high school and college. Whenever my mom had trouble in a course my dad would always help her to the best of his abilities. So even now when it has been years since my mom graduated they still seem to go into their own bubble whenever there is something related to school.

My father's eyes were back on the road while my mother was making little circles on the back of his hand.

Goals I tell you.

I put my attention back on my phone. May as well catch up on my Episode story while I have the tickets.

In car WiFi makes everything easier.


"We're here." My dad said as we pulled up next to a...cottage? "Here's your new home for the next four to ten years."

"I thought the school had dorms inside," I told them. "Why do I have to stay here?"


My mom let out a little giggle while my dad just smiled.

"Well we're not allowed to tell anyone unless they are actually going to the school because we had to get a special screening to be allowed to drive Orlando here." My mother started. "This is the school."

I turned my head towards the tiny little cottage before looking back at my parents again.

"You're joking." I said. "There's no way that this is the academy. There has to be some sort of magic involved or something."

"You're right." My dad said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"They got some of the teachers to disguise it so that the students could get to the school but any dangers would be stumped at the door."

"So this is just the door and the school is in the inside or something?" I asked.

"No," My mom started. "This is the portal to the dimension that they built the school in."

My mouth dropped open in shock.

"They built the school in another dimension?" I asked, even more shocked when they just calmly nodded their heads. "Oh my gosh, The last time I went to another dimension was so that we could go to The Great Wolf Lodge because only the human dimension had that resort. Now I'm going to live in another Dimension?! Oh my gosh!"

"Glad your excited." My father said. "Let's head inside, they don't like when people hover for too long."

We all stepped out of the car and I headed to the back and puled out my backpack. We went to the front door and knocked only waiting for a couple of seconds before a tall woman dressed in a guardian's outfit answered the door.

"Come in." She said politely gesturing for us to enter. "You are the new student Sebastiano right?"


"Yes." I said.

"Please come this way."

We followed her as she led us down a long hall that quickly turned into a maze. With multiple forks twists and turns as well as many points where It looked like we were going in circles before we came to another door.

She opened it and it was a small room that reminded me of an airport in the human realm. There was a big thing that reminded me of a metal detector then there was someone on the other side with a hand held one.

At least we don't have to take off our shoe's I thought.

My dad went first, coming out clean after both tests before standing to the side. My mom's tests went the same but the moment I stepped under the loop the backpack in my hand fell turning into all of the boxes and suitcases I had before.

"What?" I muttered, confused as to what had happened.

"We do not allow anyone to enter with a spell since they could have cast it to harm the students or faculty. So this machine is filled with a special "spell repellent" That one of our senior professors made so that the spell will be not only turned off but exposed so we can see what your intentions were when you made it. But it is clear that you just didn't want to make your parents work any harder. So after you take your stuff to the other side of the machine you can recast your spell."

"Oh," I said as I started to move my stuff. "Thank you."

Once I was on the other side, deemed completely safe, I conjured the spell again and smiled when I had the backpack once again.

"Since you guys are all clear I will lead you to the next portal."

"There is another portal?" The tall woman was already heading towards another hall but stopped when I spoke.

"Yes." She answered, looking at me with a blank face. "We entered the transfer dimension during the maze so now we are going to the portal to take you to the academy."

My eyebrows were shoved to my hairline while my head swiveled in all directions.

This was a different dimension?

I didn't see the difference but I guess I wasn't supposed to.

She continued walking, leaving the room to turn left. We followed quickly, my parents seemingly comfortable while I probably looked like an uncoordinated fool trying to quickly make the turn.

A door appeared in front of us.



No sparkles or cool whooshing. It just formed out of the wall. Clean, polished, and definitely fancy. The white door with gold accents and doorknob showed off the pristine condition that the academy was known for having. Written in the same gold that decorated the white door were the words "{The Portal to Calfuray}".

I gawked, unable to keep my jaw from falling to the door. If this was just the door, what did the school look like?

Well I would find out very soon because the guardian was opening the door, stepping aside as she said.

"Welcome to Calfuray Academy."


Okay, okay,

So not much happened and I don't really have much to say so I will ask this.

Oh, I would have my stuff packed and ready to go boo. As long as I could come back.



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