《Calfuray Academy (ManxMan)》Chapter 1


Chapter 1: Where Is That Mailwoman?!

I complained as I stared out the window.

"Just be patient." My sister Dipi told me. "Besides, it's not like they know exactly when it would come." I groaned out loud before going back into the mind link.

"But I thought they had magic users to help with that." I said.

"Nope, they leave it all to the post office and if I'm correct they mostly employ humans." She told me. I really wanted to groan again but I had a feeling I was being repetitive so I stuck with pout. I look out my window hoping to miraculously find our mailwoman Jane walking up to our door, but unfortunately for me I am left with the sight of an empty walkway and the dirty aftermath of rain I see practically everyday.

Oh what a great life I have.

"Ugh, this is the seventh time I'm stuck staring at the muddy mush I have to call a lawn without seeing Jane walk up with a big bag stuffed full of letters!" I complain to my sister.

"Well that's a bummer. Wait, I have the perfect idea to fix that!" Dipi said, her voice rising out of what I hopped to be excitement.

"A spell?" I asked hopefully.

"Actually I was going to recommend that you clean up the lawn but sure, you could do it with a spell." She said, a teasing tone in her voice.

"Dipika." I groaned before flopping back first onto my bed while my sisters annoying cackle filled my ears, almost making me laugh at the thought that she really acts like a witch.

"Seriously though, this is basically torture!" I told her.

"Cause obviously making you wait is the worst thing someone could ever do to you." She said, sarcasm practically dripping from her lips and pouring onto the floor.

"Yes, yes it is." I replied, playing along. Even though it was a movement and I shouldn't have been able to hear it, I could actually feel Dipi roll her eyes even though we were in different city areas.

Oh wait, That might bring up some questions. Let me just catch you up to things. Hi, I'm Sebastiano Indrajit Mishra-Terrenova, I'm eighteen years old and I'm a magic user. I am the last child of three since I have an older brother Orlando, and an older sister Dipika.

My oldest brother Orlando is currently in his second year of working at Calfuray Academy while my sister Dipika is in her fourth year at going to Calfuray Academy. Which is what we were talking about now. I applied to Calfuray Academy wanting to be able to attend the school and though it seems like the Academy is almost a family tradition -which it kind of is- I am still worried.

The Academy is very famous for it's courses, facilities, and teachers. So that means that every year the Academy gets hundreds of thousands of applications. Getting in is very hard but once you're in being able to say that I go to Calfuray Academy is like equivalent of saying that you went to Juilliard, Harvard or Yale back in the day, but WAY more important.


So you can see why I am a little anxious to finally get the letter I was waiting for ever since I knew the school existed.

"Really though, can't you just be patient and wait for the letter. Or better yet, do something else." My sister told me.

"But I don't want to, it's annoying enough that I have to stare at this sad excuse for grass but I have to see it while being reminded that I am so anxious to get that letter that I can't do anything without getting bored!" I explained.

"I can't even read Wattpad stories! They are like my life but right now I can't even focus on Danny and Blake even though they are my ultimate OTP! Do you know how hard it is to not be able to read your OTP's love story again?" I asked her.

"No, no I don't. VKook, NamJin, JiHope and Phan are my life and I would not be able to live if I couldn't read their stories, but my suggestion about cleaning the lawn still stands if you want a distraction." She said, not helping at all.

"Wow, thanks for the help, ." I drawled sarcastically.

"Anytime, ." We both cringed at our use of the shortened words before chuckling together.

"Any way, I think I'm just gonna make myself something to eat before taking a nap. There is no point of me being awake if I'm not doing anything." I told her.

"Alright cool, I'll talk to you later then, Bye." She said.

"Bye." We both pulled out of the mind link and I felt the familiar sense of temporary disconnection.

I guess I should go make that burger now. I thought before getting up and walking out my bedroom.


I was woken by the sound of my mom calling me.

"Sebastian! Time for dinner!" She yelled.

"Coming!" I yelled back after realizing that I was awake. I got up and headed to the bathroom, quickly washing my face before heading downstairs.

"So, what's for dinner?" I asked her, shuffling my feet slightly as I walked.

"Soup." She said simply.

"What kind of soup?" I asked her.

"Soup." She repeated. I shook my head and rolled my eyes slightly at her words, careful to not let her see it. Now that wouldn't be good.

"Where's dad." I asked once I was sitting at the table.

"He's coming home," She told me. "He should be home soon." I nodded my head. We prayed for the food, giving thanks to all the people, animals, and plants that gave for our meal before eating.

"Oh," I said once I took a bite. "Fish soup."

"Mmm hmm." She hummed, taking more of her soup. We talked for couple of minutes before we heard the familiar sound of the door opening. Soon my dad was walking into the dining room holding the mail for the day.



"Hi guys," He said. "Umm Sebastian, I think this is for you." I sprung out of my chair, almost tackling him as I tried to get him to give me the letter.


"Woah, calm down, I'll give it to you just wait." He said, quickly shoving the letter towards me. I could practically hear the angels singing hallelujah as I looked down at the thick envelope that I held in my hands.

"So you're just gonna look at it? Open it already!" I heard my mother half yell, not willing to wait for me to get out of my stupor. I sighed wanting to roll my eyes but not doing it since I knew I would get caught no matter how I did it. I took a deep breath before carefully tearing the paper. I slowly reached into it envelope and took out the paper.

On behalf of the Calfuray admission board and management we feel immense pleasure to inform you that you have been accepted as a student of Calfuray Academy.

"I got accepted." I whispered in disbelief. "I got accepted!" I jumped on my father almost squeezing the life out of him before running up to my mother and doing the same.

"Congratulations." My father told me, a small smile on his face.

"Yes, congratulations!" My mother agreed. "We have to celebrate! Let's go to Pizza hut!"


"I think that's the last of it." I said once my dad and I put the last box into the car.

"Thank goodness, if I had to even touch another box I would've broken my own rule and used some magic." My dad told me, further proving his point by rolling his shoulders to show his discomfort.

"Oh please," My mom said, coming out of the van. "You only started helping us once we were half way done." I turned my face away from my father, hoping that it would keep him from realizing that I was trying really really hard to hold in my laughter. But with the sound of my muffled chuckling mixed with my mother's, the shaking of my whole body and the gesture itself, it became pretty obvious.

"Well it was still a lot of work, I'm probably just sore from going to the gym yesterday." He said, turning his face away as a pink colour started to set in.

"Probably?" I repeated, hoping he would get what I was hinting at. My father's face just got redder while my mother's chuckling just got louder. My dad is a very sweet and understanding man, you kind of have to be to be able to let you wife keep her name at the time they got married. And to be able to deal with my mom. Period.

But unfortunately for him he was also very easy to read, and his European heritage didn't help him much with that because he was prone to blushing. The moment he felt even a whiff of embarrassment his cheek would gain a little colour and it would just get worse from there.

"Well I'm glad you two are so amused." He said, trying to look upset but his tell tale smile giving it all away.

"Yes, very." My mother agreed, a smile on her face as she walked up to him. "And I love you for that, thank you." After my mom finished her sentence she kissed my dad right on the cheek causing an adoring look to fall on his face as he stared at my mother. I smiled at my parents knowing they wouldn't see it anyway with their staring and got in the van.

"Okay love birds! It's time to go!" I yelled, knowing they were probably shaking their heads at my antics.

"Okay, I just need to get one thing." My dad said as he started to walked towards the house while my mother got in the car. After about fifteen minutes of either my dad my mom or myself realizing that there was something we needed to get we were finally leaving.

"Oh wait," I said, causing them to look behind me worriedly. We all know that we have been here for way too long. "Why don't I just do the compact sac spell so I can carry all of my stuff in one go?"

"Why didn't you think of that before?" My dad asked. "We could've been on the road by now."

"Well sorry." I mumbled. I closed my eyes, twirling my pointer finger in circles as I imagined all of my stuff going into one small backpack.

Reciting the spell in ancient greek, I finalized the spell. I looked behind me and smiled when I saw one little backpack in the pace of all of the stuff before.

"Okay, now we can go." My dad started the car pulling out of the driveway and starting down the road. It would've taken us fourteen hours to get to the school since it was located in the California city area and we were in the Oregon city area. Luckily when we had to travel such long distances my dad uses some light magic on the hyper speed lane and speeds up the process so it only takes two hours.

I looked out of my window, staring at the house I had lived in almost my whole life, feeling the memories as they tried to enter my mind, tried to get me to stay. I shook my head. No, I'm going to the academy, I'm going to fulfill my dream, and find a new one.

Orlando, Dipi,

Here I come.


Welcome to the first Chapter of Calfuray Academy!!!




Okay, that's enough

I personally thought that it was pretty fun and cute.


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