《The Roftkal Love》Chapter Five
Remi stared at the rising bubbles, waiting for the perfect moment to flip the pancake. As he was about slide the spatula under it, a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and a rough chin nuzzled into his neck. He flinched at the encounter but quickly relaxed when he realized it was just Kade. He went back to flipping the pancake, the front a bit too brown for his liking. Oh well, Trev liked to eat slightly burned food anyway.
Remi scooped some more batter with his ladle and poured it onto the pan, the sizzling sound waking up the half asleep bear on his back. Remi gently smile and shook Kade off, grabbed him by the waist, and directed him to the island in between the kitchen and living room. Kade sat down on the stool, and let himself rest his head on the cool surface.
Remi gently rubbed Kade's back before he heard the sizzle sound being a bit too loud. He went back and swiftly flipped the half-burned pancake. Guess Trev is going to be pretty happy with the breakfast today. He poured some more batter in and couldn't help but let his mind wonder to this morning.
It wasn't the first time he's seen Linx on the porch swing. Actually, he thinks everyone's seen Linx on the swing at least once, and they've all said the same thing when they observed him, "He looked tired." With his eyes dropped down, his back slouched against the baby blue pillows, his legs always slowly swaying the swing back and forth, and his head being tiled to the left like he wants to lean on something to just sleep but there was nothing to lean on. They've all wanted to go up to him and let him lean on them, but the last time they disturbed him, he ghosted on them for nearly a whole month. None of them know why he ghosted for so long or where he even went, but they just wished he was okay during that time.
So as Remi watched Linx jog off into the distance that morning, he couldn't help but feel like he failed Linx in someway. Sure, the two weren't related but he was his still his family. He still deserved love and support, which Remi knew everyone is more then willing to share with him, but Linx has always rejected it.
Even when Linx just arrived to Ma's house, he was adamant to be as self efficient as possible. He just didn't want to rely on anybody. Of course, Mom somehow managed to worm past his barriers and to at least be present when family time was going on. Though he rarely participated, it was still nice to know he was there, with them.
Remi got knocked out of his thoughts when a burning smell started to flood the kitchen. He quickly flipped the pancake, the front looking more like coal then pancake. l really need to start making pancakes that the others can eat.
Just as Remi finished making breakfast, right on cue everybody trudged into the kitchen and stacked pancakes on their plates. They ate in peace, yet tension was in the air. Finn kept on flickering his eyes back and forth, Orion bouncing his legs uncontrollably, and the usual stoic Austin had a slight frown. Everybody noticed their strange behavior and looked at one another with the same question-
What happened last night?
Nobody spoke, yet full conversations were taking place with their eyes. Orion and Finn managed to grab Austin's attention, their eyes flickering to the other three, their eyes pleading and confused. The other three exchanged confused glances, each one nudging the other to be the one to voice their question.
Kade, tired of the unneeded suspension, spoke up, "What happened last night?" Kade stared at Austin, knowing he won't bucher up the truth. Austin avoided his gaze and looked at the porch swing, a soft sigh passing his lips.
"Linx was one of the fighters from the event we went to." Kade furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes piercing into the side of Austin's head.
"Elaborate." Kade commanded. Austin flickered his eyes back to Kade's and the two stared at one another.
"Linx was one of the fighters from yesterdays event that Finn got a discount for. He was about the second last person to go up and fight. And he did, with another kid, for six minutes. He, thankfully, won and that's when we left."
"Did you try to talk to him? Did you make sure he was okay?"
"No since if we did-"
"WHAT? Why the fuck didn't you go and make sure he was okay? That he wasn't hurting or- fuck, I don't know, that he was okay?" Kade stood up and knocked his stool over, the heavy clatter filling the silence of the room. Austin waited for Kade to speak up first, as he didn't want to argue against someone who can't think straight.
The other four glanced at each other, trying to gauge the scene and whether or not to leave. But one look from Austin and they stayed, for this wasn't just their problem. It was everyone's problem.
They peeked at Kade and saw his eyes glossed over and dancing around the room. A hush fell over the room. Kade soon collected his thoughts, picked up his stool, and sat back down. A pocker face was the only emotion either Kade or Austin showed through. "Tell me exactly what the three of you did from the moment you left the house. Then we can talk what we'll do with Linx."
Austin nodded in agreement and began describing their night, everyone's attention stuck on him. He finished off and once again, silence fell. Though now, the silence wasn't overbearing. Trevor and Finn were playing chopsticks and Remi was leaning against Austin, slightly dozing off. Of course, the six of them knew they were going to be late to work, but they knew they needed to figure out how to act around Linx the next time they see him.
While Linx may not be a big part of their life, they still care for him. For, some of the boys knew, if they didn't care for him, no one will. Not even Linx.
"Okay, here's what we'll do. We'll keep on acting the same and give him no hints that we know about his fights in Rooster. But, we'll keep track of his matches, observe him, and try to figure out why he hasn't told us and why he even fights. Yes, everyone aboard with the plan?" He looked around the island and made sure everyone nodded. Though Orion didn't, his gaze filled with questions.
"Yes, Orion?"
"Wouldn't Linx tell us if he wanted us to know? So then, shouldn't we just wait for him to tell us when he's ready and not barge into his secret world?" Kade did consider this but he knows Linx would never tell the six of them anything important about himself. From what Kade could observe, Linx behaves like he's a burden to them and tries his best not to get involved because he doesn't want them to take care of him. And he's been doing this since the day he's been adopted into the family. They finally have an opportunity to go past his walls and try to help him in whatever he's in need.
Kade wasn't going to let such a golden chance to pass by.
"No, if he hasn't told us now, I'm positive he would've never told us of his secret. We need to do this." Orion nodded his head, though Kade could still see the turmoil in him. He sighed and decided to talk to him at night time, when they'll have more time and don't have to worry about being fired from their jobs.
"Okay guys, get ready since most of us are thirty minutes late to work." Kade spoke up and stared to clean the island, the others who needed to commute to their work widening their eyes.
"Oh shit- boss is gonna kill me!" Orion rushed to their bedroom to get changed, laughter overflowing the kitchen.
Giggles bounced around in the kitchen, soon followed by screeching and loud clatter.
"You can't hide from me, Ivy! I will catch you and gobble you up!" Linx drop his voice by an octave at the last part, to empathize his point of how evil he was. Ivy just squealed and ran out to kitchen, her head knocking straight into her mom's knees. Linx held his breathe, waiting to see whether she'll burst out in tears or just laugh it off because you never know with kids. He let go of his breathe when she got back up and decided to use her mom's legs as a shield. He grinned at her and was about to actually dive for her, when he remembered that she was hiding behind her mom's legs.
He looked up and his grin fell by a bit, a tinge of confusion replacing some of his joy. Rose, aware of his dislike towards adults and fondness for children, made sure the conversation was short. "Don't forget to dress Ivy if you go outside, pasta is for lunch, and we have training at four pm. And please, no jumping in any mud this time, okay?" Rose looked at Ivy towards the end, knowing Ivy fully understood what her Mom requested. And by the way Ivy gripped her leggings and tried to hide her face in her butt, she knew what was being asked for.
Linx nodded, not feeling like giving a verbal response, and waited for Rose to leave. Rose leaned into Linx and kissed him on the cheek, doing the same to Ivy. She grabbed her duffle bag and left the apartment.
Linx relaxed his shoulders and took a deep breath, closing his eyes as well. But the unsettled butterflies were still in his stomach, the aching tingles still pinching his lungs, and his numb tongue still forcing him to be quiet. These feelings lingered from the morning, increasing every moment, every step, every breath. But he had to shake them off, ignore and move on, or else he'll be stuck in his bed for a week and wonder why he even tries in life.
Why he even fights when he loses most of the time, why he even lives with the boys when he doesn't help them in any form, why he even tries to talk with others when he just brings the mood down, why he even-
Linx, just shut up with your unwanted thoughts and play with Ivy. Just be more positive and it'll solve everything.
He opened his eyes and saw two brown beads staring at him. He stared back and all of a sudden the two were in a staring competition. Seconds passed by and both sets of eyes started to get glossy, yet both were only filled with determination.
Ivy blinked first, and lost because she's just a child, and started to pout. Her berry lips puckered together with her eyebrows furrowing, portraying just how darn upset she was. But her small smile betrayed her amazing acting and Linx stifled a chuckle.
He decided to lay on the carpet, his stomach facing the ceiling, and closed his eyes. He heard shuffling beside him and soon a heavy blanket called Ivy laid on his stomach. Linx wrapped his arms around Ivy's shoulders and waist, and gently rocked his body back and forth.
Her breath warmed up the left of his upper chest, her eyelashes brushing him every time she blinked. Linx knew she wanted to ask him something, her fists scrunching up his shirt and chin moving up like she was looking up at him. But he waited. He waited so long that he started to nap a little. Though her harsh shaking soon woke him up and sit up on his butt.
She looked at him with a new intensity and shouted,
"Are you dating Mom?!" It took him a moment to comprehend what she just asked, for she surely must know that she's just his teacher, right?
"Um, no Ivy, we aren't dating. She's just my teacher?" He didn't mean for the last part to sound like a question, but he was confused on how she even got to that conclusion.
"But then why did 'he kisshhh you on the cheek??" She grabbed his shoulders and got close to his face, her chicken tender breath hitting his face.
"Ivy, she's done this for years. Why is this a problem now?" He adjusted his face to get out of the range of her breath and into clean air.
"Cuz you looked schad in the morning, sho I thought you two were dating! Why are you schad?" Linx, baffled by how she even got to that conclusion, tried to deflect her question.
"I wasn't sad, I was just tired cuz it was the morning. But now its-"
"Then why were you fro-frowning in the morning?" Linx looked at her, his confusion sky rocketing. If he was frowning, then why didn't Rose not comment about it? She usually stops him and pulls him off to the side to see what's wrong, why not this time? Did she not care, maybe too busy, maybe upset at him for some reason, or maybe he just put too much trust into her- or maybe he should stop thinking of the possibilities for it's not his business to care when she pulls him off to the side and asks what's wrong. He usually avoids her questions most of the time anyway.
"I wasn't frowning-
"Yesh you were."
"No, that's my normal face. I was tired and-"
"Why are you lying? Don't you trusht me?" But Linx wasn't lying, he was certain. He would never frown in front of Ivy, why would he start to frown now? And why does he have so many questions, but no answers?
"I do trust you Ivy. Maybe I was a little sad in the morning, but I'm better now that I'm here with you! See?" He forced a smile, a smile used so often that it became his real smile, and Ivy stared at him for a hard second.
And she smiled back, believing him like the child she is.
For how could a simple child break down Linx?
It'd be a joke.
"Okay, enough chit-chat and let's go in your room!"
"To make a fort!" She bounced up, hitting Linx's rib cage, and sprinted to her room. He winced, but the smile was still plastered on his face. For if he had to suffer a little to give Ivy an amazing childhood, he would gladly suffer for her everyday.
"For, some of the boys knew, if they didn't care for him, no one will."
- End61 Chapters
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