《The Last Hybrid》Epilogue


I sat Jonathan down on the bed.

He was still asleep but he should wake up any second now.

He was also still in his wolf form.

I closed the door and locked it.

Everyone was resting from battle.

"Forma Humana." I changed back into my human form.

My wedding dress appeared again.

I took it off and got dressed in shorts and a T-shirt.

I heard a light scratching at the window.

I walked up to it and opened it.


'Then what scratched the door?' Circe asked.

'I don't know.' I responded.

I stuck my head out the window.

All of a sudden all I saw was feathers.

I put my head back inside.

"Casey? What are you doing here?" I asked the hawk in front of me.

She rested on the window seal.

"We know what happened." She referenced all the animals.

"Is everyone alright?" I grew worried.

"We are fine, but without someone of her bloodline to be bonded with us we won't make it."

"What about me? I can do it."

"No. You are already bonded with your mate."


"The bloodline must be mateless to bond with us then they can bond with their mate."

I looked down at my stomach.

"How long do you have?" I asked.

"We can survive for about a year maybe two."

"My unborn child can do it."

"Are you sure? You're making a decision for something that isn't even alive yet."

I stayed silent for a moment.

"If it means saving you guys we have to do it. What do we do?"

"We have to wait until they are born."

"Until then stay safe Casey. Watch over everyone."

"I will."

She flew off into the forest.

I went to the bathroom and stared at my stomach in the mirror.

"Please don't hate me for this."


I heard a groan come from the bedroom.

I came out of the bathroom.

Jonathan was back in his human form.

I went to the closet and got him some clothes.

I tossed them to him.

"What happened?" He groaned while rubbing his temples.

"Get dressed and I'll explain everything."

He quickly got dressed.

"Rosie what happened? Where is your mother?" He asked.

"She defeated her." I said sadly.


I sighed. "My grandma gave her life, but not for me for our unborn child."

His eyes widened. "You're...?"

I looked up at him and smiled.

He picked me up and spun me around.

He set me down and kissed me.

He pulled away slightly.

"Our little baby alpha." He placed his hand over my stomach.

"You are thinking way too ahead of time."

"They will eventually take over, but when they want."

"My grandma gave her life for theirs."

"I'm so sorry Rosie. You've lost your entire family in one day."

"No haven't I still have you."


I screamed in pain. "Get this child out of me!"

"Calm down Luna the head is almost out." Dr. Rose said.

I squeezed Jonathan's hand.

"This is your fault!" I yelled at him.

"You'll be happy afterwards." He responded.

"This is not the time to argue with me!" I growled at him.

"The baby is not coming out." The doctor said. "We will have to perform a C section."

"No! You are not cutting me!"

"That's the only way to get the baby out."

"Remove pueri intra!" I yelled.

The doctor ran back to me.

"The head is out."

Soon there was no more pain and the sounds of crying filled the air.

"Why didn't I do that sooner?" I asked myself.

I was exhausted.

"You did it Cupcake." Jonathan kissed my forehead.


"I still blame you for this."

"You'll forgive me soon."

The doctor came back holding my child in a little purple blanket.

"Congratulations, Alpha and Luna, It's a girl."

She handed me my child.

I stared down at my daughter's sleeping face.

"Our little baby alpha." Jonathan smiled down at our child. "What are we going to name her?"

"Well, I could have your mother's ring so how about your mother's name?"


"It's perfect."

"When will the bonding with the animals begin?" He asked.

"I don't know. As soon as possible but let's wait a bit."


I handed Scarlett to him.

He smiled down at his child.

She stirred around in her sleep until she opened her eyes.

She raised her hand until it wrapped around his finger.

He kissed his daughter's forehead.

I was really tired but I didn't sleep.

"Go to sleep Rosie. You're tired. I'll take care of her." He smiled.

"I love you both."

"We love you too."

I rested my head on my pillow and closed my eyes.

There was a knock at the door

I placed my daughter in the cot and opened the door.

My sister was standing there and everyone else including Quincy was outside the room.

I exited the room and closed the door behind me.

"So?" My sister asked. "How did it go!?"

"We now have soon to be Alpha Female." I said with a smile.

They smiled and cheered.

"Keep it down." I said. "They are sleeping."

They stopped for a second and then began cheering quietly.

"What's her name?" Quincy asked.

"Scarlett." I answered.

Stephany smiled widely. "Mom's name."

"When can we see her?" David asked.

"Tomorrow. they both need to rest."

"I can't wait to see our next Alpha." Archie said to himself.

You'll love her.


I was walking in the forest with Jonathan.

Scarlett was in my arms.

It has been about a week since Scarlett was born and we are now going to bond her with my grandma's animals.

We were at a clearing.

"Here." I said.

I handed Scarlett to Jonathan.

"Testor coram pretium iumentorum." I summoned the animals.

The animals soon appeared and formed a circle around all three of us.

I turned back to Jonathan and my daughter.

Jonathan handed me one of my spell books.

I flipped to the first page.

I took out a pocket knife made of gold and cut the tip of my finger.

I cringed out of pain.

I used my blood to draw a symbol on Scarlett's forehead.

It glowed for a second.

I flipped the page and spoke the words.

"Hoc vinculum cum sanguine pythonissam creaturae circa nos."

The same symbol on Scarlett's forehead glowed somewhere on the animal's body.

It stopped.

Casey flew over to us.

"Something is wrong." She says.

"What are you talking about?" Jonathan asked

"I did the spell exactly."

"Listen closely. I can hear something. "

I perked my ears up.

I could hear faint crying.

I ran to the source.

I soon came across a large tree.

And there was a sound of a baby crying.

I went behind the tree and saw a baby in a basket bawling.

I picked up the baby and rocked him until he stopped crying.

Jonathan and Casey came.

Jonathan was holding Scarlett.

Jonathan sniffed the air. "That baby is a werewolf."

"I messed up Jonathan." I said.

"How? Translate that spell for me." He responded.

"Bond this bloodline witch with the creatures around us." I translated it.

His eyes widened.

I stared down at the baby in my hands.

"I just gave our daughter a mate."

"Well we can't just leave him out here alone."

"We are taking him back with us."

"Is there any way to unbond them?" Jonathan asked.

I shook my head. "Only death."


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