《The Last Hybrid》8-Pain and Suffering


I groaned as I opened my eyes.

I was still in Jonathan's room.

The sun peaked through the opened curtains.

I had a crick in my neck.

I was about to get up until I felt some weight on me.

Jonathan was on top of me like his wolf was last night.

Only... he didn't have any clothes.

I tried moving but he only held me tighter.

How do I get out of this!?

Ooh, wait.

"Lanuae magicae pede auferat ame." I casted a spell but I whispered it.

I was out of his arms and standing in front of him.

I did not think this through.

He was leaning against me and because I transported out of his arms he fell.

He hit his forehead on the floor and woke up

"Ow!" He whined as he got up and rubbed his forehead.

He looked up and saw me.

He got up from the ground and went up to me.

He grabbed my face with both his hands and began searching it.

"Are you ok!? Did he hurt you!? I can't remember anything. Tell me what he did." He said.

I grabbed his hands.

"Calm down, he didn't hurt me."

"I felt so helpless. I could have suppressed him."

I shook my head. "No, you couldn't. It would have put enormous strain on your body."

"How do you know that?" He asked.

I sighed but I didn't say anything.

"Talk to me, Rosie. Because it sounds like your speaking from experience."

"Get some clothes on first and then I'll tell you."

"It's not like you haven't seen me like this before." He smirked.

"Shut up! Just get some clothes on!" I looked away so that he wouldn't see my blushing face.


He released me. "Don't lie, I know you like me better like this."

"Get dressed!" I turned around and waiting for him to finish changing.

"You can look if you want. I don't mind." He said.

I didn't say anything but I did stick up my middle finger.

I waited for him to finish.

"You can look now." He spoke.

I turned around as he was just barely putting on his shirt.

"Now are you going to talk to me?" He asked.

I sighed and nodded.

I sat on the edge of the bed and motioned him to sit next to me.

He sat next to me and cupped my cheek with his hand.

"What happened to you Cupcake?" He spoke.

My ears perked up at the sound of the nickname he had for me.

I missed it.

And as much as I hate to admit it I love it.

"The first month when we were apart, Valentine, and Circe were so mad at me. They kept fighting for control and tried to take over to go back to the pack."

I continued. "I was fine the first few weeks, I manage to suppress both of them, until the night of the full moon."

My breathing hitched as he began to move his thumb across my cheek.

"The night of the full moon Valentine did everything in her power to come out. and Circe helped her. I tried to fight back but it felt like my body was being ripped to pieces. It felt worse than my kind of torture. It made it seem like dying would be a blessing."

"Do you remember anything that happened that night?" He asked.

I nodded. "Valentine get me the tiniest bit of control just so I could see what was going on around me."


"What did she make you do?"

"She ran. She ran all the way back to the Pack house. She gave us a view through your window of your bedroom. We saw you suffering and drinking. And she showed me, everyone, frantically searching for me."

I continued. "Before the sun rose again and giving me back control, she said, this is what your actions have caused, pain and suffering."

I wiped away the stray tear that had made its way to my cheek.

"It wasn't your fault." He said.

I shook my head. "It was. I was the one who left."

He brought me into his chest.

"I'm just happy you're with me again." He said.

I wrapped my arms around him. "I am too."

"D-do you think we can go back soon?" He asked.

"Back where?"

"To the pack. Everyone would love to see you."

"I-I don't know."

"Why not? I have to go back eventually, come back with me."

"Jonathan, I can't."

I got out of his grip and began to walk to the door.

He grabbed my wrist. "Can't or won't."

I sighed and turned around to look him in the eye. "I can't."

He growled. "Stop running away! tell me why you even left in the first place! Over some stupid secret!"

"That is not why I left!" I snatched my wrist back.

"Then why!? Come back!" He yelled.

"If you are just going to stand there and yell at me, fine. But I can not go back."

I walked out of the room.

I looked down at the ground and noticed the tray of food was still on the floor.

But the mice were eating it.

I picked up the tray. "Are you guys enjoying that?"

They squeaked happily.

I went to the kitchen and placed the tray on the counter.

"What happened last night?" Quincy asked and he stretched on his bed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I heard growling."

"Full moon, stress out wolf, me leaving, that's pretty much it." I answered.

"So that's why I heard a thud." He winked.

"Shut up, I tripped over the lamp."

"Mhmm, sure." He said unconvinced.

I rolled my eyes. "Have you seen my grandma?"

"She left a while ago to find ingredients for a potion. Why?"

"Quincy!" I yelled.


"She is still sick! She shouldn't be out."

"But she said she was fine."

"But I got my stubbornness from her! She won't admit she's sick. Especially with my mom on the loose now."

"Well, what do we do!?"

"Stay here and keep an eye on Jonathan. I am going to find her."

"Wait what if he doesn't listen to me!?"

"Talk it out."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"If he starts yelling and shouting, let him talk it out."

"Wait, what if doesn't?"

"He will trust me."

I grabbed my sweater and walked out the door.

Ok, there's only one place my grandma can go for ingredients if they are not natural from the Earth.

I have to go there first.


Word count: 1119

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