《The Last Hybrid》5-Missed


I groaned as I lifted my head off the bed.

Wait, bed?

I looked around and I was in an unfamiliar room.

"Where am I?" I asked out loud.

"You're in a bedroom dumbass." I voice said.

"Where are you?" I asked with a growl.

"I'm right here." The voice said right next to me.

I looked to my left and saw a nearly full grown wolf.

A regular wolf, not a werewolf.

"Very funny, now who is really talking?" I said.

"Me, stupid." The wolf said.

I jumped back out of surprise.

"W-who are you?" I asked.

"Do you not remember me?" The wolf asked.

"Should I?"

It rolled its eyes. "It's me. Quincy."

"What? No, you're not. Quincy is just a pup."

"It's me." He said.

"Hey Quincy, have you seen my...?" Rosie walked into the room and paused when she saw that I was awake.

I was able to get a better look at her.

She's changed.

Her hair was shorter and it was straightened.

It looked good.

"You should be resting." She said.

The memories of what happened flooded my mind.

I ran my hands over my face. "How long was I out?"

"Two days."

"Then I've rested enough." I got up from the bed.

I was about to walk out the door until she put a hand on my chest.

I tensed.

"Wait," She said. "You don't know where you're going."

"I don't care. I just want to leave."

"You have to stay."

'We are finally with her and you want to leave!?' Rafael popped up into my head.

I haven't heard his voice in months.

'Of course, I don't want to leave.' I replied.


I sighed before sitting back on the bed.

I can never win arguments with her.

"Where am I? Why did you restore your mom's powers? And why is Quincy a full grown wolf, and can speak!?" I yelled out that last question.

"You're at my grandma's house." She leaned against the door frame.

"What about your mom?" I repeated the question.

"It was the only way to save you. She would have killed you on the spot."

"And what about Quincy? He used to be a pup! How can he talk?"

"It's been three months Jonathan. He grew up. And he can talk because of a spell I casted."

She went over to Quincy and began to stroke his fur.

Before I could say anything a Hawk flew into the room.

It flew around my head.

What the hell!?

Why is there a bird in this house!?

I shielded my face from it.

"Casey I told you, not to fly in my room." I heard Rosie say.

I removed my hands from my face slowly.

The hawk was hovering in front of my face.

"Casey!" Rosie yelled.

"I just want to get a good look at him." The hawk replied while staring at me. "He's cute."

"That hawk can talk too!?" I asked in fright.

"That hawk has a name." The hawk responded and held out one of its talons. "I'm Casey."

I took her talon cautiously and shook it. "Jonathan."

She flew over to the top of the dresser and rested on it.

I looked over at Rosie. "Any other animals?"

"There are a lot more downstairs." She said with a smirk.

I groaned and fell back onto the bed. "Can I talk to you alone?"


I heard her sigh. "Quincy, Casey, give us a minute."

The hawk flew out of the room.

Quincy growled at me. "Watch yourself pretty boy."

I rolled my eyes as he left the room.

I got up from the bed and walked up to her.

She looked around the room instead of looking straight at me.

"Look at me." I said.

"What if I don't want to?" She looked at the ground.

I grabbed her chin with my finger. "Look at me."

She looked me directly in the eye.

I couldn't help myself, I hugged her.

It has been too long since I last saw her.

And now she's here safe and sound in my arms.

She slowly wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me back.

I buried my face in her neck.

"I missed you. I missed you so much." I said.

She put her arms around my neck. "I missed you too."

"Why did you leave? Why did you leave me?" I cried.

"I didn't want to but I had to." She responded.


"I-I can't tell you as much as I want to I can't."

"I don't care! As long as you don't ever leave me! Don't you dare ever leave me again!"

"I won't, I promise."

We stood there for a while before her arms grew loose.

I just tightened my grip.

"You have to let me go at some point." She chuckled.

"No." I said.

"You need a shower." She said while trying to push me away.

"Come with me." I smirked.

She froze. "No! My grandma is downstairs!"

"I don't have any clothes." I pointed out.

"Just go into the shower and I'll get you some clothes."

"Ok." I smiled as I kissed her head.

I let her go as she showed me where the bathroom was.

I casted a spell on an old pillowcase. "In hoc mutare vestes."

The pillowcase turned into a full outfit for Jonathan.

I set it on my bed before walking downstairs.

"Grandma?" I spoke.

"Yes?" She responded before coughing.

She is still sick.

After all this time.

She won't admit it.

But she is still ill.

I don't understand what's wrong with her.

I've tried so many healing spells but none of them are working.

"Earth to Rosie." SHe snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry. Grandma, we need to talk about my mother."

"What about her?"

I took a deep breath. "I restored her powers."

Her eyes widened. "What!? How could h=you even think about doing that!? Why didn't you tell me sooner!?"

She raised her voice at me.

She never does that.

"Grandma, she held Jonathan hostage. I had no choice."

"There is always a choice Rosie. you could have casted a spell to get him away from her!"

"She was torturing him. Hurting him. I couldn't think of anything else."

She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I'm so sorry grandma! But I had to save him." I said.

She looked at me with disappointment.

"You have no idea what you have unleashed on this world."

She walked away from me and went to her room.

"Rosie." Quincy nudged me with his snout.

"She's right, Quincy. I think I just unleashed hell on Earth."

It's my fault.

Who knows what my mother is doing now with her powers.


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