《I miss you Pucca || Garu's story》why


I flip through pages and pages. What did Pucca do!? Why did she deserve to get beat!? The hell! Master Soo writes something but he doesn't write the cause!? Ugh! This is frustrating. I flip to the final page and see some sticky notes. I begin to read them.


Today. I punished Garu for breaking his vow not too long ago.


The festivities are as Amazing as always, and me being the deity always gets Amazing things haha


I punished Pucca not because she broke her silence, but she left Sooga and later tried to commit suicide. Not just because of heartbreak but because her school became a living hell. She gets beat, thrown around and even seen as below everyone else. Making fun of her friends and family.


My eyes widen and begin to fill with tears. "I see you found my book." I look up and see Master Soo standing at the doorway. I look away guilt and ashamed. "Look Garu, I didn't want to tell you because of this, but you found out and...I'm sorry. I had no other choice." I slowly get up and nod. I begin to walk out with the cleaning supplies and suddenly I feel myself getting lighter. I look down and see a cloud. "Here. You need this. Maybe this way you can visit Pucca whenever, just use this to summon it." He tosses me a stick and I nod. I can't speak, I'm at a lost for words.

I float down to my place. I enter and lock the doors.

She left Sooga and later tried to commit suicide...

She left Sooga and later tried to commit suicide...

Left Sooga and tried to commit suicide...

Tried to commit suicide...

Commit suicide...


The words replaying in my head. I throw myself onto my bed pulling out my phone. 4:59 pm.



Prince charming

Hey princess...


Hey, what's up?

Prince charming

Can I ask you




Prince charming

Be honest with me.

Did you try to commit






I did....

I'm sorry....

I thought I had

no point, since I annoyed

you so much...and kids...

At my school...

Prince charming

They're all a bunch of


You are amazing and

such a beautiful girl!!

At first it was annoying.

But after a while I began

to crave your affection...



Prince charming


A..anyways...I don't want to

keep you busy from

what you're doing ..

Love you princess 😘


Love you too prince! ♥️🖤


I place my phone down as tears begin to slip out, soaking my pillow. I was a portion for her near death experience....how....?


What if Master Soo didn't stop her...?

Would someone else have stopped her?

Would she still even be alive...?

I continue to cry as negative thoughts flow into my mind. And soon enough I fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up to banging on my door. "WAKE UP!" I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes. My eyes still wet from last night, I look down and sigh. I get up and walk up to my door. More banging. "WAKE UP!!! Ching I don't think he's waking up!" I open the door. Abyo stands there facing the other way, suddenly his fist hits my face. I fall back and he looks back. "Oh shi- GARU! I'M SORRY!!" Ching rushes over and sees me laying on the floor. "Abyo what did you do!?" I slowly sit up and look ok at the two. "I'm so sorry Garu! Are you ok!?" I nod. I get up but feel pain strike.my forehead. I fall back a little and grunt. "Are you ok...? Does your head hurt?" I nod. Ching takes me back to my bed, and notices the mess in my room. "What happened last night?" I shrug. "Garu?" I look at Abyo, "are you back on your vow of silence?" I shake my head, "something bothering you?" I slowly nod. "Want to talk about it?" I nod again. I begin to sign not wanting to say a word, if I do I will cry again.


"As we were cleaning Master Soo's place. I was cleaning his room and stumbled upon a book. He keeps records of every century."

"What kind of records?"

"Everything that happens in our lives. Well I was curious and I started to read it and-"


"I was caught, but that's beside the point. So I was reading through and saw that Pucca also broke her vow and was beaten. By Master Soo and his maidens."

Chings eyes widen. "W-what...?"

"That's not the reason why he beat her though, I read the whole thing and didn't find a reason at first, I found sticky notes and began reading them. One of them said that due to heartbreak and trouble in school she tried taking her life away...."

"Ching what is he saying!?" Ching's eyes fill with tears. "Oh Abyo! It's horrible!" She grabs her boyfriend and hugs him tightly. "P-Pucca tried taking her life away after she moved!" Abyo stayed silent, shocked that their friend wanted to end herself. "But why...?" I finally decided to speak. "She was heartbroken and people at school don't like her.." Ching turns around and looks at me. "B-but she said everything was ok when she calls..." I nod, "that's because she didn't want us to worry..."

"Damn Pucca..." Abyo holds Ching close as she continues sobbing.

"I was another reason why she almost did it..." I looked down, tears filling my eyes already. "oh...Garu..." Ching pushes hersf from Abyo. And hugs me. "It's not your fault...you just didn't realize your feelings until later.."

"I know and I'm stupid to do so.. what if Master Soo never stopped her!?"

"Garu! Stop!"

"It's my fault...."

"Garu-" I stand up and walk up to the door, I stop and turn around. "I'm going to the library..." I leave, closing the door behind me leaving a crying Ching and a shocked yet silent Abyo.

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