《I miss you Pucca || Garu's story》I miss you


I look around. Knowing she isn't here, her giggles can still be heard far and near. It's creeping me out. Suddenly I see her. "P-Pucca...?" She smiles and waves at me. She runs at me and jumps towards me. When I expected to be tackled and kissed, I felt nothing. I looked up and saw her dissolve. I run. I run into o Goh Rong.

I push the doors open and see Dada. "G-Garu? You can't be here it's late!"

"I-I saw Pucca!" He tilts his head. "What are you talking about?" He faces his phone to Garu and sees Pucca on the screen. "HI GARU!!!" He shly smiles and waves. "How's everyone?"

"We've been training.."

"So the usual!" I nod. "Garu here says he saw you."

"Huh? Saw me? But I'm still here in school."

"I-I know! But I heard you a-and I saw you!!"

Pucca giggles.

"You miss me too much don't you~" My face immediately grows red. "N-no...." Yes! I do miss you! I miss your hugs! I miss your kisses! I miss your touch!!

I turn around. "Bye Pucca.."

"Um...ok, Bye Garu! Love you~!"

I smile as I leave the building. I head back knowing she's still in school. I go back to the hill and rest against the tree. Suddenly I hear a giggle. This time it wasn't Pucca. I look over to the source and see Ching being chased by Abyo. I smirk. He wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her close. I continue to watch, they are so a couple! He kisses her lips and I immediately look away. I begin to heat up once again. I shake my head. NOPE! NOPE! NEVER!

I rest against the tree again and sigh. I close my eyes and begin to remember everything Pucca did to me..when she was still here..



I close my eyes and begin to meditate.

I hear giggles and see Pucca running 100 mph at me. My eyes widen I get ready to run but to no avail. She tackles me and hugs me tight, kissing my cheek like no tomorrow. My face begins to burn, I try to push her off but again no use. Her grip is strong, stronger than anything I've felt before.

I blush. Her lips now an inch away from mine. I've been put under a moon spell, a spell from a soup, and some other bs, and it's impossible to get out of them when under them. I swear. If Pucca even tries I'll just leave Sooga.


I open my eyes and look at the sky. I was going to move. But she never tried anything again, I guess she knew or she didn't find anything. I shrug to myself. I get up and head back home. Honestly imagining her hugs and kisses kinda hurts my heart. I do miss it when she would tackle me and kiss me like crazy.

I place my hand over my right cheek. I smile as I remember Pucca's 12th birthday. I had to distract her from going into Goh Rong that I even made her cry. I went looking for her and she was crying a waterfall. Literally. I had to get her back and I blew a kiss at her making her chase me. I ran til I got to Goh Rong and hid in a box. Pucca arrived and I was brought out as a gift. She hugged me and began kissing me like she always did.

I believe I kissed her once, I don't remember...

But I slowly begin to remember many events that happened between me and Pucca or just Pucca. Like the time her uncles all began to argue and closed down Goh Rong competing against each other. Pucca cried so much and no matter what I did she didn't even acknowledge me. Which made me happy but a tad bit upset. Kinda wanted to just go up to her. You know? I snap out of my thoughts and notice I'm infront of my house. I open the door as I enter Mio runs behind me. I pat Mio and give him a weak smile. "Meow?"


"I'm fine..just miss dad..." And Pucca. Mio purrs as he rubs himself against my legs. I smile again and pick him up walking towards my room. I look at the mat on the ground. The mat I call my bed. I carefully lay down as a storm begins to brew outside. Suddenly I hear a lot crash.

I look up to see a tree crashing into my roof and into my 'bedroom' I quickly react and escape it's grasp. Mio still in my arms. I know I'm not safe so I run out. Every building was dark but I still went up to each. I knocked and no response. Water slowly starts to rise causing a flood. I rush around until I have knocked on every door. Every door but Goh Rong's. I rush over and knock. I wait for a while as I hear footsteps and splashing of water. They open the door and more water enters Goh Rong as the water level rises faster. They invite me in and ask me questions. "What happened?"

"Why are you here Garu?"

"Are you alright?"

I look at Mio who's shivering in my arms. I place him down and he runs off when he sees Yani. I sigh. "I was about to sleep when a tree crashed down. Luckly I was able to move out of its way in time but my house isn't in shape for me to sleep. Um.... If it isn't an issue can I stay here tonight?"

They look at each other and back at me, they all smile. "Of course Garu. Um..the only available room is the one down the hallways, red door." I thank them and I head upstairs. I walk down the hallway and see the red door. I slowly open it and turn on the lights. My eyes widen as my eyes adjust to the light. "Pucca..." I was standing in Pucca's room. Suddenly I hear someone walk up behind me. "Sorry Garu, but this is the only room available." I turn and bow. "It's alright. I can sleep on the couch."

They all started doing Jazz hands(?).

"No No! We can't have you sleep on the couch! That couch isn't even good enough, we have to get a new one. I sigh I turn back around and walk up to the bed. The bed sheets were red and pink. "I'll get used to this.."

"Again we apologize Garu...um...sleep well." I nod and they close the door, leaving me in a pink and red room. I look around and see all of Pucca's belongings. Her posters, pictures and toys. Her posters were of Goh Rong and some bands of sorts. I notice torn posters on the floor. I go up to one and notice my face on it. I guess she grew out of the posters or they just looked stupid for a 16 year old to have.

I notice a plush toy that looks like me. I grab it and examine it, the details are all on point. Damn. I take the tot with me and throw myself into the bed. I take a deep breathe and I get a faint smell of Pucca. I smile to myself as my eyes grow heavy, I hug the plush and close my eyes.

Before I fall asleep I think to myself. 'I miss you Pucca....I miss you and your hugs and kisses....' And soon I fall into a deep sleep.

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