《A great change》Chapter 34


*Unedited *

"Are sure you about this?" He asked.

"Yeah!" I tossed our clothes in a bag.

"Sorry. I didn't know about it. We can always cancel if you don't want"

"Rehan! It is fine" I went to him and took his hands in mine "I need this" I winked at him.

His face relaxed but he surprised me by pulling me by my waist "Someone seems excited?"

"Should I not?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You should" he smiled and gave a short peck on my nose. His thumb caressing my cheek. He had this expression and I know where it leads.

I push him away "I need to pack this. Go!" I whispered.

"I am hurt" he dramatically placed his hand in his heart. Rolling my eyes, I went back towards the closet.

We are going to Paris tomorrow. Rehan had been planning for a long but something came up every time. Today, when I came back from Safa's engagement, Rehan surprised me with the tickets.

Of course, I'm happy, but tomorrow is the day when my dad died. It's the day that saddens me most. It's the day that took away my most important possession from me. I was a disaster from then, not giving too much value to life. I was hard on myself. Handling Imran without a dad was too much for me. I struggled to be me. I struggled a lot to keep up my dream, to fulfill my dad's dream of becoming an engineer. Ammi, Aisha, and everyone did everything to stop me from college. It's all because of Imran. It's all because I lost my abbu, who had protected me from that devil. It was all this until Rehan came into my life.

Rehan brought a light. He protected me, he had been with me, he let me pursue my dream without any hindrance. And this is the least I could do to him. If he had not asked me for Paris, I would have been sullen all day. Yeah! There will be sadness of losing dad, but it can't make me steal Rehan's happiness. Also, how can I miss Paris?

"Aimen, I'm sleepy" he whined hugging me from the back.

"What should I do? Tuck you in bed?"

"That would be wonderful, love" he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down me.

I turned to face him "Go to sleep, dear husband. I have a lot to do. Now, I need to call Aisha. Ammi said Hammad is not well" I patted his cheek. "Good night!"

He brought me more close to him. I tried to wriggle out but he tightened his hold.

"I am all yours from tomorrow, remember?" I said controlling myself not to blush.


His smirk grew bigger and mischievous. "In that case, I will" he let me go after kissing my cheek.

I then talked with Aisha. She is stressing a lot with Hammad's health when all he has is just a fever. My sister is among those peoples who would cry when they see other's cry. Just think what his crying son with fever would have made her?

It's been a long time, we had this long talk. I find time to talk with Ammi but not with Aisha. Since we catch up after a long time, we had all those crazy sisterly chats. She teased me a lot when I said about our Paris trip. I don't know why.

Bidding her bye. I spent my time on the phone, reading all the messages. Rehan was tossing in bed.

I jumped next to him engulfing his warmness. The thing which became necessary to put me to sleep.


"Bye," I hugged Sidra.

"Bye. Come back with the news of me becoming phuppi" she winked.

I ignored her and went to mum. She is chanting the same thing since she heard Maryam's news. It's been a week and still, she has this one in her mouth.

"Take care, dear, and I want the same thing as my daughter," Mom said as she hugged me.

"Mom....." I whined.

She laughed "Okay......Be safe"

The house is quite empty without dadi. She went back to stay with her other son. It surprised me when I was said that she came here just for a small visit. It never felt that way and without her, it is like the house has lost its warmness.

She gave us a big lecture when we told her that we are going to Paris. According to her, India has more beautiful places than any country. I know what she means, but still, it's Paris, people!

"Mom, bye" Rehan gave her a side hug.

He then smacked Sidra in the head "Don't fail in the exam, sissy"

"Oww....." She rubbed the place where he hit. "Please Aimen tame your beast husband"

"I will" I replied proudly glancing at Rehan.

"Let's go before she spoils you" With that Rehan dragged me out, bidding bye to all in common.

"Ready for our second honeymoon?" He asked as we were seated in the car.

I gave him my best smile "Always!"

I watched her as her eyes lit up. The cool night breeze of Paris hit us. The city of love was lightened in great. The Eiffel tower added another point to Aimen's smile.

"You like it?" I asked holding her shoulders. I inhaled her pleasant scent. It never fails to hypnotize me.


"It's amazing!" She answered placing her hand in mine.

We are on the topmost floor of the Eiffel tower. It gave the view of the whole city, the beauty of Allah's creation.

We came here just a few hours back. This trip showed a whole new face of Aimen. She is very happy and excited, not like what she was back in Australia, sullen and depressed.

"Hello! Back to earth, hubby" she waved a hand before me.


"I think the beauty of Paris has mesmerized you," she said with a chuckle.

I moved more towards her until we were inches away. "Nah... it's your beauty" I whispered. I enjoyed it as she flushed at my comment. I will never get bored of this.

"Where to next?" I asked.

"Dinner!" She squealed like a kid.

"Finally" I muttered but she caught it.

"What? I'm hungry" I said in a duh tone.

"Aww.... let's feed you," she said looping her hand in mine.

She is happy and that's all I want. I never believed in love at first sight. Neither did I fall for this beautiful at first sight. But it a carved the thing for future.

I had a crush on her when I met her in college, developed some feelings for her in the meantime, and was madly in love with her after I did my graduation, cause that's when I realized being far away from her without any chance of seeing her is very difficult, as she started to exist in my every thought.

Our marriage brought a new strength, as she is mine. The fear of her getting married to someone else vanished. Knowing that she loves me back has raised my love for her.

I took a bite from my burger whilst swinging our hands. We are walking in the streets of Paris. The city is indeed beautiful. We still have many places to visit Eiffel tower was the only place we visited. Obviously on my demand.

"There's the car" Rehan pointed to the car we hired and we walked to it.

"To the place, I told you before," he said to the driver, who just nodded and closed the door as we got in.

"Aren't we going back to the hotel?" I asked.

Rehan shook his head and plastered a smirk on his face. Something's fishy. I tried to ask him but he ignored me.

I rested my head on his shoulder. It was so comfy that my eyelids started drooping but I widened them back, when I hear Rehan say "Don't fall asleep"

After having a big fight with the sleep, I finally heard the magical words from his mouth "We are here!"

"Where are we?" I asked as we stepped out. I looked around but only met with darkness. The few lights at the far didn't give the identity of the place.

Rehan came before me with a boyish grin.

"What?" He closed my eyes with his hand.


"Shh...It's not that dark" Really? I can barely see his face.

"I can't see anything"

"That's why I'm here" he took my hand in his and moved forward.

All I could say is that we are in some grassy place. Cause I could feel them under my shoes.

"Tada" he removed his hand. I gasped as the place was revealed to me.

There were a table and two chairs at a distance. A candle was lit in a middle. Beautiful lanterns were hanging around. The roses covered the path to the table.

"Let's make it correct this time," Rehan said and went on his knees.

That's when the realization hit me. This place is given the same touch as where Rehan took me after the reception. But this has a bit more of romantic touch than that. The place where I first broke his heart.

Tears welled up as he presented a small velvet box containing a beautiful princess cut diamond ring.

He had his heart-melting smile "So dear wife, do you love me?"

I nod my head cause I was far away from forming any words. He slid the ring in my finger and kissed my knuckles.

The last time when he did this I snapped at him and but this time it is different. There's a change this time, a great change, and it's love.

"What's this for?" He wiped my tears.

"Thanks for all this" I whispered as he pulled me in a hug.

He frowned "I thought you would say you love me"

I giggled as he failed in keeping up his frown "I love you"

His face lit up like a Christmas tree "That's good, cause I love you too" he leaned to kiss me.

We pulled apart and heat rose my face. I turned away to hide my flushed cheeks. I hear him chuckle, he took my hand led me to the table.

"Aimen, you are my dream that came true," he said holding the chair for me like a gentleman.

"And Rehan, you are so cheesy"

"Cheesy? I spent days on that" he made a sad look.

"Aww.....thank you for your efforts" I ruffled his hair.

"You're welcome, Madame" he bowed a little.

That's how it went with ice creams, Rehan's cheesy lines and lots of love.

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