《A great change》Chapter 33


*Unedited *

"Here" I placed the hot coffee mug on the table. "Let me remind you, you took a day off."

Seriously, this man is just crazy. He took a day off from his work but he is still digging in his laptop right from the morning.

Sidra will be back by evening and I promised to go on shopping with her then. Mom and others will be back by tomorrow. So Rehan has decided to give me his company.

He seems happy from yesterday. It's just clearly visible in his eyes and smile.

"It's done, love" he pulled me near him whilst he took the coffee.

"Thanks for the amazing night" he winked at me. I turned away from him flushed.

"You're cute while blushing" he chuckled and kissed my palm.

We both drank our coffee in silence. It feels amazing to be in his arms, to be with him. His touch is so familiar and so addictive like I would die without it. And it's quite funny that I avoided this man, I hated his guts, I hated him. But now everything's different. Who would have thought I would fall for this man?

"Aimen, you still don't know why this house seems so familiar to you?" He asked out of nowhere.

"No!" Honestly, cracking my mind for a week continuously didn't buy the slightest idea, so I gave it up. Why is he bringing it up now?

"You are slow, darling" he smirked.

"What? I never visited this house before" I said truthfully. I think he knows it. He ignored it when I asked about it on our wedding night.

"Nothing" he shook his head and placed the empty mug on the table.

"You knew something, right?"

"Yes. I won't tell you, you gotta figure it out on your own" he tried to kiss me but I pushed him away. He is not getting any of it until he tells me. He pouted.

"Tell me!" I warned him.

Days I have cracked my head solving my curious question but couldn't find anything, here he knows everything and remained silent. All this time.


"Okay.....Okay," I sat crisscross to hear an epic story as if it exists.

"Do you remember the first time we met?" He asked grinning.

I narrowed my eyes "What does it have to do with this?"

"Tell....." he whined. I could not help but let out a chuckle. He is just so cute. He may be intimidating sometimes, but for me, he is the cutest.

"Yeah. The time I spill coffee on you" I said. How can I ever forget it?

I am so clumsy. I spilled coffee on him the very first time we met. Then I smashed the door in his face. When I think of everything it is embarrassing. Is that even a thing to do to a husband? Okay, he was not mine then, but still, it's quite funny when I think about it now.

"No" he stated with a big smirk plastered on his face. He and his smirks.


"Nope. Well, technically it was the first time. But not for me. I won't consider that as first. Um...the first time was... Uh.." He trailed off.

"Rehan. Say it" I gritted. He can't escape this time. Not after messing with my brain.

"Okay!" He took a deep breath. I rolled my eyes. How dramatic!

"You met with an accident the day before we met each other in college"

"How do you know it?" It was a long time back. No one knows about it.

"Some handsome guy took you to his home. Asked his maid to take care of you and became your superman" he pulled out his imaginary collars.

"It was you?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, my love" he opened his arms for a hug.

It was him? I can't believe it. A man who saved my life days back is my husband now. Its.... it is cute. Isn't it? I never thought about that before. Damn, I should have been conscious that time.

"I can't believe it." Am I that dumb not to recognize this house? It still has the same colors on the wall.

He frowned and made a cute puppy dog face. "I thought you be giving me a hug"


"Why's that?" I asked with a giggle.

"Cause I saved you and you didn't even thank me, ungrateful woman"

"Do I need to?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Well yes," he pulled me into a bear hug despite my neglect.


"Food is on the table. There's everything you need. Don't do anything on your own and please don't...."

"Oh come on, Aimen. He is not a kid"

"Tell me now. She is worse than mom"

"Like you will follow my sayings" I faked a smile.

Sidra and I were about to head shopping when we heard a disaster coming. Yes, a disaster. Rehan's friends are coming over, which means a complete mess. When they came last time living room was in a new shape. Foods everywhere, videogames, and all those trash. Even Maryam, Safa and I won't cause that much trouble as they do. This is the time when my clean freak husband doesn't bother to clean up the mess.

"He will hear you. Now let's go" Sidra said swinging her handbag in the air.

"He has to hear" I turned to Rehan "Please don't spoil the room and keep...." I was stopped by the lips on mine.

He pulled me by my waist intensifying the kiss. I was shocked but gave up at last. I felt my knees going weak.

"Eww.....Guys, I'm still here. Please go to your room" Sidra yelled.

We immediately pulled apart. She had hands in her eyes.

"Do you still have anything else to say, wife?" Rehan smirked.

"Um...I left my phone in the room" I escaped from there. I touched my lips. He did that before Sidra. Augh!

"I can see you blush" He came following. "And I love it" he whispered in my ear.

I took my phone which was lying on the bed. "Do you have to go? I'm gonna miss you" he said stretching himself on the bed.

"Well, then come" I shrugged.

"I don't want to lose my sanity by going out shopping with you two" he whispered but was loud for me to hear.

"I heard that," I said moving to find an impatient Sidra.

"You were meant to" he winked.


It's nice to have a great reunion. I licked my ice cream cone. "So where to next?" I asked.

"Where I can find my perfect shoes" Safa beamed a smile.

It is good that Sidra is quite social. She already knows Safa and as for Maryam, she can befriend anybody. Since Safa's engagement is in a week, we are buying the whole city. Just kidding. I dunno why Safa needs this many clothes when her engagement dress is gonna come from the groom's side. But her words "I cannot walk naked till the dress comes" have the fair point.

Also, Sidra needs a "perfect dress" for her farewell party at college, so in the end, we are having a big shopping tour.

But the thing which caught my attention is Maryam and her ice cream, which has melted halfway. "Maryam, you okay?" I asked. Maryam ignoring her icecream is like stars at day. You get the point, right? She never ignores it, when she is the one who brought us to the ice cream parlor.

"Yeah. I am. I need something spicy" she pushed her bowl.

"What? Are you serious? You literally dragged us here?" Sidra asked bewildered at her.

Safa joined her "You didn't even let me buy my shoes" she made a sad face. "What's with your mood? Are you pregnant?" She nudged her.

To our surprise, Maryam blushed hard. Oh. My. God. "Ahh!!!" I jumped on my feet to hug her. "Congratulations"

The next minute we all were squealing, earning weird glares from everyone. Maryam mumbled a small thank you and was blushing continuously. Who would have thought this girl could blush too?

"You guys are fast" Sidra commented.

"Hey!" Maryam defended herself.

"What? In just one month or maybe two?" She said laughing. "Impatient much" she mumbled which earned her a death glare from Maryam.

Sidra let that aside and turned to me "So when I'll become phupphi, Aimen?"

And it was my turn to give her deadly glares.

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