《The Rejected Royal》The Past


"Brian, its so good to see you made it. Now who may these young ladies be?", a man with kind of gray hair, with a business suit on asked.

"Hi, Mr. Johnson. This is my mate Jessica,", he points to Jessica.

"And this is my cousin, Emily West.", once Brian finishes introducing me to the man, or Mr. Johnson, Mr. Johnson's eyes widen, and he instantly bows down to me.

"Mr. Johnston, why are you bowing down to Emily, she is not of real alpha blood. She might have some, but not all of it? And she is not of royal blood either.", Brian asks Mr. Johnston. Mr. Johnston doesn't stand up. Instead he stays there and says happily, "I never thought I would live to see the last living royal." At that thought I get more confused. Royal? Me? He must be confused.

"Um.... Brian can we please go inside? I'm really confused, and I don't know what to do?", Brian looks up to me with realization in his eyes.

"Brian if you know anything, tell me now.", I say sternly.

"I will tell you everything, when we get home. I'm still not sure, so it will be best if we talk about this at home. From now on, say that your last name is Jackson. And tell Mr. Johnston that he may stand up.", I nod, even though I'm still quite confused.

"You may stand up.", I say with authority in my voice. Wow......

We start walking trough the plain white halls of the school. Apparently Mr. Johnston, is the school principal, and also the beta of this pack. That still doesn't explain why he bowed down to me, an omega. He gave us our schedules, locker numbers and combinations, and also a map of the school. This school doesn't take as long as my other school did, because they go over a bunch of things, and it is a lot harder than my other school. Every day they have different subjects. Like today I have Wolf History and Human History. We have to learn human history, just in case. You never know. We end class after lunch, so its going to be a short school day. I'm kind of excited for Wolf history, I don't know why. There's just something telling me that I have to go there.


"These are your lockers. Mine is right across. I will be right back.", Brian says before walking away towards what I think is his locker. The lockers are plain and blue. I like the color blue, but as I said earlier about Brian's house. To plain. Everything in his pack needs some artistic opinions *evil grin*. I get the paper with the combination for my locker and try to open it. The first time I tried it didn't work, so I try again, nope, again, not at all. I try a fourth time, and it finally opens. I was getting kinda frustrated there. It looks like Jessica didn't have a problem opening her locker. Why does everything hate me?? I put all of my stuff away, except, my phone, my textbooks-so I wouldn't have to go back to my locker after class-, and some pencils and pens.

"So you're the girl that has decided to steal my Brian from me.", I turn around and see a girl with red hair looking at me with a smirk plastered on her face. Jessica was about to make a come back, but I know that Jessica wasn't as experienced as I am with fakes like this girl. So I decide to play with it.

"Yes, that's me. Who are you.", I try to make it sound casual. I was always the best in my drama class. My drama teacher was an omega like me. Weird right?

"I'm Brian's true mate.", she grins cheekily. I look at Jessica through the corner of my eye and see that's she's trying to hold back a growl.

"You don't look like Luna material. What did you do? Starve yourself, to get boys? Pathetic.", she says before Brian walks towards us. She puts on a fake sweet smile.


"Hi Linda. What are you doing here? Are you bothering my mate? Is she bothering you Jessica?", Brian asks when he gets here. He probably knows that she's just faking the innocence.

"Oh no Brian. I was just leaving.", she says before sashaying away.Once she was out of the way, and couldn't hear us anymore, I explained to Brian that she didn't know that Jessica was his mate, and that she thought I was his mate. I also explained why I did it, it was a mixture of helping Jessica, and humiliating the girl, what's her name? Lucy, no, Lizzy, no, Lina, no. Oh! Yeah, her name was Linda.

We start walking towards Human history, and it wasn't that far, so we made it just before the bell rang. Everyone was sitting there, except for the teacher.

After Human History, we start walking towards Wolf history. Apparently Brian and Jessica had the same idea as me, and they brought their books from both classes. Once we enter the classroom, I am met by a familiar face. I don't know her, but she looks familiar. Does that make sense? I sit next to Jessica, and Jessica sits next to Brian.

"Ok, class. We have two new students today. Jessica Winter, and Emily Jackson. Can you two please stand up?", the woman looks at us kindly, as we stand up. I feel like she knows my real last name, but I don't know.

"My name is Mrs. Jones. You may sit. Today, we will learn about the last royal, and her prophecy.", Mrs. Jones starts. I look over at Brian worriedly. Mr. Johnston called me the last royal......

"This was the last royal. Her name was Bella West.", she says while pointing at a picture she has on the board with her ruler, she looks straight at me. I look so much like Bella.

"She died when she was 120, in 1898. They say that a century after her death the next royal would be born.", through out her entire speech she looked right at me. I'm surprised that nobody noticed. Wait. I was born in 1998..... that's a century after her death..... does that mean....... I'm the next royal.

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