《The Rejected Royal》REJECTED!!


"Beep! Emily! Come upstairs I need someone to make my outfit! Beep!" The thing that communicates through out the house says for Alicia. Alicia is the Luna to be. Well, no one knows that for sure. Everyone will find out today, after school and work, and everything. The alpha to be is having his 18th birthday party tonight. Every girl is obligated to be there, so he can find his mate. I'm extremely sad for whoever has HIM as a mate. He's selfish, and cocky. Alicia loves him though.

Hi my name is Emily. I'm 17 almost 18. That's all I have to say for now. You'll learn more about me later.

"Beep! I'll be right there Alicia! Beep!" I tell her through the communication devise.

"Beep! Hurry up! It's like my wedding!! Beep!" She yells from the communication devise.

Its tonight, doesn't she know that she has ALL day to pick an outfit! I run towards my "closet", which is just the corner of my small room, and pick a Jake from adventure time sweater and jean shorts with my worn out converse. You see, I'm the omega. I have to do everything in the pack. Okay, not everything, but all the dirty work. Sometimes I think of what they would do without me. That's probably the only thing that keeps me alive.

The day I turned 16 I cried, because that was the day that my parents had to ditch me and send me over to the pack house. I've never cried in my life other than that time, and I plan to never cry. Well, that is until when my mate rejects me. I have everything planned out. Hopefully it won't be THAT bad, so I won't have to cry.

"Beep! Hurry up, Emily! It's been 5 minutes! Beep!" Alicia yells through the communication devise, that I will now call Ed.

"Beep! I'm sorry, I had to get ready. Beep!" I say calmly through Ed.

"Beep! I don't need excuses, I need an outfit for tonight! Beep!" Alicia yells through Ed. I roll my eyes. I start running up the long staircase and walk towards Alicia's room. Once I'm right outside her room I beep another Ed before telling her that it's me. She opens the door furiously before dragging me in.

"What took you so long?!" She yells at me.

"I already told you. I had to get ready myself." I say before rolling my eyes. She rolls her eyes in response.


"Com'n. You have to set up my outfit for tonight, and then set up my outfit for school." She says while dragging me in her huge closet. Yep! She makes me set up her outfits. Everyone likes her outfits when I set them up, so she makes me set them up as one of my chores. Actually, according to her, its one of my most important chores. I pick a long, red dress with only one shoulder strap, red heels, and a red purse/wallet thing for tonight. I also get a black crop top, black short shorts, black heels and a black purse, for school. And she will wear the same red lipstick for both outfits.

"Perfect! Now go! I don't want to be the one responsible for no breakfast." She yells once I show her the outfits. I start running top speed towards the small kitchen, where I have to cook breakfast for the whole pack. Once I'm at the kitchen I get the frying pans, the pancake batter, eggs, bacon, and waffles to make breakfast. I'm the only omega in this pack, sadly, so I have to clean and cook all by myself. I don't know why they don't get extra maids and butlers, they probably just like picking on me. They starve me and "bully" me. You can say bully, but they would only be bullying if it wasn't allowed. Everyone hurts me physically and mentally. The worst part is that they even made my parents do it. My dad was okay with it, but it took a long time to convince my mom. Enough self pity! I need to start cooking.

Once I finish cooking breakfast I quickly go downstairs to my room, to get my bag and books for school.

I walk to school everyday because I'm not allowed to have a car, and I don't have any friends. Actually, I have one friend. Her name's Jessica. She's probably the only person in the world who understands me. She's the omega of another pack, and she's the only omega of that pack. I only get to see her during English class, and during study hall which I spend at the library.

Its a wonderful sunny day. No clouds to be seen. It would be soooooo funny if it rained during Logan's birthday party. I mean picture it.... A wonderful afternoon where Logan gets his birthday cake -which I will make- and he asks Alicia to dance...... then it rains soooooo hard that Alicia starts whining and thunder and lighting come out. It would be hilarious! Muahahahaha! HA! That's what he gets for beating me up EVERY SINGLE DAY. Yeah that's right Logan used to beat me up. Even before I turned 16. He started beating me up when he turned 13. That's when Alicia started putting ideas in his head that I was a nobody who wanted his attention. What a great imagination. In reality, I'm a superhero who saves the weirdoes of the world instead of leaving them for the mean bullies!


*Gets quieter* Something is terribly wrong with me.

"Let the torture begin." I mumble as the front doors to the school get closer and closer. *Bump* *sparks*

A masculine voice whispers disappointedly. HA! I wonder who has me as a loser mate. I slowly look up to face my mate....... NOOOOOOOO! Why him! Why couldn't he have Alicia! At least she likes him. Yep you guessed it....... Logan Rodriguez is my mate.

' Logan mind-links me.

'!' I say as cheerfully as I can. He looks at me like I'm crazy and I just grin the fakest grin in all eternity.

I start skipping to English class before he can say anything else.

"Jessica! The moon goddess hates me!" I yell as I enter the English room. Don't worry this is a werewolf school.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"I bumped into Logan Rodriguez and I felt sparks." I say quickly, but she just gasps as her eyes widen.

'.' Jessica mind-links me. Yeah, we aren't in the same pack, but we have some sort of power that allows us to be able to mind-link anyone we want to.

'!' I yell in the mind-link at Jessica.

"What are you going to do?" She asks me.

"I don't know. Probably fake my happiness when he rejects me like every other time. Except now I'll be really dying inside." I whisper to Jessica.

"All right class, stop talking." The teacher Mr. Pain says. I know right. Mr. Pain! Such a coincidence.

School was the usual. I got beat up by Logan. That hurt twice as much, him being my mate and all. Right now I'm in my room setting everything up for school tomorrow. I just finished my really hard math homework. You see, I do quite bad in school. Its sad.

I quickly get dressed in a crime colored dress and my converse and leave for the party.

This party is going to suck. I was only looking forward to finding out who Logan's mystery mate is, but now that I know its me.... I'm SUPAH MAD. And I still have to attend. UGH!

"Cookie?" I ask a random girl that was passing by.

"Cookie?" I ask a random boy who is passing by. Wait he's not random he's one of the future betas. Wow. I did not think he would be here. Why does everyone hate cookies?

"Attention!" Logan says while tapping a glass cup. Everyone gives him their attention.

"I found my mate this morning." He starts his speech and everyone cheers when he makes a stop.

"However, I don't like her so.... I, Logan Rodriguez, reject Emily West as my mate." Everyone turns their heads my way. I bring up the fakest and brightest smile I can.... fake.

"I, Emily West, accept Logan Rodriguez's rejection." I say in the most cheerful voice I can manage. Everyone gasps. Including Logan.

"Did you just accept your own rejection?" He asks. I nod as cheerfully as I can, and grin.

"But you just got rejected...... By me." He continues. Wow, can his ego get any bigger.

"I know, and I'm ok with it." I say with the most cheerful voice. I don't know why I do it. Its not me. I guess I don't want people to feel satisfied.

"Ok that's it. You are going to be my mate whether you like it or not." My eyes widen at what he yelled. Everyone gasps again.

"What?!" I say without thinking.

"Don't say what. You may be my mate, but you're still the omega. You will not be treated any differently."

Now he's ruined every possibility of me liking him. Now I grin for real.

"Well, I'm sorry smart guy. I, Emily West, reject the jerk Logan Rodriguez as my mate. Next time don't make a girl become your mate because of your ego and pride." I say before running out of the party. I'm running away. No one in this pack will ever see me. But I have to get Jessica before I do anything else.

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