《IPWTVC[COMPLETED]》🌹Chapter 380 - 381 🌹


Ye Zhen, who had seen Meng Jie out, started to have contractions that night. After a bit of panic, Ye Zhen was brought into the operating room.

Mother Lu called up Lu Beichuan, who was still at work.

Lu Beichuan stepped away from his desk the moment he received the call. He started walking out with the cellphone in his hand and stayed on the call the entire time, learning about everything that was going on every step of the way. He rushed the chauffeur several times on his way to the hospital and was finally able to get there within half an hour.

“Where’s Zhenzhen?” asked Lu Beichuan as he looked at Mother Lu intensely.

“She's inside the operating room right now. The doctor is performing the cesarean section as we speak.”

“How long has it been already?”

“It had only been half an hour so far. Don’t worry. The doctor told us that Zhenzhen and the babies are very healthy, and they are not expecting any problems.”

That might be what they had said, but one never knows for certain when it comes to the matters of operation. Mother Lu prayed while holding onto a string of Buddhist rosary beads as she paced back and forth in front of the operating room.

Lu Beichuan, just like he did when Ye Zhen gave birth to Zhouzhou, leaned against the wall and stared at the door to the operating room and the light indicating that the operating room was in use.

While this was all happening, Aunty Yue had also brought Zhouzhou over from the mansion.

As opposed to the two worry-looking adults, Zhouzhou seemed much more carefree. He looked up at the door to the operating room. Leaning into Mother Lu, he asked, “Where’s Mommy?”

“Mommy is giving birth to your little brother and sister there. You will be meeting your little brother and sister in a little while.”

“She is going to give birth here?”

“Of course. This is where Zhouzhou was born too.”

Zhouzhou looked seriously from the operating room door to the silent Lu Beichuan before asking softly, “But, Grandma, how come Zhouzhou doesn’t remember that he was born here?”

Mother Lu, taken aback a little, finally busted out laughing, “Oh, you child…"

“When will Mommy be out? My teacher praised my drawing today.” He pulled out his drawing from his backpack and displayed it in front of Mother Lu. Pointing at the little people in the drawing, he said, “This is Grandma. This one is Daddy. This one is Mommy. And this one is Zhouzhou.”

Mother Lu pointed at the two little people that Zhouzhou was holding. “What about these two?”

“This one is my little sister and this one is my little brother,” said Zhouzhou crisply. “I am their big brother and I need to grow up quickly so I can protect my little brother and sister!”


“Our Zhouzhou’s drawing is amazing!” Mother Lu was not frugal when it came to doling out praises. “We will show it to Mommy when she is out, okay? I am sure she will love it.”

“Okay! We will show it to Mommy when she comes out!”

Zhouzhou smiled and was about to put his drawing away when Lu Beichuan walked over and sat down next to Zhouzhou. He looked down at the warm and fuzzy drawing that was done in crayons.

Zhouzhou gathered up his courage and showed his drawing to Lu Beichuan. “Look, Daddy. I drew this. My teacher praised me over it too!”

As Lu Beichuan looked at the drawing, a smile began to appear on him.

“Good job, Zhouzhou. This is such a good drawing.”

Zhouzhou lowered his head and smiled shyly. And, the very next second, he realized that this was a praise coming from his father and whipped his head up. Looking at Lu Beichuan with sparks in his eyes, he asked again in disbelief, “Do you mean that, Daddy?”

They hadn’t spent too much time together, and this was perhaps the first time ever that Zhouzhou had heard a direct praise from his father. His daddy just said his drawing was good. And he didn’t say that with a strict face; instead, he said it with a smile.

Daddy was so good-looking when he smiled!

“Of course I mean it.” Lu Beichuan picked up Zhouzhou and put him on his lap. “We will show it to Mommy together when she comes out, okay?”


Lu Beichuan, with Zhouzhou in his arms and looking at the operating room door, suddenly felt his empty heart had been filled up and that his anxieties had been quelled.

Everything would be fine.

He, Zhouzhou, and his mother were all waiting for her out here. The people that she loved most and that loved her the most were all here. She would not let anything happen to herself that would break their hearts.

Mother Lu had cycled through her rosary over and over again and had lost count of how many times she had paced in front of the operating room when the door finally opened up.

The doctor walked out from the operating room, removed his mask, smiled at Lu Beichuan and the others and said, “Congratulations. The mother and the children are all safe.”

“Safe!” Mother Lu cried tears of joy and thanked the doctor with her hands together.

Lu Beichuan closed his eyes and let out a deep, long breath.

Title: I’m Pregnant with the Villain’s Child

Translator: Fringe

Chapter 381 - Yes, but make sure you annoy me for life (2)

Inside the hospital parking lot, Lu Shaoyan hung up on his phone and said to Lin Zhan, who was smoking in the driver’s seat, “She's given birth. Twins, a boy and a girl. The mother and the two children are all sound and healthy. You feel better now?


Upon hearing that, Lin Zhan extinguished his cigarette on the car window. There were a lot of cigarette butts by his feet. Lu Shaoyan was speechless when he saw that. “Brother, it’s Ashton Marin, kind of expensive.”

Lin Zhan smiled and didn’t say anything. He looked up at the hospital patient room with lights coming from the inside. He knew that the room that he was looking at was not the one that Ye Zhen was in, but he couldn't stop himself from waiting at the hospital where she was, until he heard that she was safe.

Now that he knew that she was safe, he finally felt that a burden had been lifted.

He let out a long sigh and smiled as he looked at the hospital building.

“Let’s go.”

The car started and Lin Zhan drove away slowly from the parking lot and the brightly-lit hospital.

Nobody knew that he had been there.

Much like nobody knew that he smoked the entire night outside of the hospital four years ago.


“These are my little brother and sister? They are so ugly!” Zhouzhou looked back and forth at the two swaddled babies and pouted. He couldn’t believe that the two wrinkly and red babies were his little brother and sister!

They must be lying to him!

He was so cute himself, so why were his little brother and sister two little monkeys?

How would he show them off in the future then?

With a gentle smack to the back of his head, Mother Lu smiled and said, “They are not ugly at all. They are so cute. Why would you say they are ugly? Have you forgotten, Zhouzhou? You looked just like that when you were born too.”

“That’s impossible! I am so cute. How could I look like that when I was born!” He said seriously. “Grandma, you must have gotten it wrong. I remember I was white and soft when I was born. I was very cute!”

“All babies look like this when they are born.” The nurse smiled and explained to him. “They will look as cute as you after they have grown up some.”

“Is that true?”

“Of course that is true.” Lu Beichuan walked inside the room, took a look at Ye Zhen, who was still asleep, and asked softly, “Do you want to hold them?”

Zhouzhou looked excitedly at the two babies whose eyes weren’t even opened yet. “Yes!”

The nurse carefully placed one of the babies in Zhouzhou’s arms. Lu Beichuan’s hands were under the baby. “Daddy, look. He’s smiling at me!”

The swaddled baby’s lip twitched a little, looking like he had smiled.

“This is your little brother. That’s your little sister. Zhouzhou will protect them well in the future, okay?”

Zhouzhou nodded vehemently and cracked open his mouth and smiled. “Don’t worry, Daddy. Zhouzhou is all grown up now. I'm not a little kid anymore. I will take good care of my little brother and sister in the future. I won’t let anything bad happen to them! When the two of them grow up, the three of us will protect Mommy!”

Zhouzhou was filled with confidence. He was short of patting his chest while making his promise.

Lu Beichuan stroked his little head in approval.

Ye Zhen stirred in bed. She opened up her eyes, looked around, and happened to see Lu Beichuan.

Even after over two hours of surgery, her anesthesia hadn't entirely worn off yet. Ye Zhen gave him a tired smile and said, “Why are you the first one I see when I woke up?”

“Do you find me annoying?”

Ye Zhen nodded. “Yes, but make sure you annoy me for life.”

Lu Beichuan held her hand. “Don’t worry. Even if you find me annoying, I am here to stay.”

Ye Zhen smiled at him. “Where are the babies?”

The nurse quickly brought the two babies over. “Mrs. Lu, the sister came out first, then the little brother.”

Ye Zhen lifted her head up to look at the two newborn babies. “I knew it. Two more wrinkly babies.”

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Lu. The babies will become pretty after a while.”

As soon as they were done talking, the swaddled babies woke up and started to cry. Their clear voices resonated in the room.

“They must be hungry. Zhenzhen, you get some more rest. I’ll take them to be fed.”

“Thank you, Mom.”

“No problem. You’ve done all the heavy lifting.” As she spoke, she picked up one of the babies, looked at Zhouzhou, and asked, “Do you want to come with Grandma to feed your little brother and sister, Zhouzhou?”

Of course Zhouzhou was willing. He quickly gave Ye Zhen a kiss on her cheek and said, “You get some rest, Mommy. Be good. Zhouzhou will be back to see you.”

Ye Zhen wasn’t sure what to make out of Zhouzhou’s behavior.

Soon, Ye Zhen and Lu Beichuan were the only ones left inside the hospital room.

“Mr. Lu, the babies were born. Do you think we can handle three children?”

“Don’t worry. I will work hard and make lots of money. I am sure we will be able to manage.” Having said that, Lu Beichuan looked at her tired face and asked softly, feeling bad, “Are you still hurting?”

Ye Zhen shook her head, “No. I don’t feel anything after the anesthesia. Much better than when I had Zhouzhou.”

“Let me know if you start to hurt. Now get some rest. I will be right here. I am not going anywhere.”

“Right here?”

“Mmhmm, right here. You will be seeing me again when you open up your eyes next. It will forever be me.”

Ye Zhen teased him by shuddering. “Oh, Mr. Lu, you are giving me goosebumps!”

Lu Beichuan straightened up her blanket and said, “Hurry up and rest. Else I will continue to give you goosebumps.”

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