《IPWTVC[COMPLETED]》🌹Chapter 351-355🌹


Lo and behold, before Qin Zhiyin could even turn that into a proposal, Lu Beichuan had already found out about it.

While he was flipping through the documents on the stars signing up with Chaoxun Entertainment, his brows furrowed so much that he could kill a fly between them. The aura radiating from him was gloomy.

His assistant, standing in front of his desk, dared not make a sound. If only he had a say in it, he wouldn’t even want to stay inside this spacious office, worried that he would become collateral damage during Boss Lu’s fury.

After reading through the documents carefully, Lu Beichuan said in a low voice and with a long face, “Go fetch Qin Zhiyun.”

The assistant left quickly.

Qin Zhiyun was standing in front of Lu Beichuan’s desk an hour later.

Lu Beichuan flipped open an entertainment magazine and tossed it in front of Qin Zhiyun. “What has your Public Relation Department been doing?”

In the magazine was an article about Ye Zhen and another male celebrity.

The article was vague. It insinuated the two of them meeting up and having dinner in private and was very suggestive. It sounded very convincing. This article sparked a lot of other speculations. Something about problems in Lu Beichuan and Ye Zhen's relationship; that they would each pursue their own fun; or that the rich woman was keeping young boy toys, etc. etc.

Anything was possible with the wealthy families.

Qin Zhiyun had been slammed with matters of reaching out to celebrities as of late. Nevertheless, she couldn’t possibly deny her responsibilities under such a situation. She quickly owned up to it. “I am sorry, Boss Lu. I will be more aware of this in the future.”

Lu Beichuan rubbed between his brows and tossed the stack of documents on the stars whom they had just signed. Let it be the lively little fresh meats or the tall and handsome celebrities, all of them made him unhappy. “Who signed them?”

Qin Zhiyun took a look and said, “Madam picked them all out personally. “

Lu Beichuan has a friend who also owned an entertainment company. His company had signed a few little flowers and little fresh meats. They started out as a legitimate entertainment company. Over time, however, the celebrities started to morph and would try to throw themselves at the boss for better resources.

The boss was no saint either and would accept both men and women, anyone who was young and attractive would be his type. Once he started down that path, everything went downhill quickly. And incidents like that became a regular occurrence. Over time, the once legitimate entertainment company had morphed into his personal harem.

As such, when the crazy rumors and the young and lively boys appeared in front of Lu Beichuan, he felt very threatened!

Certain things needed to be nipped in the bud. One could only be certain if there were no possibilities of them becoming reality.

“Do you need to sign that many?” said Lu Beichuan as he smacked down on the documents. “And what’s with this idol group? Is that really necessary for a film company?”

Qin Zhiyun, looking at the stack of documents that Lu Beichuan had blown out of proportion, put on a fake smile. “No, it is not.”

Really. There was no need to be that upset about it. The stack might look thick, but they were only talking about 5 individuals. As for the idol group, they were far from making that come true.

“Two things. First, I don’t care about the size of the publisher. I don’t not ever want to see scandals between Ye Zhen and any other celebrities ever again. Second, kill your plan of starting an idol group!”


Qin Zhiyun took a deep breath. “Sure, Boss Lu. Not a problem.”

She thought Ye Zhen would be the only person running the company. And that he would not meddle in it at all.

This was his idea of not meddling?

Oh, Boss Lu, the vinegar smell exuding from you is enough to make my teeth cringe!

Naturally, all of Lu Beichuan’s motions meddling with the operations of Chaoxun Entertainment did not escape Ye Zhen. That being said, she did not have the spare energy to deal with the king of vinegar right now. Sitting on top of the toilet and staring at the two lines on the pregnancy test, she was both happy and troubled.

With her previous experience, she had an idea this time when she started seeing signs. Sure enough, she was pregnant.

How long has it been?

Zhouzhou was only 3-years old. It had been less than 4 years, and she was pregnant again?

It was cordial between herself and Lu Beichuan the first two years, but things had since become messy in the past year and even more so recently. Ye Zhen sighed. She could feel a headache coming on.

She could still remember clearly her near-death experience from three years ago. She really would not want to relive that pain all over again. Not everyone has the courage to face that kind of suffering.

Ye Zhen plunged into deep thought with her hand over her lower stomach.

Ye Zhen was very distracted the entire day and had no appetite even when she sat in front of a table full of food during dinner.

Mother Lu, noticing that Ye Zhen was not in the best of spirits, asked eagerly, “Zhenzhen, what’s the matter? Do you not like the food? Is your work too stressful? If you don’t like the food, we can have the kitchen staff make you different ones. If your work is too difficult…”

“No,” said Ye Zhen with a smile. “I just don’t have a lot of appetite these last few days.”

Lu Beichuan ladled out a bowl of soup for her. Noticing that Ye Zhen didn’t look well, he was also a little worried. “Okay. Don’t force yourself if you have no appetite.”

Zhouzhou, on the other hand, was thoroughly enjoying the meal. He looked up when he heard Ye Zhen’s words. He had a few pieces of rice stuck to the side of his mouth. “Mommy, Zhouzhou’s rice is delicious. Do you want to have it?”

Ye Zhen helplessly picked off the rice on his face. “Wouldn’t Zhouzhou be hungry if mommy eats Zhouzhou’s rice.”

Zhouzhou generously pushed his bowl over to Ye Zhen and said, “That won’t be a problem. Zhouzhou is already full!”

Looking at Zhouzhou’s large and beautiful eyes, Ye Zhen rubbed him on his head and asked, “Was Zhouzhou a good boy at kindergarten today? Did you fight with the other kids?”

“No! Zhouzhou was a good boy and didn’t fight with any of the other children!” Having said that, he looked righteously over to Mother Lu. “You can ask Grandma!”

“Yes, yes, yes. Our Zhouzhou had been a very good boy. Grandma will vouch for you!” Having said that, Mother Lu smiled and said, “But you shouldn’t draw on other kids’ faces next time, alright?”

“Draw on other kids’ faces? What happened?” Ye Zhen asked Mother Lu.

“I went to pick him up from school today and the teacher told me that he drew on a girl with his paintbrush. Zhouzhou, you tell us. Did that happen?”


Zhouzhou, his lips pushed forward, obviously didn’t care for the subject. Glancing over at Lu Beichuan quickly, he said in a low voice, “Mommy always draws on her own face to look pretty. I wanted Yinyin to look pretty too.”

“Is Yinyin a classmate of yours?”

“Yes! She sits next to me and told me that she likes me.”

Ye Zhen gave Mother Lu a surprised look and busted out laughing. “She likes you?”

Zhouzhou counted with his fingers. “Yinyin is not the only one who said she likes me. There’s also Duoduo, Rourou, and Feifei. They're always putting chocolates into my backpack.”

Zhouzhou was a cute boy with tender and fair skin and looked fragile. His eyes were large and round and looked like two ponds. He was outgoing, friendly, and a sweet talker. It wasn’t difficult for him to mingle with both the teachers and the students at the kindergarten. The teachers weren’t the only ones who liked pretty kids; even other kids like pretty kids. It didn’t take Zhouzhou long to become everyone’s favorite.

Ye Zhen didn’t know what to make of that. “Do you like them then?”

“I do!”

“Who do you enjoy playing with the most?”

Zhouzhou cocked his head and gave it some thought. He frowned and thought about it for a long time before he finally came up with an answer. “I like them all!”

Such were the words from a child, and nobody paid that too much attention.

“If you like them all, then you should not draw on girls’ faces anymore in the future, alright?”

“But Yinyin wasn’t unhappy about it.”

Ye Zhen’s face dropped.

Zhouzhou pouted a little. “Okay, I won’t do it again” Having said that, he looked at Ye Zhen with his sparkling eyes. “Mommy, when are you going to give me a little sister?”

“Why? Are you going to draw on your sister’s cheeks too?”

Zhouzhou paused for a little, then shook his head violently. “No, I won’t! I will do a good job protecting my little sister!”

Ye Zhen, stroking Zhouzhou on his head, finally didn’t say anything else.

Ye Zhen returned to her room after dinner and continued to feel blue the rest of the night. Lu Beichuan naturally noticed that.

“What is it? You seemed unhappy all night long. Is it work related?” Lu Beichuan was a little worried. Could it be because he had meddled with matters with regards to Chaoxun Entertainment?

Ye Zhen gave him a death stare when he brought up work. She flipped over and didn’t say a word to him.

Lu Beichuan wrapped his arms around her awkwardly. “There is no rush in signing stars. Chaoxun Entertainment’s current focus is in the movie area, you… “

Ye Zhen rolled back over to face Lu Beichuan.

She didn’t want to listen to him talk about work right now. Instead, she placed his hand over her stomach.

“What do you feel?”

His large palm, resting over her flat stomach, could almost cover the entire area.

Pausing for a second, Lu Beichuan looked at Ye Zhen peacefully. His Adam's apple rolled up and down. After a long while, he was incredulously, “You are… ?”

Ye Zhen pushed him away and rolled back over to face the other side.

Under the light, the outline of her alabaster shoulder was elegant and s*xy.

Lu Beichuan, his hand on her shoulder, leaned into her ear and asked, “You are pregnant?”

Ye Zhen nodded.

Lu Beichuan looked happy for a change. He placed his hand over her stomach again. Just when he was about to say something else, his look stiffened and the smile started to disappear from him.

Kissing Ye Zhen’s earlobe, he remembered how dispirited Ye Zhen was tonight, and he asked her in a hoarse voice, “You don’t want to keep it?”

Ye Zhen’s voice was dull. “I am just a little worried.

She could still remember her experience from three years ago. It hurt so much. She wasn’t sure if she had the courage to go through that one more time.

The child came too abruptly. She wasn’t prepared for it.

Taking a pregnancy test wouldn’t even have occurred to her had her period not been late.

Lo and behold, they hit the jackpot again.

“I’m sorry.” Lu Beichuan had his arm around Ye Zhen and whispered into her ear. “I failed at birth control. If you don’t want to keep it, I will go with you to the hospital.”

Ye Zhen placed her hand over her stomach. It was flat still and gave no sign that there was a life growing inside. Lu Beichuan, with his hand placed over her, hugged her tightly.

Ye Zhen wasn’t the only one who recalled what happened three years ago. Lu Beichuan remembered it clearly as well. Oftentimes, he wondered exactly how much must a woman love you for her to be willing to go through the pain of childbirth? Lu Beichuan had no idea how much Ye Zhen loved him. He was only subconsciously fearful of that night three years ago. That was the night when he decided that they would not have another child.

Zhouzhou was growing up, and neither Ye Zhen or himself had talked about having a second child. Everything was heading in a good direction and their present was great. There was no need for any changes.

“If you want to keep it, we can. If you don’t, we don’t have to. We have Zhouzhou already and that’s enough.”

Laying in Lu Beichuan’s arms, she was reassured by his words. He was letting her be the one who would make the decision and that he would respect whatever she had decided on. He did not pressure her one way or another. She could freely make that decision on her own.

It was a restless night for Ye Zhen and she had no idea how long she slept. When she woke up the next morning, she seemed to look worse than the night before.

Mother Gu was feeding Zhouzhou breakfast downstairs and Lu Beichuan, too, was eating his breakfast slowly.

Ye Zhen, sitting in front of the dinner table, had just picked up the chopsticks when Mother Lu asked casually, “Zhenzhen, what is happening with you lately? Why do you look so sickly? Is it work? If so, just take a few days off and rest up at home.”

Ye Zhen put down her chopsticks. “No, I’m pregnant. I haven’t been able to eat well or sleep well as of late.”

“Yeah, that’s what being pregnant was like but when you were pregnant with Zhouzhou… Wait!!” Mother Lu looked up at Ye Zhen. She was stunned. “What did you just say? You are pregnant?”

Ye Zhen nodded. “Yes, I am pregnant.”

Mother Lu tossed away her chopstick and went over to sit next to Ye Zhen. As she looked at Ye Zhen's stomach that was still flat, there was obvious happiness on her. “When did that happen?”

“I am not sure. I’ll go and have it checked out at a hospital in the next few days.”

“What do you mean by the next few days? Go today. Go right now!” said Mother Lu loudly. “Aunty Yue. Have the car ready. And get a hold of the hospital. We will be heading over after breakfast!”

Aunty Yue, too, had heard the news. With a smile all over her, she said “Yes, Madam. I will go and have those arranged right away!”

Zhouzhou, too, ran over to Ye Zhen from his seat. “What is pregnant?”

Mother Lu picked him up and placed him on her lap. “Being pregnant means you are about to have a little sister?”

“A little sister? Where is this little sister?”

Ye Zhen held his hand and placed it over her stomach. “She is right here.”

Zhouzhou looked at Ye Zhen’s stomach incredulously. He looked at Ye Zhen with his eyes widened and dared not apply any pressure with his hand. It was merely placed over Ye Zhen’s stomach. His lips parted, and he asked in a low voice, “She is in there?”

“Zhouzhou, too, was inside mommy’s tummy before he was born.”

Zhouzhou looked dubious for a little while. Finally, with his brows all tangled together, he asked naively, “Then.. then how come I don’t remember any of it?”

Everybody busted out laughing.

After they were done laughing, Ye Zhen rubbed Zhouzhou’s little head and said to Mother Lu, “Mom, can you please take Zhouzhou to the kindergarten today? Beichuan will go with me to the hospital.”

“Sure, let me know as soon as you find out anything.”


Mother Lu had just walked out of the dining room with Zhouzhou before Ye Zhen looked over at Lu Beichuan. What she saw was a face right up next to hers. She tried to lean back reflexively but another hand was placed behind her head and a burning kiss was pressed down on her lips.

She lifted her head a little and the surprise in her eyes was no less than what was in Zhang ZhiYang’s eyes earlier.


Ye Zhen was so embarrassed that her face turned beet red, and she had a shy look on her. She wanted to push him away and told him that they were in the dining room and there were others around them!

Her strength, compared to that of Lu Beichuan’s, was a mayfly to a tree. She had no choice but to accept that abrupt kiss.

There was nobody else in the dining room walking around other than Lu Beichuan and her. The sun was bright outside of the window. A breeze came and lifted up the curtain for the floor-to-ceiling window, and Ye Zhen closed her eyes.

Oh, whatever. They were in their own house and it was just a kiss.

Lu Beichuan did not go too far. He let go of Ye Zhen and breathed heavily into her ear. “Why did you decide to keep the child?”

Ye Zhen looked into Lu Beichuan’s eyes. “Because this is your child. I want to give birth to it for you.”

Tears welled up in Lu Beichuan’s eyes. “Thank you.”

Thank you for your willingness to keep the child for me.

Title: I’m Pregnant with the Villain’s Child

Translator: Fringe

Chapter 355 - As long as you are willing to believe and give me a chance, I will show you that I have truly changed. (1)

It was the same hospital they had gone to for her first pregnancy, and Lu Beichuan stayed with her the entire time when the doctor in charge was examining her. Lu Beichuan appeared very calm in his expression, but his tightly clenched fists gave away his nervousness.

The doctor in charge finally arrived at a conclusion. He stood in front of Lu Beichuan and smiled. “Congratulations, Mr. Lu, Mrs. Lu is two months’ pregnant.”

Two months?

It was that one time when he slacked on birth control.

Looking at Lu Beichuan’s expressionless look, the doctor in charge smiled and said, “But don’t worry. Mrs. Lu is very healthy as is the baby that she is carrying.”

Lu Beichuan, who’s expression had stiffened, forced a smile on himself finally. “Thank you, doctor.”

Lu Beichuan sat next to Ye Zhen and held onto her hand. Looking at the blob that they couldn’t make anything out of on the display, Ye Zhen asked suddenly, “Do you want them to be a boy or girl?”

“What about you? Do you want them to be a boy or a girl?”

He passed the question back to Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen pursed her lips and smiled. “I hope they are a girl. A girl is much easier. If we have another boy like Zhouzhou, the two of them just might take the house down.”

Lu Beichuan smiled and said, “Okay, a girl it is.”

And that was how the two determined the gender of the unknown baby.

Lu Beichuan did not go into the office today having to accompany Ye Zhen to the hospital, leaving behind him a bunch of work.

“How did it go? How did it go? What did the doctor say?” The two were stopped by Mother Lu the moment they stepped inside of the house.

“The doctor said I am two months’ pregnant. Don’t worry, Mom. The doctor said I am very healthy as is the baby.”

Mother Lu couldn’t be happier. “That’s good to hear! You let me know what you want to eat or drink in the next few days. You know how pregnancy goes. You will feel a little tired at the beginning. Don’t even go into the office anymore. Just stay home and rest up.”

“Mom, I’m just two months along. I am fine.”

“What do you mean fine? There are so many people in the office. What if someone bumps into you? The first trimester is the most crucial in a pregnancy. If you insist on going into the office, then take me with you. I don’t want to stay home and worry all day long.”

Mother Lu’s matter-of-factly tone was difficult to resist. Ye Zhen looked over at Lu Beichuan, hopefully to find him on her side.

From the look in his eyes and on his face, Ye Zhen gathered that he was on Mother Lu’s side.

“Your movie has wrapped up and there isn't much going on lately at the office. As for signing the stars…” Lu Beichuan paused for a little. “Qin Zhiyin can take care of that.”

The idea of being supervised wherever she went in the next few months made Ye Zhen sigh.

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