《IPWTVC[COMPLETED]》🌺 Chapter 271 - 275 🌺


Ning Yang, the cast, and a few other staff members sent Ye Zhen and the others to the entrance. Meng Jie was holding Zhouzhou. The little guy was holding Meng Jie's neck and babbling in excitement. He was having too much fun to remember his parents. He didn't look like he was looking for his mom at all.

Ye Zhen looked on without saying a word.

It was only when Ning Yang shook hands with Lu Beichuan and said goodbye that Meng Jie brought Zhouzhou over to Ye Zhen. "Mrs. Lu, it's already that time of the day. Why not eat a meal with us before going?"

Food was the primary necessity. Chinese people paid particular attention to this. It was only polite for her to ask.

Ye Zhen said with a smile, "That's okay. Zhouzhou has been playing all day and he's getting tired. This little ancestor will make a huge fuss when he's tired."

Holding Zhouzhou, Meng Jie responded with a smile, "Zhouzhou is so well-behaved. I want to take him home with me."

"Sure, he looks like he forgot who his mom is. This kid had no conscience. You can take him home. It'll save me from having to worry about him all day."

Meng Jie laughed and shook her head. She suddenly thought of something, and her expression gradually looked lonely. She handed Zhouzhou over to Ye Zhen.

"If I really bring him home, you won't be able to bear parting from him."

Ye Zhen joked, "There's no hurry. The future is long. If you have a daughter in the future, you'll be able to bring home my Zhouzhou as a son-in-law."

"I would have had a daughter… four years ago…" Meng Jie looked lonely. She sighed and forced herself to smile. "Never mind, let's not talk about that."

Lu Beichuan was done saying goodbye with Ning Yang. He walked over, put his arm around Ye Zhen, and said, "Let's go."

Ye Zhen was still pondering over Meng Jie's words. As soon as Lu Beichuan came over, her train of thought was interrupted. Her attention shifted from Meng Jie to Lu Beichuan. She instinctively followed Lu Beichuan to the car and got in.

Ye Zhen put Zhouzhou into the infant safety seat. She looked at Zhouzhou, who was looking out the car window in a gaze that showed he was reluctant to part from Meng Jue. It was obvious that he didn't want to go home.

She asked Lu Beichuan, "Who do you think this kid takes after?"

Lu Beichuan raised his eyebrows. He could hear a hint of something unusual in Ye Zhen's words. He didn't give her a concrete answer. Instead, he cautiously responded with a vague question, "Who do you think our son takes after?"

Seeing her son's delighted grin and how he was utterly absorbed with looking at Meng Jie, who was waving goodbye to them, Ye Zhen couldn't resist gently pinching her son's chubby cheek. She deeply sighed. "Yeah, that's true. Your son naturally takes after you. Look at how happy he is just from seeing a pretty woman."

Lu Beichuan's gaze turned to Zhouzhou. He loudly coughed and said in a stern voice, "Lu Zhifei!"

Lu Zhifei always had a sense of fear when it came to his dad. Such a stern shout made him tremble in fear. He looked at his dad's solemn and unhappy expression with his bright and limpid eyes. He didn't know what he had done wrong and felt very wronged. His lips wobbled and tears filled his eyes. He quietly sniffled, not daring to speak.


"Why are you so fierce?!" Ye Zhen gently patted Zhouzhou's back to comfort him and angrily looked at Lu Beichuan. Her gaze was full of accusation.

Lu Beichuan had gotten used to being looked at with this gaze recently. As long as he slightly reprimanded their son, Ye Zhen would look at him with a gaze of a mother protecting her child.

Who was the one that once solemnly said that they shouldn't spoil their child again?

The driver started the car and slowly drove out of the film studio.

A crowd of reporters, who had been waiting outside of the film studio, rushed to the car and took photos nonstop, blocking the car from leaving.

The employees of the film studio came over and ushered the reporters to the side to make way for the car.

However, it was at this moment that someone came out from a corner and broke through the security guards. That person stopped in front of Lu Beichuan's car.

"Zhenzhen, it's me! Your dad!" The man was wearing a gray jacket and a baseball cap. He looked grubby and in dire straits.

The bodyguard, who had come out to chase away the reporters, checked this man's identity, then he went over to Ye Zhen's car window to confirm with Ye Zhen.

Of course, it only took a glance for Ye Zhen to recognize the original owner's father, Ye Zhenting, despite not having much contact with him. She furrowed her brow. "How did he become like this?"

Lu Beichuan didn't show Ye Zhenting a pleasant face. He ordered the bodyguard, "Have him leave."

The bodyguard acknowledged the order and went to the front of the car to drive Ye Zhenting away.

However, while being chased away, Ye Zhenting shouted towards the car window, "Zhenzhen, no matter what, I'm your dad. Even if you marry into a prestigious family, you can't refuse to recognize that I'm your dad!"

Hearing these words, the nearby reporters didn't stop snapping their photos. There was a barrage of flashing lights from the cameras.

Lu Beichuan lowered the car window and had the bodyguard bring Ye Zhenting over. With a sharp and cold gaze, he looked at Ye Zhenting and asked, "Do you want to go to jail?"

Ye Zhenting had appeared in front of Ye Zhen today because he was at the end of his rope.

He knew that gambling wasn't a good thing. It was all based on luck, but at any rate, there was a 50-50 chance of winning and losing. Rather than holding onto the 30 million yuan and living the remaining decades of his life unable to hold his head high, he might as well take this money to gamble.

At first, he had won buckets of money by gambling. How could he have known that his wins at the beginning would use up all of his luck? Soon after that, in the short span of a month, not only did he lose the 30 million yuan he started with, he ended up owning loan sharks another 40 million yuan.

Ye Zhenting knew that even if he sold his manson, his car, and the shares he had in the company, he won't be able to collect the 40 million yuan that he owed the loan sharks.

If he didn't repay that debt, he would lose his life!

He really had no other paths to go. Otherwise, he wouldn't risk coming to see Ye Zhen.

Right now, other than Ye Zhen, who else could take out 40 million yuan to save him?


Although that 30 million yuan had bought out their parent-child relationship, no matter what, he was still Ye Zhen's father. He had held her when she was a baby and raised her to adulthood. He didn't believe that Ye Zhen would be able to treat him mercilessly.

Even if Ye Zhen was hard-hearted, she couldn't show that in front of outsiders for the sake of her reputation.

As much as Ye Zhenting cared about how others viewed him, he was still able to value his life as more important his pride and reputation.

Besides, wasn't 40 million yuan only a drop in the bucket for the Lu's?

Lu Beichuan coldly looked at him. "Do you want to go to jail?"

Ye Zhenting's eyes were shifty under Lu Beichuan's sharp and cold gaze. He didn't dare to look him in the eye. He knew that Lu Beichuan was threatening him and that he had the power to go through with this threat.

However, when he thought of his predicament, going to prison was nothing in light of that! He might not even be able to keep his life!

Seeing Ye Zhen, he clung to the window and shouted, "Zhenzhen, it's Dad! I want to talk to you!"

Since Zhouzhou was in the car, Lu Beichuan didn't want Ye Zhenting to make the situation worse, so he gave the bodyguard a look. The bodyguard forcibly pulled Ye Zhenting away.

The nearby reporters rushed to take photos of the car as it drove away. At the same time, they made sure Ye Zhenting was in those shots too.

In the car, Ye Zhen used a toy to divert Zhouzhou's attention. He was easy to coax. He grabbed the toy and played by himself.

Ye Zhen thought of what had just happened and furrowed her brow. She was lost in her thoughts as she gazed out of the window.

Ye Zhen was very clear about Ye Zhenting's character. When she had first found out that Mother Lu paid 30 million yuan to break her relationship with the Ye's, she had been distressed over the waste of money, but now, she thinks that it was a good decision on Mother Lu's part.

Thanks to that payment of 30 million yuan, in the eyes of outsiders, she had already done her utmost duty as his daughter. Now that Ye Zhenting had used unfilial as his reason to cause her trouble, outsiders would only look down on him even more.

However, since Ye Zhenting had come looking for her, she knew that he won't easily give up.

She had to think of a way to resolve this once and for all.

While Ye Zhen was thinking about this, Lu Beichuan narrowed his eyes as he looked at her from the side. She looked as if she was lost in thought. He said in a quiet voice, "You don't have to worry about Ye Zhenting. I'll handle it."

Ye Zhen paused. Immediately on guard, she turned her head.

"You'll handle it? How?"

Ye Zhen was worried that he would use shameful dirty methods to deal with Ye Zhenting when she heard his unpleasant tone.

It would be fine if he used reasonable, legal methods. She was just worried that Lu Beichuan would go down the crooked path and head to the boundary line of criminal acts.

Lu Beichuan didn't want to explain it to her in detail. "Don't worry. I'll handle it properly."

They were extremely slow words, and yet they inexplicably set her mind at ease.

Ye Zhen went back to looking out of the car window. She hadn't been worried to begin with, so why was she thinking that his words reassured her?


Since reporters had photographed this incident, it was impossible to keep this matter private.

A daughter, who had magnificently married into a prestigious family, didn't care about her father, who was in dire straits. Headlines like these were eye-catching. As long as there was news related to a prestigious family, it would always lead to a wave of interest.

The reporters didn't exaggerate or make anything up in their articles. Perhaps, it was because they felt there was no need to do so based on the situations they had witnessed. They simply reported what they had witnessed to reconstruct the scene for readers.

A pitiful-looking man stopping a car. His daughter, who had married into a prestigious family, was sitting inside the luxury car and turning a deaf ear to him. He hoped to see his daughter, but his daughter was cold-hearted. She wasn't willing to get out of the car. Her bodyguard pulled her old father to the side. and the luxury car drove off.

It was easy to attract attention and incite others by posting stuff online. When netizens saw this piece of news, many of them stood on the side of the weak and scolded the daughter of the old man. They lamented over his poor fortune. He had worked so hard to raise his daughter to adulthood and now she wouldn't even see him.

However, before this news could be promoted further by marketing accounts, Chaoxun Entertainment's PR Department had already done the work to remove it from online.

Qin Zhiyin had sorted out Chaoxun Entertainment and filled its PR Department with elites. Many of its new employees were coworkers and friends that she had worked with in the past. Their abilities were strong and they were exceedingly alert to points of special interests in the entertainment industry. They were seasoned professionals in the entertainment industry and had made great contributions in their work.

With these experienced and hardworking people gathered up into a team, their collective work efficiency had significantly increased. Qin Zhiyin had the confidence to say that this PR team ranked in the top in the entertainment industry.

So naturally, before that news about Ye Zhen had been able to spread without restraint, Qin Zhiyin had already put a stop to it. That news wasn't able to make a splash.

Although that news wasn't able to cause any waves online, Ye Zhenting didn't dare to delay. That gambling debt was like a knife hanging above his head. After he was driven away by the bodyguard, he loitered outside of the Lu's home for a few days. His sneaky appearance led to him being detained by the security guard who thought this man was a thief.

His life was in danger, so Ye Zhenting didn't care anymore how others saw him. He hollered that he was Lu Beichuan's father-in-law and wanted Lu Beichuan to come see him.

Although the security guard doubted these words, he sent another guard over to ask the Lu's about it.

When Mother Lu heard about this, she slammed her chopsticks onto the table. Her expression was very ugly.

"I already gave him 30 million yuan. He and his wife had agreed to it. What does he mean by going back on his words and pestering Zhenzhen now?"

"I had Ye Zhenting investigated. He took that 30 million yuan and went gambling. He lost that money and owes loan sharks 40 million yuan."

"Gambling? Loan sharks?" Mother Lu was incredulous. She had given him 30 million yuan. Why had he wasted it? It would have been enough to last him for the rest of his life if he wasn't too wasteful. If he wanted to make a comeback, he could have invested that money. "He actually gambled away that 30 million yuan?"

Lu Beichuan nodded.

It was impossible for ordinary people to earn 40 million yuan in their lifetimes, but that amount was nothing to the Lu's. Lu Beichuan would leave it up to Ye Zhen on whether or not to pay off Ye Zhenting's gambling debt.

"What do you think?" He looked at Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen was silent for a while.

Mother Lu was unable to remain calm. She had met Ye Zhenting and knew that he was a troublesome guy. If he pestered Ye Zhen, it would definitely be difficult for her to resolve the problem on her own. And so, she solemnly said to her, "Zhenzhen, you're busy with work, so don't bother getting involved with this issue. Leave it to Beichuan. With him here, it won't be an issue to resolve it."

Ye Zhen smiled and gave Lu Beichuan a meaningful look.

Whether it was now or in the novel, Ye Zhenting was a scoundrel. He had lofty ambitions, but didn't have the ability to accomplish those ambitions. He bit off more than he can handle. Although this type of person was limited in the harm he could do to others, he was still very annoying.

She had to discuss this matter over with Lu Beichuan. She had to think of a way to resolve the issue of the Ye's once and for all.

After being around each other for so long, Lu Beichuan understood the meaning of Ye Zhen's look. "Don't worry. I can solve this issue."

Getting Lu Beichuan's guarantee, Mother Lu finally relaxed.

Just like that, the Lu's didn't respond to Ye Zhenting for the next two days. Ye Zhenting, who had been loitering outside of their gated community, couldn't wait any longer for a response. The loan sharks had come looking for him and placed a knife on his neck. Seeing his blood, he begged them for mercy and asked for an extension.

The loan sharks were unmoved by his begging. They had seen too many gamblers and had given too many extensions.

"Give me two more days, just two more days and I'll return the 40 million yuan!"

"It's 45 million yuan now!"

"I swear. Give me two more days and I can repay that money!" Worried that these people wouldn't believe him, Ye Zhenting hastily said, "You guys should know that my daughter married Lu Beichuan. Do you guys know Lu Beichuan? He's the boss of Lu Corporation!"

Those people looked at each other. One of the left, walked to a corner, and made a call. After getting an answer on what to do, he nodded.

"Since Lu Beichuan is your son-in-law, why is he so slow about giving you 40 million yuan to begin with?"

Ye Zhenting took a deep breath for air. "It's like this. You guys know that 40 million yuan isn't a small sum. You have to give them some time to come up with that amount, right?"

However, Ye Zhenting knew in his heart that the Lu's won't give him another cent. His current method wasn't working out.

Desperate, he suddenly thought of a risky plan. After briefly thinking it over, Ye Zhenting quietly said, "How about this? Give me two more days. I won't run away. You can send someone to follow me too. As soon as my daughter contacts me, I'll immediately take you guys to get that money. Does that work?"

The loan sharks just wanted money and were moved by Ye Zhenting's offer. After saying a few more threats, they left one person to monitor Ye Zhenting.

Lu Beichuan's old friends weren't as clean as they appear today. It wasn't uncommon for people in the gray zone to associate with both sides. It was just that Lu Beichuan had been inflexibly following the rules in the past few years; he had completely stopped doing shady transactions.

He had sent people to investigate Ye Zhenting's matters and found out where Ye Zhenting had been gambling as well as the boss behind the loan sharks.

Back then, he had friendly contact with that boss and that boss still owed him a favor. He had asked about Ye Zhenting's matter too. Although he could solve the gambling debt for Ye Zhenting, it would be letting him off too easily if he did that.

The phone next to him sharply sounded. Lu Beichuan glanced at his phone. It was a call from Ye Zhen. He answered the call without hesitation, but there was no sound on the other end.

Lu Beichuan frowned. "Zhenzhen?"

"It's me," Ye Zhen calmly said, "I've been kidnapped by my dad and the loan sharks..."

Her voice abruptly cut off and was replaced by an utterly discomfited voice in the background.

"How can you say this is kidnapping?!" Ye Zhenting loudly said, "Zhenzhen, Dad just wanted to see you. All of these people are my friends!"

After saying that, Ye Zhenting said into the phone, "Beichuan ah, don't listen to Zhenzhen's nonsense. How can there be kidnapping between father and daughter? I'm just having coffee with Zhenzhen and chatting with her…"

Lu Beichuan suddenly stood up and neatly said, "Location."

Ye Zhenting paused. He coughed a few times and reported the location. Soon after, he added, "Beichuan, as you know, I've been a bit tight with money recently. Umm, can you…"

"I'll help you resolve the loan sharks, but I don't want to see the slightest harm to Zhenzhen."

Ye Zhenting grinned and prattled, "Oh you, those words are so silly. Zhenzhen is my daughter. What could I do to her? We're just here drinking coffee and waiting for you to come. Don't worry."

Lu Beichuan hung up the phone. He swiftly and decisively headed out. As he put on his coat, he had his assistant prepare a car. As he was waiting for the elevator to go down, he made a call. In a very cold tone, he asked, " What? Have you guys gone off the deep end and kidnap people now?"

Lu Beichuan's eyes were gloomy. He was grinding his back teeth, and the muscles on his face were tense. It was obvious that he couldn't be more displeased.

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