《IPWTVC[COMPLETED]》🌸 Chapter 195 - 196


"Yes, that's all fake. You don't have to worry about what's written on those tabloids and forums."

"Which means the news that Miss Shen's childhood sweetheart was stolen by a parvenu's daughter is also fake, right?" Ye Zhen pointed at her herself.

Shen Weiyin tightly clenched her fist. Her breathing had gone heavier too. With so many people eavesdropping on this conversation, she knew that it wouldn't take long for the news that she had acknowledged that all of these rumors were false to spread.

Once these rumors were discredited, all of her hard work in the past few days would go to waste!

"Yes, that's false too."

Ye Zhe thoughtfully nodded. "Miss Shen is right. These media people are full of nonsense. They have no professional ethics or moral bottom line, especially those secretly scheming people. These people are ridiculous and disgraceful. For the sake of a little bit of profit, they don't care about ethics at all. I know that Miss Shen is above caring about these rumors, but they still hurt your image. Beichuan is a married man. I'm sure that Miss Shen doesn't want to let off these people that labeled you as the other woman, right?"

Shen Weiyin didn't say anything.

"The Lu's and the Shen's are old family friends, and Miss Shen and I were brought together by fate. So how about this? Miss Shen, you don't need to clarify this matter yourself. A man has to assume a man's responsibility. My husband had said he'll deal with this matter. If Miss Shen has suffered any loss in reputation in this matter, you can have Lawyer Nan talk with Lu Corporation's lawyers. We definitely won't let you suffer any losses in vain."

Shen Weiyin's smile was stiff. The sound of her gritting her teeth could be heard. "Thank you so much then, Mrs. Lu."

"I'm just doing what I should. But Miss Shen, you have to be more careful in the future. After all, there are rats everywhere that will seize every opportunity."


"Thank you for your advice. I'll be careful." She coldly looked at Ye Zhen. There was no warmth in her eyes. "So can I leave now?"

Ye Zhen moved to the side. "Take care."

Shen Weiyin strode towards the conference door with a calm expression. There were countless people standing outside the door to eavesdrop with the excuse that they were passing by the go to the bathroom, getting coffee, etc. As soon as they saw Shen Weiyin coming out, they awkwardly smiled and scattered.

Ye Zhen looked at Director Zhou, who didn't know what to do with himself. She smiled and asked, "Director Zhou, is there something that you want to say to me?"

"... No."

"Then I'll have to trouble you to finish up terminating Miss Shen's contract as soon as possible."

Director Zhou nodded in embarrassment and immediately left the conference room.

Ye Zhen briskly headed to the elevator. She returned to the 33rd floor with a warm smile. She handed the recorder pen in her pocket to Lu Beichuan. "Mr. Lu, it seems that you haven't lied. You and Shen Weiyin gave identical answers."

Lu Beichuan held the recording pen that was still warm. He couldn't resist asking, "How do you come up with so many ideas?"

Ye Zhen shrugged. "To deal with someone like Shen Weiyin, everything has to be ready and there can't be any mistakes. Alright, that's the end of Shen Weiyin's matter. She won't dare to play any tricks in the near future. Next, I'll help you settle on your PR director candidate as well as a candidate for the endorsement deal.”

She winked at Lu Beichuan. "Believe in my judgement."

Lu Beichuan accepted the wink and calmly said, "Your judgment is pretty good. I can tell from the husband that you chose."

Ye Zhen: "... Mr. Lu, you're so shameless."

Shen Weiyin had been silent since coming out of Lu Corporation. Her expression was extremely ugly. Seeing her like this, her agent had Lawyer Nan return alone. While driving, Xi Wenjun tried to perusade Shen Weiyin, "Weiyin, I'll help you decline announcements in the next two days. You should take some time off."


Xi Wenjun didn't think Shen Weiyin was in the right state to continue working.

In addition, she could predict that after today's events, the romantic complications between Lu Beichuan, Ye Zhen, and Shen Weiyin would spread like wildfire online, which would make it even harder for Shen Weiyin to calm down and properly work.

Shen Weiyin looked out the car window as if she was turning a deaf ear to Xi Wenjun's advice.

"Alright, don't think too much about this matter. Ye Zhen and Lu Beichuan are a married couple. It's not appropriate for there to be gossip about you and Lu Beichuan. You're at the period when your career is rising up. You're going for the film empress title. This dirty scandal only harms your reputation without giving any benefits. When Lu Corporation issues a clarification announcement tomorrow, the studio will issue a statement too. When that time comes, just forward that statement to express your stance on this issue.

Shen Weiyin continued to silently look out the car window.

Xi Wenjun knocked on the steering wheel. In a very unhappy tone, she said, "Weiyin, are you listening to me?"

Shen Weiyin finally turned her head. "I heard it."

"Don't think about Lu Beichuan anymore. Based on his attitude today, you can see that he doesn't have the slightest affection for you. If he did, he would have given you a graceful way out instead of letting his wife humiliate you in public. If he cared about friendship between the Shen's and the Lu's, he wouldn't have refused to see you today." Xi Wenjun sighed. She continued to earnestly persuade, "Weiyin, you're still so young and beautiful. There's so many outstanding men pursuing you. Why do you insist on hanging yourself on Lu Beichuan? He's a married man."

The red light came on at the intersection ahead of them. Xi Wenjun slowly stopped the car.

"Weiyin, you're at the critical period of your career. The title of film empress is within reach. I've already chosen a script for you that will get you that title. As long as you play that role, you'll definitely be awarded the film empress title in the coming year. Your life is so fabulous right now. Why did you insist on grasping at a rotten man?"

Shen Weiyin lightly leaned back. With her head resting on the back of the seat, she stared blankly at the congested lane.

"But he's Lu Beichuan."

"What about Lu Beichuan..." The latter half of Xi Wenjun's words got choked up when she saw that Shen Weiyin was crying.

This was her first time seeing Shen Weiyin genuinely crying.

Tears silently streamed down Shen Weiyin's cheeks.

"Weiyin, don't be like this. You'll meet other men."

"I can't accept this." Shen Weiyin slightly furrowed her brow. Through a blurry gaze, she seemed as if she was seeing the past. "I've always known that only Lu Beichuan is worthy of me. Everyone always said that we're a match made in heaven and think that we're childhood sweethearts. We were supposed to be a couple that would be the envy of everyone when we grew up. In college, all the students and teachers thought only Lu Beichuan was worthy of me and no one except me is worthy of Lu Beichuan. I thought that he likes me too. It was only that the Lu's are too complicated, so all of his energy had to be devoted into his family's business. That's why I didn't blame him for his tepid treatment towards me. Why did he choose that parvenu's daughter, Ye Zhen?"

Shen Weiyin turned her head and looked at Xi Wenjun. There was hate in her eyes. "If the woman that he chose was more outstanding than me, I could grudgingly accept it. Why did he pick Ye Zhen? What's good about her?"

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