《IPWTVC[COMPLETED]》🌸 Chapter 131 - 132 🌸


To follow Old Master Lu's orders, someone would have to be sent to Myanmar to purchase jade there and find the most famous jade carver to do the carving for Old Master Lu's great-grandson's gift.

The butler silently noted down these orders. It was good that Old Master Lu could turn his attention to spoiling his future great-grandson.


New Year passed, and it was the start of a new year. Soon, spring followed after the departing winter. In no time at all, Ye Zhen's belly had gotten bigger and bigger. At night, she could only lie on her side to sleep. Her hands and feet were swollen, and her waist and back felt sore. She would frequently toss and turn, unable to find a comfortable position to sleep. Sometimes, she would wake up in the middle of the night from leg cramps.

Lu Beichuan had woken up countless nights to massage Ye Zhen's leg cramps. Seeing the tears running down Ye Zhen's face, he felt awful. The only thing he could do was hug her to comfort her.

"We're not having another kid after this." Ye Zhen wiped her tears and took a deep breath to calm herself.

During this time, she had read lots of pregnancy books and knew the typical symptoms that a woman would have during the second and third trimester. She had mentally prepared herself for what would happen in the late stages of pregnancy and tried her best to keep her mood stable. The doctor had advised that she shouldn't get too riled up. It would be bad for her and the baby.

Having woken up in the middle of the night from pain, she didn't feel sleepy and couldn't go back to sleep.

Ye Zhen leaned on the headboard and stroked her large belly. "Just wait, once this little brat comes out, I'll definitely punish him!"

Lu Beichuan wrapped his arm around Ye Zhen and echoed, "Yeah, he needs to be punished for being so badly-behaved."

"Did you hear that baby? If you don't want to be punished by dad and mom when you come out, start behaving better and settle down. If you torment mom anymore, you'll definitely be punished when you come out!"

Right after these words were said, it seemed as if the little fellow in her belly understood her words. The baby responded with naughty kick.


Ye Zhen shouted, "You little brat!"

It was normal for the fetus to move around.

Five months into her pregnancy, the baby had started moving. As her belly grew larger, this brat got naughtier too. Even the doctor was saying that she would definitely give birth to a healthy and naughty baby.

Ye Zhen took Lu Beichuan's hand and placed it on the spot where the baby was kicking. "Feel what he's doing. He's so energetic. When he grows up, he's going to destroy the villa for sure.

Lu Beichuan quietly said, "I'll watch him. If he dares to do that, I'll spank him."

It seemed as the baby could understand what he was saying too; the baby was even more restless than before and kicked even harder.

Ye Zhen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Don't say another word about punishing him. It's uncanny how he responds to..."

Before she could finish speaking, Ye Zhen felt an intense pain coming from her lower part. Tightly furrowing her brow, she quietly hissed in pain. Her face showed her pain too. She grabbed Lu Beichuan's hand and urgently said, "Beichuan... my belly hurts..."

Panic, which was rarely seen on Lu Beichuan, appeared on his face. But, he still calmly and methodically laid Ye Zhen down on the bed. He comfortingly said, "Don't be scared, I'm here with you. Nothing bad will happen."

Ye Zhen glanced at him and nervously asked, "Is the baby coming?"

"We'll go to the hospital right away. Don't be scared."

While tightly holding Ye Zhen's hand, he used his other hand to take out his phone to make a call.

It didn't take long before the entire villa was brightly lit up.

Mrs. Lu saw the sweat dripping down on Ye Zhen's face and repeatedly urged, "Hurry, hurry, hurry, take her to the hospital!"

Lu Beichuan carried Ye Zhen downstairs. The driver was already waiting outside the front doors with a car.

After her son and daughter-in-law had gotten into the car, Mother Lu urged this and that before she anxiously went back into the villa to get some essential items to take to the hospital.

Old Master Lu had woken up too. He watched as the car drove away in the dim light of night. Tightly holding his cane with both hands, he anxiously asked, "What's going on? Didn't the doctor say the due date isn't for another week?"


Mother Lu sighed several times. "Zhenzhen was planning on going to the hospital the day after tomorrow and staying there until the baby comes out. Who could have expected something would happen tonight? But, you don't have to worry. We've already arranged things with the hospital, and the doctor will be there to handle things once Zhenzhen gets there. Dad, the baby won't be coming anytime soon. Go back to your room to rest. We can go to the hospital and see Zhenzhen tomorrow."

Old Master Lu knocked his cane against the bright marble floor. "How can I sleep at a time like this? Don't waste time talking to me. Go prepare daily necessities and have it sent to the hospital. There's nothing at the hospital and using things from home will be more comfortable than buying new things.

"Okay, I'll go do that right now." Mrs. Lu meaningfully looked at the nearby butler before walking away. The old butler understood her meaning and nodded.


It was very normal for a pregnant woman to give birth earlier than the estimated due date. But since her due date wasn't until next week, Ye Zhen hadn't gone to the hospital till now.

Lu Beichuan had arranged for Ye Zhen to go to the best maternity hospital in this coastal city. The Lu's had a connection with the head of this hospital. As soon as that person got Lu Beichuan's call, he immediately had the best room in the hospital prepared and arranged for the chief physician to check on Ye Zhen throughout the night.

Ye Zhen's condition hadn't gotten any better. Her sweat had even soaked through Lu Beichuan's clothes on the car ride to the hospital. Her expression was painful, and she kept groaning.

Faced with signs of Ye Zhen going into pre-labor, Lu Beichuan was a total loss. He could only place all of his hopes onto the doctor.

"Doctor, how is she?"

"Her water hasn't broken yet. It'll still be a while before she goes into labor. I'll have a nurse stay here to observe her. As soon as there's a change in the situation, Mrs. Lu will be pushed into the operating room." After explaining the situation, the doctor aptly comforted Lu Beichuan, "Mr. Lu, don't worry. Your wife's condition is very normal. In previous examinations, your wife and the baby were very healthy. There won't be any serious problems during the delivery of the baby. If there's any problem, you'll be immediately notified."

Lu Beichuan's expression and appearance looked calm, but his hands were tightly clenched without him noticing. "Thank you."

"No problem."

After the chief physician left, two nurses remained behind. They would take turns taking care of Ye Zhen.

Lu Beichuan sat down by Ye Zhen's bed. Seeing that sweat was dripping down her head from the pain caused by the strong contractions, he felt so distressed for her.

"Does it still hurt?"

The pain finally stopped after the last round.

Ye Zhen weakly smiled at him. "I'm okay. It doesn't hurt." She stroked her baby bump. "The baby finally stopped tormenting me."

"If you're tired, go to sleep. I'll stay here next to you."

Ye Zhen had been tormented by the baby until the middle of the night. Now that the pain had stopped, the exhaustion came crashing down like a wave. She was so tired that she didn't even want to move a finger.

"What about you?"

"I won't leave. I'll stay here to watch over you."

Ye Zhen felt extremely at ease after knowing her husband would be by her side. Just a moment ago, she had been so apprehensive, but hearing his reassurance, all of her fears disappeared. As she looked at Lu Beichuan, whose gaze was focused on her, her eyelids gradually grew heavy, and she drifted off to sleep.

By the time Mrs. Lu had rushed to the hospital along with items she had prepared, Ye Zhen was already peacefully asleep. Seeing that her daughter-in-law was okay, she let out a long sigh of relief. She had the servant quietly put away the items she had brought with her, then she went to the chief physician's office to inquire about Ye Zhen's situation.

After the doctor told her what she wanted to know, Mrs. Lu went back to the hospital room and called Lu Beichuan out of the room to say, "You didn't sleep well all night. Go get some sleep. I'll stay here to watch over Zhenzhen."

It was normal for Lu Beichuan to stay up all night to work, so skipping one night's sleep wasn't a big deal to him. He shook his head. "You can sleep in the neighboring room. I'm fine. I can stay up longer."

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