《Im a villainess that is destined to die》ch. 5 Surviving plan!


Eleanor Zira Chrysantia ^

Lilian Dosett^ ( heroine in the otome game)

Cole Alexander Lisanthium ^

Charles Hayward^

Constantine Chrysantia^

Alastair Steverus^

Percival Hugo Wright^

Ok back to the story!

I woke up feeling refreshed, then i noticed i was in Constantine's bed, EEEEEEEEEEK did i fall asleep here?!?! I look at my brother and he is sleeping peacefully. So i slowly got up and tiptoed to the door, when i opened the door it made a creak sound, I look back at Constantine then felt relieved that he is still sleeping i closed the door then ran to my room.

I closed my door with a sigh of relief, so im in an otome game and moreover im the villainess that is destined to die by the 5 capture targets hands. I shivered thinking about how Eleanor died in the game. In all the ending of the capture targets she was either hanged, tortured, sexually harassed by perverts hired by Charles (one of the capture targets) then killed, and imprisoned for life.

First, let's think of a way to avoid our bad endings! For Constantine's ending he tortured Eleanor everyday until her last breath for abusing him as a child and for bullying the heroine... Since I already met Constantine ill just have to give him attention and treat him with kindness! As for the rest of the capture targets ill just avoid them, fufufufu im so smart.

"My lady your bath is ready" I thanked Anna then went in the bathroom to take a bath. After getting dresses i went to the library to look for romance books cause im getting bored here, TvT i miss smartphone.

Then my maid Anna said its time for breakfast. I closed my book then went to the dining area to have my breakfast. When i went in as usual my dad and mom are already there, I scanned the room to look for Constantine.


"Where's my brother?"

"He should arrive soon, the maids are having trouble helping him bath since he doesn't like being touched." My mother stated. I sat there in silence... Then the doors opened revealing my cute brother. " Sister!!" He called out while running to me with open arms.

"Run slowly or you'll trip" My father said, chuckling. I then open my arms and hugged him once he reached me. He then sat beside me. " Okay! Lets eat now im starving." I said with a slightly loud voice. My mother and father laughed at my behavior then began eating.

" Brother what's wrong? why aren't you eating?" I asked seeing as he didn't touch his food. He said something but i could barely hear it.

" Sorry? what was that?" I asked.

"Thank you...! Thank you for taking me in" He said with his little voice . awwwwwwww its illegal to be this cute. I then pinched his cheeks and said, " Your welcome little brother! Now eat!!!" I said while slicing his pancakes then stuffing it in his mouth.

"HONEY FAST!!! CALL THE PAINTER!!! WE MUST SAVE THIS MOMENT!!!" My mom said shouting at my dad.

"IM ON EAT HONEY!!! CHAAAAAAAD WHERE ARE U!" My dad shouting calling the painters name.

Me and Constantine looked at each other then laughed...Gawd i love this family.




Its been 1 year since Constantine became part of this family, since today is my 7th birthday im about to get my mana tested. All the children get their mana tested on their 7th birthday, But i don't feel excited at all!

I remembered that Eleanor didn't have a lot of mana, she is very weak in the game. I grumbled thinking i couldn't do anything with little mana, and also if i remember correctly her magic was fire but she couldn't cast anything powerful because of her low mana.


"Sweetie whats wrong?" I looked up at mother, we were in the living room waiting for the wizard who would measure my mana.

"Nothing." My mother looked at me worriedly, she was going to say something but the announcer interrupted her.

"The wizard has arrived!" I looked at the man in front of me and scanned him from head to toe, deym he fine. He has light purple hair and blue eyes, with a lean and tall figure, His face is PERFECTION.

"Ehem" I then snapped out of my thoughts and blushed a little. Him and mom talked for a while about the procedure. I didn't pay attention to what they were saying since i was munching on some macarons.

Then Mr. wizard held an orb and set it on the table. " My lady place your hands on this orb, and don't put it away unless i say so." He instructed. I reluctantly placed my hands on the orb, i began to feel dizzy. I was sweating and it felt like i could die, I wanted to pull my hand away but mr. wizard told me to not let go...

"Ok let go now" Once he said that, i immediately take pull my hands away. I was still feeling nauseous, i wanted to vomit. Dude all this for little mana-

"Duchess, Lady Eleanor has mana." When he said average i beamed, i know average is not that great but in the game Eleanor had almost little to no mana! so im really happy that i have average mana. They were talking about something but i didn't listen since i'm still happy and shocked that i have average mana hehe. When Mr. Wizard left, I asked my mother a question,

"Mama, I'm able to use magic with average mana right...?" I asked with excitement. Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes.

My mom looked at me shocked then began to smile, "I thought you'd be sad you got average mana, Im glad your happy with your mana and yes you can use magic with average mana!" My mom said in a happy tone.

I then gave her a curious look " Mama what do you mean id be sad if i get average mana?"

"Oh...It's just that some noblewoman and men get sad when they don't have powerful. but im glad our Zira isn't like them!" My mom said proudly. Oh so that's what it was, well average is better than little mana right? hehehe.

"Mama since im already done with my etiquette lessons, can i learn how to use magic?" I said expectantly.

"Dear you have to wait till your 14 years old so you can go to the academy and learn magic there."

"You'll also get tested for what type of magic you have in the academy, and we dont know what type of magic you have yet so we cant teach you magic yet." My mom said in a sad tone.

"Then I cant wait till im 14! so i can learn magic!" I said with pride, i really wanna learn magic right now so when i grow up i can at least escape or fight back if one of the capture targets decide to kill me.

I yawned. " Looks like your sleepy lets tuck you in, in bed."

"Good night mama" I said with a sleepy smile. She kissed my forehead and said goodnight then i fell asleep.

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