《Trust Me (Daryl Dixon x OC)》{40}


We made our way to the cafeteria to get half that food as our payment to help the prisoners clear out a cell block just for them. "You never tried to break out of here?" T-dog said as we walked back in.

"Yeah, we tried to take the doors off. But if you make one peep in here, then those freaks will be lined up outside the door growling, trying to get in. Windows got bars on there that He-Man couldn't get through." The second big guy said.

"Bigger than a 5x8." The blonde said.

"You won't find me complaining. Doing 15. My left leg can barely fit on one of those bunks." The larger man said and it made me smile and giggle just a bit.

"Yeah, they don't call him Big Tiny for nothing." The other man said. I kinda liked the name it fit. He seemed like a big teddy bear that was probably in here for something stupid but, you can't always judge a book by it cover.

"You don't jerking each other off?" Chapo said and I rolled my eyes. Chapo looked at me and I felt and watched his eyes scan me from head to toe. It made me physically sick.

"Sick of waiting back here." He finished and I felt a shiver run through my body and it wasn't that good. He looked at me again and then turned around and headed back into the pantry. We all made our way to the back and saw all the food they had and my heart leaped with joy.

"This what you call a little bit of food?" I said walking past Chapo.

"It goes fast. You can have a bag of corn, some tuna fish..." Chapo said but Rick cut him off.

"We said half. That's the deal." He said and then he saw the freezer.

"What's in there?" He asked, and Oscar was the other big guy.

"Don't open that." But Rick didn't listen, he never did. He had only opened the door for a solid 3 seconds but the smell had leaked out of the freezer and into the room. The prisoners seemed somewhat used to the smell as for us it smelled way worse than walker guts. It was kinda like if you took some fresh meat ground it up and then stuck it in the trunk of a black car and didn't touch it for about 3 months and then you took walker guts and added it to that. Long story short the smell was enough to knock anyone on their ass. And it knocked Rick onto his. Chapo laughed and shook his head.

"He wanted to know." The blonde one spoke up and he was looking at the ground kind of nervous.

"Can't wait for my own pot to piss in." He said and the others agreed with him. We gathered up some cans of food and placed them in boxes that were there. They didn't seem happy with what we were choosing to take and what we were taking.

"Foods here!" T-dog said as we walked back to the cell block.

"What you got?" Carl asked, opening the gate. T-dog had two boxes of cans and Rick was carrying a bag of corn and oats. I followed behind with another box of cans.

"Canned beef, canned corn, canned cans." T-dog said with some excitement in his voice.

"There's a lot more where this came from." I said, following two men. Carl closed up the door and Rick stopped to check up on Hershel.


"We're gonna be good on food for a while." I said as Carl helped me with the cans and the bags that Rick had just handed me. I finished up with the food and headed up to my bag to grab my knife and a few more bolts.

We laid out some weapons on a table for the prisoners to choose from since we were definitely not using guns. That didn't stop me or Rick from packing out hand guns.

"Why do I need this, when I got this?" Chapo said, holding up a crowbar and his gun. I just rolled my eyes and switched all my weight to one side.

"Because we don't want to attract more walkers than we can handle. And guns give off too much noise. If you fired that thing in those small hallways we would be swarmed within seconds." I said and Daryl chimed in next to me.

"You don't fire guns. Not unless your back's up against a wall. The noise really riles them up." He added to my previous statement.

'Thanks for making it seem like I don't know what I'm doing ass.' I said in my head to Daryl. All these men treated me like I have to fucking clue what I'm doing. It pissed me off more than anything.

"We'll go in two by two. Daryl will run point with T. I'll bring up the rear with you." Rick said, laying out the plan and pointing towards the smaller man of their group.

"Stay tight, hold formation. No matter how close the walkers get. Anyone breaks ranks, we could all go down. Anyone runs off, they could get mistaken for a walker, end up with an axe to the head." Rick said, finishing up his speech.

"That's where you aim. The head. These things only go down with a head shot." Daryl said and it seemed to irritate Chapo.

"Ain't gotta tell us how to take out a man." I gave out an irritant sigh and T-dog said something before I had the chance.

"They ain't men. They're something else." He said.

"Just remember to go for the brain." Rick told them and they nodded in response. They picked up their weapons and we were off. I don't know how it happened but I ended up behind Daryl next to Chapo with Big tiny behind me and then another big guy next to him. I felt small standing near these giants and Chapo just made me uncomfortable.

"My name is Thomas. What's yours baby?" Chapo said to me and I just rolled my eyes.

"Not your concern." I said and we kept moving.

"Well then baby girl it is." He said with a smirk. All I could think I how I would much rather be next to Rick or Daryl or hell anyone but this horny fucking cholo.

"So baby, you dating any of these gringos?" He asked and I ignored him.

"Come on. We could sneak off. I can show you what a real man is like." Thomas said getting next to my ear and reaching for my ass. I grabbed his wrist and twisted it.

"Do. Not. Fucking. Touch. Me." I said through bared teeth. We had only stopped for a second and Big tiny laughed at Thomas.

"I like them feisty." Was all Thomas said before we all fell into silence again.

"Man, it's too damn dark in here." The second bigger guy said.

"Gotta hold it up high in front of you. You're gonna hear them before you see them." Daryl instructed him on how he should be holding his axe. Only a few of us had flashlights and that was T, Rick, and Daryl. We definitely needed to find more of them. We heard a sound in the distance and the blonde guy started yelling.


"It's coming." He said and Rick told him to shut the fuck up. We stopped moving and we could hear the snarling of walkers approaching us. It wasn't very man and then all of the sudden the prisoners started yelling and charging past us and at the walkers. I stood up and watched as these men 'Jumped' the walkers like it was a prison riot.

"What the fuck?" I said out loud and T-dog laughed a little bit as we watched theses fucking idiots.

"Should we help them?" I said and no one answered me nor did anyone say yes. We just watched them after a minute. I got bored so I pulled out my knife and stabbed the one Big tiny was holding in the head and he fell limp and then I walked over to the other two and shoved them aside stabbing the next one in the head.

"Amateurs." I said walking down the hall. I could hear someone let out a light laugh and we continued on.

We made our way to a new part of the prison and Daryl was instructing the prisoners how to take out the walkers. "It's gotta be the brain. Not the stomach, not the heart...the brain." He told them as he shot a bolt into the walkers head and it collapsed to the floor.

"I hear you. The brain." The blonde one said repeating Daryl to let him know he was listening. Then one of the big guys went and swung his axe down on the head of the next walker that came in.

"Like that?" He asked, taking a step back.

"Yup." I said gripping my knife. Then the blonde one went up and killed the next one and as the third walker came in Rick took it out quickly.

"Stay in tight formation. No more prison riot crap." Rick said and we all huddled together as a small group of walkers came in and we took them out one by one till we heard a scream. It was Big tiny. I turned around and killed the walker that was coming at him and then Thomas pulled out his gun shooting into the walker behind tiny.

"The fuck! Did we say about guns!" I yelled at him and then turned my attention to a groaning Big tiny. His hand had blood on it and I looked in then back up at him with pity in my eyes.

"Turn around." I said and then I held out my hand as Rick gave me a flashlight. I looked at his back and the scratch was deep.

"I'm telling you, I don't feel anything. It's just a scratch." He said as he turned back around and I shook my head handing the flashlight back to Rick.

"I'm sorry Tiny." I said and he started to panic.

"I can keep fighting!" He said and the smaller one spoke up.

"You cut that old guy's leg off to save his life." He said and I looked at him in disbelief.

"Look at where the bite is." Rick chimed in.

"Guy's, I'm fine! Just...I'm fine. Look at me...I'm not changing into one of those things." He said to Rick and I and we just looked at each other.

"Look, man, there has to be something we can do. We could just lock him up." Oscar said, who is the other big guy with the prisoners.

"Quarantine him." The blonde one said. No, I haven't learned his name yet.

"We gotta do something. Why are you just standing there? We gotta save him." The smaller one explained.

"Look, there's nothing we can do." I said with sadness in my voice as I looked over at Daryl.

"I'm alrig.." Big tiny started but was cut off as Thomas bashed Tiny's head in with his crowbar. I looked at him with surprise all over my face. This man was a stone cold killer and he didn't give a fuck. We all watched as Thomas finished bashing Tiny's brain in. It was disturbing to watch and that was hard for me to be disturbed by anything. Big Tiny's brains were splayed across the floor and Thomas was soaked in his blood. I took several steps away from him and towards Daryl.

I was actually scared for the first time in a long time, I was actually terrified of who this man was and what he could be capable of. Rick gave him this look and then we just went on about our business. We made our way down the halls I stayed by Daryl and Rick.

"You see the look on his face?" Daryl asked and it was all I could picture. That look, like he was enjoying killing a man he had spent who knows how long with. His cold, dead, heartless eyes. All I could see were those eyes staring into my soul.

"He makes one move just give me a signal." Daryl said to Rick, but his voice sounded miles away as I replayed those eyes but they were in my head but his eyes were in the faces of every man that had tortured, beaten, and raped me. I didn't realize it, but I had stopped moving. I was frozen in place but something told me to keep walking. You're losing them but, no matter how hard I tried, my PTSD had gotten the best of me. That was till I felt a hand on my cheek. I blinked a few times and there was Daryl.

"Hey, you okay?" I looked at him into his blue eyes; they were like little pools of safety. I shook my head and got my bearings.

"Sorry, got lost in thought. Let's go." I said and then I ran to catch up with the group. I was walking next to Rick and Daryl was on my other side.

"Raven, you okay. You don't look so good." Rick asked me, concerned.

"I'm fine, Rick. Just my past kicking my ass." I said with a soft smile.

"PTSD?" He asked and I nodded and he gave me a small side hug and whispered to me.

"Don't be scared little bird. I've got you. Meet me tonight and we can talk." And then he let me go. The hug lasted only a second but I felt better from it.

We walked into the laundry room and split off to make sure everything was clear except for one door. We could hear the snarling of walkers just beyond the door. Daryl took off his keys and threw them towards Thomas. "I ain't opening that." He said and Rick gave him a 'you fucking are look'.

"Yes you are. If you want this cell block, you're gonna open that door. Just the one, not both of them. Because we need to control this." Rick told him and he picked up the keys off the floor. He slowly walked over to the door and unlocked it. Everyone got ready and he looked back at us.

"You bitches ready?" He asked and we all nodded. He pulled on the handle a few times but it wouldn't open.

"I got this." He said and he put his crowbar in his armpit and pulled open both fucking doors.

'This son of a bitch is trying to get us all fucking killed.' I said to myself.

"I said one door!" Rick yelled as Thomas backed up.

"Shit happens!" He yelled back at Rick. And we started taking out walkers left and right. That's when I watched a walker get too close to Rick and Thomas swung at his barely missing Rick's throat. Thomas grabbed a walker and threw it at Rick and I watched him fall to the back of the group.

"Rick!" I yelled and I shot the walker with a bolt and helped him up. We took them all out and Rick walked over to Thomas.

"It was coming at me, bro." He said and I could tell there was no way.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. Shit happens." Rick said and it took everything in me not to put a bolt straight through this asshole's head. I was fuming and so was Rick but, I didn't have to do anything as I watched Rick drive his machete through Thomas's head.

"NO!" The smaller man yelled. He went to attack Rick but he kicked him to the floor and Daryl and I both brought up our crossbows ready to kill anyone who hurt Rick. And then he ran off.

"I got him." Rick said, chasing after him leaving Daryl, T-dog, and I with the other two prisoners.

"Get down on your knees." Daryl said to both of the men. And the big guy listened. But, the blonde was being difficult.

"We don't have any affiliation to what just happened. Tell him Oscar." He said and I had my crossbow trained on him.

"Stop talking, man." Oscar said. It was worrying me how long Rick was taking to get back. Rick finally came back without the little guy. He was pissed and the first thing he did was go after the men.

"We didn't have anything to do with that." Oscar said as Rick held a gun to his head.

"You didn't know? You knew. Daryl, let's end this now." Rick yelled as he moved over to the mustache guy holding his gun to his head.

"Sir, sir, you gotta listen to me, please! It was them that was bad. It wasn't us." He cried to Rick.

"Oh, that's convenient." Rick said through bared teeth.

"You saw what he did to Tiny. He was my friend. Please, we ain't like that. I like my pharmaceuticals but I'm not a killer." He said begging for his life. I looked over at Oscar and Daryl had a knife to his throat.

"Oscar here, he's a B and E, and he ain't very good at it neither. We ain't the violent kind, they were! Please, I swear to god! I wanna live!" The blonde begged.

"Rick." I said in a soft voice trying to break through his killer instinct.

"Let's just take them to their cell block, we can lock them in and forget about them." I said and I walked over to Rick and placed a hand on his gun lowering it.

"You don't want to be a killer of someone that is innocent. You're not a murder, Rick." He pushed past me and turned to Oscar, pointing his gun at his head.

"What about you?" He asked in a clam voice.

"I ain't never pleaded for my life. And I ain't about to start now. So you do what you gotta do." Oscar said and Rick finally dropped his gun. I was pissed at him and Daryl. They were all willing to take innocent lives just because of one person's bad choices. I pushed past them and went out into the hall and headed for the cell block. I had jacked Daryl's keys so doors weren't going to be a problem and any walker I came into contact with was killed before it could open its mouth. We got to the cell block and Rick threw the men in and I left back to our cell block. I could hear people calling my name and I just ignored them. I didn't want to deal with any of them.

After I made it back to the cell block I went to the cell in the far corner that I had been basically saying in just not sleeping. I rubbed my face in frustration and kicked my bag. I remembered Hershel was still hurt so I ran down the stairs and to the cell they put him in. I stood next to Daryl at the back of the group. We all just waited as he opened his eyes finally.

"Daddy?" Maggie said and everyone left out sighs of relief. He was fine except for the fact that he was missing a leg. I took this as a good sign and I went outside for a breather. I needed a moment away from everyone just to catch my breath.

"Fuck!" I yelled and kicked some rocks. I had a lot to process and my PTSD was kicking my ass as flashbacks came and went over and over and over again. I fell to my knees and cried.

"Just let me end this." I said to myself and stared up to the sky.

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