《Even fuller house》Anika and Oliver: The birthday gift


Anika's POV

Today is me and Oliver birthday and I am so excited. We are going to have a party with all our friends it will be awesome.

Oliver and I are walking to the living room when the phone rings. I answer it and the person on the phone is whispering to me.

Unknown: Did you get my present.

Me: I don't know we got a lot of presents what is it.

Unknown: The present with no name.

Me: Oh did you forget to put a name on it.

That is when the guy hangs up the phone.

Oliver: what the heck was that. What did that mean.

Me: I know right.

When we go to the living room mom and dad made breakfast for us. Ollie kisses Anna on the forehead. I pick her up from her bouncer. I know at I was a jerk about Anna pat first but now I and glad to have a little sister. I walk over to the couch with Anna in my lap and I eat my yummy crepes with a chocolate milk that has been froth and I open my present. I got a tripod for my vlog and a video camera. Oliver got a tripod and a new skateboard for his skateboard channel. He also got a new video camera and a new MacBook Because he left his in the reach of Evie when she was in her high chair and she spilled her bottle of milk and it got all over his computer. Then that is when I see a present with no name. I grab it and call Oliver over next to me.

Me: Ollie look a present with no name.

Oliver: Yeah it is just like the guy on the phone described.

We sit in silence for a minute and Think.


Me: Ollie what do we do now.

Oliver: I am going to go to Magpie you want to come.

Me: I going next door you can without me and tell me what magpie says.

Oliver's POV

I grab my new skateboard. While I was riding my board to magpie's this super cute girl bumps into me.

The girl: Hi I am so sorry dude. Wait Ollie woah dude you look so different man.

Oliver: Um thanks wait Taylor I didn't know you went in where without your brother.

Taylor: Yeah I wanted to ride my board so I climbed out of my window.

Oliver: You skateboard so cool I gotta go see you at school maybe.

Taylor: Yeah um see you.

I started to walk away when she stops me.

Taylor: Ollie wait.

That is when Taylor comes up and kisses me and she blushes.

Taylor: I have been wanting to do that for years will you be my boyfriend.

Oliver: Yes I will be your boyfriend come with me I have to run an errand and then I am going home. You can meet my parents. You can come to me and my twin sister's birthday party.

Taylor: Ok.

We reach Pica Pica and I open the door for my new girlfriend and we talk to magpie. Magpies is this huge treasure hunter so he knows.

We got to the door of the Fuller house my mom, dad, Anika,Ava, Lilly, Lilly's boyfriend Josh, Evie, Jackson, Anna,Rocki, Rose, Max, Tommy and Andi and all of their kids. I have news for all of them.

Oliver: Hey everybody I have news. I want y'all to meet my girlfriend Taylor.

Everyone: Hey Taylor.

Taylor: H-hey Everyone I-I Taylor.

I can see that she is nervous so I wrap my arm around her and I make it look like I am whispering in her ear but I kissed her. Then she turns my face and kisses me on the lips.


Everyone: Awwwwww!!!!!! Let's start this party.

Four hours later

I tell Anika what magpie told me. Then I go to my room with Taylor and we sit on my bed she kisses me. She tells me that she told me that she told her parents that she was staying at a friends house. I look at her awkwardly and so does she and we are so close to kissing when Anika barges in the room haven't she ever heard of knocking.

Anika: The guy has my personal phone number.

Oliver: What.

Unknown: Did you get my present.

Anika: Yes who are you.

Unknown: You and Oliver are the key.

Anika and Oliver: What I don't under—

That is when the person hung up.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. So I decided to add some hunter street episodes I hope you guys enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote and and comment and add this book to your reading list.and follow me. For a face reveal you must get both of my books to 2k reads I know you can do it bye guys.

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