《Edvin Ryding, Edvin Ryding》𝗙 𝗢 𝗨 𝗥



"So, you read a lot, huh?" I asked, as soon as we managed to pull my luggage into her dorm.

It was quite remarkable, the room. There were two queen sized beds at the left and right end and it felt like someone had ran a sort of line across it.

The left side of the room was filled with books that were sprawled over the study, bed and shelves. Sketches hung from the walls and a light yellow bed spread completed the look.

The right side, on the other hand was blue. Just completely blue. Blue bed spread, blue curtains, blue carpet. There were band posters on the wall and a few textbooks on the study, a flower nightlight hung on the side and the bed sheets looked crumbled.

I was obviously drawn to the left side more and I just hoped it was her side so I looked at her and she snorted, "Not more than I'm required to."

I pointed towards the right, "That's your bed then?"


"So I'll be taking the side with all books and stuff?"

"That's right. It belongs to my roommate Jazz, she's away for the holidays. She's messy, as you can see but so am I, so it works out well for us. Also, you invited yourself here so if you wanna wind up, you can do it on your own."

"Jazz. Fun name," I commented, ignoring the last part.

"I thought so too."

I plopped on the yellow bed, testing it for comfort. It was sort of lumpy. But it worked. It's just a matter of 10-11 days.

Jamie leaned against the door to her room and took off the hood of her sweatshirt that she had kept up, "Let me guess. You read."

"Not voraciously," I admitted, "but I like to, yes."

"What's your favourite genre?" she asked, pulling off her blue converse.

"I'll read anything. It depends on the book mostly but I really like romance," I said, crossing my legs.

She made a disgusted sort of face and shook her head, "I hate romance novels."

"What? But they're the best kind! And it's not me talking, it's statistics."

"No, no, no! Wait, hear me out," she hastens towards her side of the room and sits on the bed stiffly, "They're so fake! Like who the fuck acts like that? I mean firstly, the characters, okay? They're so deep and they always have some psychological trauma that the other character helps them solve, it's so predictable! And they're almost always brunettes! And most of the time they're likeable and they glorify stupid things like second chances and death and ugh.... bad parents? Like what the fuck? And then the dialogues— their conversations are so profound and unrealistic. I mean, like, okay so in a book it seems so pretty and sweet and 'oh my god I want this' but for real, if a guy asks me to go and see the stars with him, I'll kick him in the nuts out of reflexive cringe."


I'm pretty sure my mouth was agape.

Never in my life have I seen a person talk this much in 20 seconds. And I'm friends with Omar.

She humphed and crossed her legs, looking at me in anticipation. I cleared my throat, a smile playing at my lips, "You're extremely passionate about your opinions. Has anyone ever told you that?"

"Honestly, every single person I've met. I was the leader of the debate society in school too," she revealed proudly.

I smiled widely, "I disagree though. Asking somebody to look at the stars with you can't be bad."

She scowled, "Ask me."


"Ask me."

"Ask you what?"

"You know," she snapped her fingers, "The stars thing and see for yourself."

"Jamie, do you want to look at the stars with me?" I executed and then after a second, involuntary cringed.

She laughed loudly and put her thumb and index finger an inch apart, "I was this close to whacking you across the head."

"I was this close to whacking me across the head!" I said and she laughed again.

"So," I began, "How about the movies?"

"Oh! That's fine. I'll watch anything!" she assured, "Watching movies doesn't require as much effort as reading books does. And they're so easy and you can totally judge the actors on their skills. And movies are way better because they portray the little moments in between words well."

I grinned, "What's your favourite movie?"

"Um," she pushed her hair behind her ear and one strand of it stuck up in a funny way, "Hotel Transylvania."

"But that's an animation!"

"I know! That's the point. Animations are the best! Or maybe that's just me because I'm a 5 year old inside my head. I mean, I watch spongebob for fun."

I laughed lightly, "No, I get it. Cartoons make me happy and they're so easily comprehensible."

"Exactly! Also, I just love the characters! I remember watching Alice in Wonderland for the first time and realising that I wanted a cat."

"A cat?!"

"The Cheshire cat in the movie! I found him so cool! And — oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Flash!" she exclaimed getting up and zooming towards the door.


"My cat! Natalie's gonna kill me."

"Your cat?! Who's Natalie?" I asked but she'd already stalked out of the room.

Um, okay.

I hesitantly got up, feeling like I had to follow her. I went out of the room and put my hands in my pocket, looking around. She was 4 rooms down and knocking on a door.

A blue haired girl with square-framed glasses came out with—

What the fuck is that?!


Jamie started apologising to the blue haired girl who was frowning and saying something softly. Jamie then laughed and turned towards me with a wide smile and I got inside the room.

A second later, she came in with what seemed like a cat turned inside out. It was a cat with no hair. You know, the Egyptian Sphinx variety?


"Edvin, meet my cat. Flash."

"That's not Flash, that's Flesh," I commented, scrunching my nose and making a show of creating distance between that thing and myself.

Her mouth widened, "Don't make fun of him! Apologise. Right now. Nobody disrespects my cat."

"It's beastly! And I'm a dog person anyway," I humphed. The thing was more visible to me now. It was a mass of skin, the head and tail slightly darker than the rest of the body which was skin coloured.... skin. Yuck.

She frowned, "Well, deal with it. Flash lives with us."

"How do you even touch that thing?" I asked, turning my head, "I'd scream if it touched me."

She smirked.


"Pick it up," I screeched.

The ball of meat stretched and then after a moment of consideration, came towards me. I froze. Cats can be violent. I've seen videos.

I clenched my jaw as it circled me making an eight between my legs, "Does it bite or scratch?"

Jamie, who was thoroughly enjoying my discomfort, smirked, "Only if you bother him."

Fuck it.

I'm not letting a hairless cat dominate me. I tried walking away but the little shit started following me and Jamie barked out a laugh and teased, "Aw, he likes you."

"Fuck off. You and your piece of Flesh."

She laughed again and crouched down, "Flash. C'mere boy. Come on."

Flash finally looked behind and sashayed towards his owner. I scratched the back of my neck, "Aren't these cats like really expensive though?"

Jamie sat on her bed, with Flash curling into her side, "I got him for free. We're allowed animals in our dorms, so I was like 'why not'. Went to a pet shop, paid for his vaccinations and adopted him. If he had a price I wouldn't have bought him. I hate how people buy animals. Human trafficking is wrong but it's acceptable when you do it to animals? Awful. Nobody should buy and sell life. And nobody wanted him so I got him."

"No wonder."

She stuck out her tongue.

"I have a dog."


"Yup. I miss him."

She smiled, "I'm sure you do. I'm too dependant on Flash. He's the best thing I have."

"I relate. I hate zoos, by the way. When I was a little boy, my mom took me and my sisters and I saw a tiger stuck in the cage and asked my sister whether the zoo people asked the tiger whether he wanted to be in a cage. She had just laughed and said that wild animals don't like being in cages and I'll understand when I'm older. Then I threw a fit outside the cage and demanded that the tiger should be let free."

"What happened then?" she asked, petting Flash.

"Nothing. Mum bought me a slushy and told me that that at least the animals were being fed instead of starving and tried to list the good points of zoos. She didn't have many. We never went to the zoo after that."

She hummed and then patted Flash on his back, "You never told me."

"Told you what?"

"What you do in Sweden. You're must be in college, right?"

"Well, I'm supposed to be in my first year but no, I'm not in college."

Jamie nodded in understanding, "Gap year?"

I shook my head, "Nope. No college for me."

She purses her lips, "Do you have a job then?"

My face heated up and I nodded, "Yeah."

"What'd you do?"


Her eyes widened and then after a moment, she said, "Wait. I knew I'd seen you somewhere. I knew it!"

I groaned, "I'm not in a pedigree commercial."

"Huh? No. You're on Netflix. Aren't you?"

If I were drinking water, I'd have probably choked on it, "Someone in this country recognises me! Oh my god!"

She laughed, "It was coming in my recommendations list. I forgot the name! But you're on Netflix, what the fuck!"

I laughed, "Yeah. It's called Young Royals, by the way."

"That's so cool. It's a show, right?"

I nodded, "Yeah, the first season got out. It's doing good."

She'd taken out her phone and opened safari, searching her browser she scoffed, "No shit. It's number one in so many countries."

I started feeling a little conscious and shrugged.

"And you're the main character! Oh my god!" she shut her phone and gaped at me in awe, "I'm like the least creative person on this planet. I can't do shit. I'm so jealous!"

"I'm sure that's not true. What do you study?"

She frowned, "Economics."

"Do you like it?"

"Fuck no. I don't really like anything. Like, I don't think there's anything in my life that I'm passionate about or that I want to do. And it feels like it's just me because everyone's doing things they love."

"Why'd you pick eco, then?"

She shrugged, "It's a STEM subject. Safe."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out. Eighteen is an alright age to be confused."

"Yeah," she nodded, "I hope so. Also, I'm 19. Recently turned."

"Oh. Well, even I'm about to be."

"Ooh, when? Tell me your zodiac sign so that I can judge you."

I laughed, "Astrology?"

She flapped her hand, "I don't believe in it but it's fun. Also, it gives me an excuse to hate Geminis and Leos. It's so funny, almost all the people I dislike have been either Geminis or Leos. But some of them are nice."

"I think I'm a Sagittarius."

"Isn't Sagittarius ending in like 2 days?"

I nodded, "21st December."

"Shit. Now I do feel bad. Missing christmas and your birthday? That's just sad."

I gave her tight lipped smile, "Tell me about it."

There was a small pause.



"Wanna go to a party and get super drunk?"

I grinned, "It's at the top of my list."



A/N: sorry for the delay! I had a couple of exams, but now I'll try updating within a three day gap. Also, please drop a vote and thank you so much for 1.5 k reads. Would love to know how you feel about the characters, so don't hesitate to drop a review or a suggestion.

All the love,

From me and Flash :)

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