《The Chapstick Girl》Last Chapter


Amber's Pov:

He didn't admit it, but I could tell that he was angry.

Really angry.

Damien couldn't even make eye contact with me as he glared out the window with his jaw locked and fists clenched.

Him finding out that this nurse is most likely related to Annabelle really set him off, and I already know from looking at his facial expressions that he's going to get to the bottom of it.

One way or another.

And I wasn't going to stop him.

Although I was a little nervous about what he would do once I left, I knew I had to trust him.

He isn't one to make irrational decisions, but because it had something to do with me, I was scared that it would be different this time.

I just don't want him to get himself hurt.

It was a little awkward leaving his car because I could tell that he was still fuming inside. I know it wasn't directed towards me, but it still made me unsure.

What was he going to do?

I know for a fact that he wasn't going straight back to his house.

So I could only fake a smile and wave to him once he pulled out of my driveway.

Please don't do something stupid.


"He did something stupid." I say to Liam as I look around the hallway with a frown on my face.

He rolls his eyes at my behavior and puts a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sure Damien is fine, he probably just over slept. Everyone has those days."

Although his response was aimed to make me feel better, it does the exact opposite, "That man sets like eight alarms before bed. I doubt he overslept."

Damien is that one person who is always on top of things. He always knows what homework is due, what day the test is, and what is happening in every single one of his subjects.

Accidently missing a day of school is NOT in his vocabulary.

And that is what made me nervous.

Well, also the fact that he simply doesn't know what the purpose of a phone is!

I sent him a good morning text...

He didn't answer.

Then I sent him a how are you text...

He didn't answer.

And then I sent him a where are you text...

And guess what?

He didn't answer.

Not only did he not answer, but he didn't even read them.

Which worries me because he is normally great at answering his phone.

I just want to know if he made it home safe last night. I wish I would have asked him to text me when he got home, that would have made me feel a lot better.


Walking to my third class, I again look down at my phone to see if he responded, and I am left with the same thing...


"You need to quit worrying, you are going to give yourself wrinkles." Liam says, pointing towards my forward.

Covering my forehead, I give him a glare.

"How dare you."

"How dare I." He mocks.

He's freaking lucky that Zander is off at college right now, because if he were here I would tease Liam to death. Just like how he teases me about Damien.

It isn't fair.

Well... maybe it might be soon.

"Zander is coming next Saturday with the rest of the boys, right?" I ask, hiding back my grin.

With the sudden change of conversation, Liam looks at me with a confused stare.

"Uhm yeah... at least that's what he told me yesterday, why do you ask?"


"Oh I was just curious, you seemed to be in a good mood today, that's all." It was hard not to laugh at the facial expression he made from my words.

He acted shocked...

How dare he.

"That isn't the reason why I'm in a good mood today." He states.

As if I would ever believe that.

The amount of times that I've seen Liam smiling while looking down at his phone from Zander just says it all.

You can't tell me that Liam isn't just completely whipped for Zander.

And I'm sure it works the other way around too.

Zander is definitely whipped for my best friend...

Everyone is.

"Sure..." I say, giggling to myself.

He scoffs, "It is true! I'm allowed to be in a good mood whenever I want, it has nothing to do with the fact that I will see Zander soon."

"Are you sure..." I wiggle my eyebrows at him.


"Are you really sure?"


"Are you really, really-..."

"FINE! I'm excited to see him, leave me alone. " He crosses his arms over his chest, and I burst into a fit of laughter.

I was right.


Sitting with my head in the palm of my hand, I stare down at my sandwich.

He still hasn't answered me.

Like... what could this guy possibly be doing?


I would believe it.

"Jeez, what did that sandwich ever do to you?" Liam says, taking the seat in front of me.

I pout, "I think my boyfriend fell off the face of the earth."

He laughs, "He still hasn't answered you?"

"He hasn't even seen my messages yet."

"Did you try to call him?" He asks.

I shake my head, "I don't want to come off as clingy."


Liam looks at me for a second before rolling his eyes, "Are you serious?"

"It's true!!!" I whine, not liking the judgment in his tone of voice.


"He isn't going to think you are clingy for calling him, if anything, he's the clingy one." He grins.

"He's not-... well... he's clingy in a good way." I stumble over my words.

What can I say? I find Damien's clingy nature to be cute.

He's a cutie.

"Oh really?"

"Yes I do!"

"Then look behind you."

Confused by his words, I turn around to find the clingy boy himself, walking towards us with a smile on his face.

I'm going to kill him.

"That's a little harsh, don't you think?"

Oops... did I say that out loud?

"Shush it Liam, you don't understand." I whisper to him before Damien arrives at our table.

"Hey Liam, hey sweetie." Damien sweet talks me, kissing my cheek before taking the seat beside me.

How dare he.

"You better watch it Damien, you unleashed the beast." Liam jokes, earning a confused look from Damien.

"What do you-..." But his sentence runs short as he look over at me.

Did I give him a little bit of a glare?


"What's wrong?" He asks, facing me while gently setting down his backpack onto the floor.

"Can I see your phone?" I ask, holding out my hand.

"I-I don't have it." He stumbles over his words, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh did you leave it at home?" I ask, with a more understanding tone.

I mean, it would explain why he hasn't been answering his phone all morning...

"Actually I-..."

"Damien?" A voice interrupts us, and whatever ever anger I had before triples when I see Annabelle standing before us.

Is she serious?

Did she not get the hint already that Damien doesn't like her?

I guess not.

I go to say something in the lines of 'Go away,' but she opens her mouth first.

"You left this at my house." She says, holding Damien's phone in her hand.

I couldn't stop my jaw from dropping just a tad bit as I watch Damien grab his phone back.

Well... I guess I know where he ended up last night.

But I'm not going to blow this out of proportion.

He was upset last night at the realization of the nurse being related to Annabelle. So I need to clear any crazy thoughts from my brain now.

But thinking about it, I'm kind of shocked.

Damien isn't a confrontative kind of person.

"Thanks, you can leave now." He says, before turning away from her.

Annabelle opens her mouth to say something but I beat her to it, "Did you not hear him? He said you can leave."

She glares at me one last time before stomping away, and I hope that this was the final time that I would have to deal with her.

Turning towards Damien, I know deep down I'm not mad. More so curious.

What did he do last night?

And leaving his phone at her house? I'm shocked that she gave it back, who knows what she could have done with it.

But before I get the chance to ask, Liam talks first, "I am going to give you ten f*cking seconds to tell me what the h*ll that was about." His voice was scarily calm, and for a second I realize that he doesn't know the full story about us finding out about the nurse.

"Look Liam, it's not what it looks like-..."

"I'm going to f*cking kill you if you don't answer the question."

"Liam!" I say, not wanting an argument.

"Amber! Did you not just see the same thing that I did?"

"Give him time to explain."

I look over at Damien, who sighs, "Annabelle was right, I was over her house last night, but not for the way that you are thinking. I found out that the nurse who took care of my sister is actually Annabelle's sister."

I'm not surprised.

The nurse looked way to young to be her mother, so I assumed sister or cousin.

"That explains a lot."

He nods his head, "I confronted them last night about her taking the journal and Annabelle using it against you. I made sure that nothing like that would ever happen again."

"How did you forget your phone?" Liam asks, looking skeptical. I know he is only acting that way though because he is protective over me. He knows Damien is a good guy, but I think the situation in general is suspicious to him.

And I would have found it suspicious too if I didn't trust Damien with my full heart.

"My phone must have fell out from my pocket."

Both Liam and I nod our heads in understanding, but a question comes to my mind.

"I'm surprised she didn't keep your phone to herself, or at least try to break into it."

Damien answers, "She didn't do anything because I told her if she hurt you again, I would report her sister to the hospital so she would lose her job. I would have already done it, but I think that a little bit of blackmail will keep her away from us for good."

Damien, I like the way you think.

"I hope it works." I say, leaning into Damien's shoulder.

He laughs, "I promise you, it will."

But there will be an epilogue and some bonus chapters, so don't go running away yet!!

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