《The Chapstick Girl》Glare


Amber's pov:

"I'm going to kill him."

"Amber, my sweet, beautiful girlfriend... I think you should really think this through." Damien follows me from behind as I scan the hallway for my target.

Oh he's dead.

Not only is he dead, but he's gonna feel my wrath before I send him to oblivion.

When I see him....

Oh man when I TELL YOU when I see him...

He's going down!!

Not going down like the titanic...

He's going down like the asteroid that hit the dinosaurs!

Mhhhm, yeah I went there.

I'm playing out all sorts of scenarios in my head for when I see him.

Like if he had a wig...

I'd snatch it!

Or if he had an injury...

I'd kick it!

Or even if he had a hot, steaming plate of the most gorgeous, sexiest looking chicken tenders with a side of mouthwatering, crispy fries...

I'd eat it!

INFRONT of his face!!!!!

That's how far I would go to ensure that I was gonna do much worse than death itself.

Beat that, Liam.

"Damien if you don't want to get hurt, I would kindly advise you to step back. This is between me and my bestie."

I ensure you, things WILL get messy.

Over the years I have skillfully mastered the art of fencing, archery, and bowling...

Through Wii sports, of course.

Obviously the third one won't be necessary, neither the second because sadly I am not equipped for battle.

But the first one, I think I can make something work. I would just need a pointy object.

But once I obtain such object, I'm sure my skills will naturally kick in.

"It really is no big deal, he didn't mean to show me the journal." Damien tries to defend Liam.

I turn towards him with a hand on my hip.


"I'm not upset that you know about the journal. I'm upset that he knew that you knew and didn't think to give me a heads up! I was about to pass out this morning from the thought of you figuring out about the journal, I would have liked to have been informed." I say with a frown on my face.

I don't normally ever get upset with Liam. We have always been those types of friends who somehow never really get into arguments.

In general, we both don't like having drama.

Watching drama though is a different story. We are nosy people.

I'm definitely not going to let this ruin our friendship or anything like that because I know he never meant to hurt me.

But I just want to voice to him that it did make me upset that I was left in the dark about Damien knowing.

"You know," Damien says, grabbing my hand in his, "you're cute when you are mad."

Don't blush.

Don't blush.

Don't blush.


I'm blushing.

"Stop...." I whine, trying to push him away.

Hint, tried.

I always forget that Damien has freakin muscles.

Actually... I don't forget because my eyes always tend to drift towards his arms.

But he's just such a cutie.

"I'm not lying." Damien teases, bopping my nose.

How dare he bop me when I'm on an evil wrath.

"Awww, look at you two!!" A voice speaks from beside.

The target has arrived.

"You!!" I give him an accusing finger as I squint my eyes at him.


Fear Me.

"Me?" Liam has the AUDACITY to ask.

"Yes. Me and you need to talk."

"Can it wait, I was just about to turn in these papers to-... OW, OW, AMBER!" Liam winces as I grab him by his ear and drag him towards an empty classroom.


"I'll catch up with you later!" I blow Damien a kiss with my free hand.

He didn't blow me one back though...

He looked a little scared.

I wonder why.

"This is important." I say to Liam once I let go of his ear and shut the door behind us to the classroom.

"So important that I almost had to lose an ear over it?" He asks grumpily, holding his ear with his hand.

"It's just a little red."

Liam gives me a glare.

"A little red? Girl I love you, but this better be important for the sake of my ear."

"It is actually, I was just approached by Annabelle in the hallway."

His eyes widen before they dangerously squint, which is a face that Liam usually makes when something pisses him off.

This is definitely gonna piss him off.

"What did she say to you? If she said anything mean I will track down her ass and give her a piece of my-..."

"Damien was with me, so I was okay. But," I reach in my backpack and pull out the journal, "she had this, and she read through it."

Just like mine did in that moment with Annabelle, I can sense that Liam's heart dropped as he looks back and forth between me and the book.

"But how..? That girl is a whole new level of evil. I'm so sorry Amber, I shouldn't have made it in the first if I knew someone like her could have gotten their hands on it." Liam apologizes, taking the journal from me.

He's gonna be real sorry soon.

"That's not all of it, she tried to tell Damien what was in it to make me seem like some crazy stalker. Maybe I am. But you know what's funny?" I ask, watching his eyes widen just a bit, telling me that he knows what I'm about to say.

He knows I know.

"He already knew about the journal. Now would you like to explain from here or would you like me to keep going?" I cross my arms over my chest.


He takes a deep breath before giving me a guilty expression, "I-I'm sorry. It's my fault that he knows. I should have been more careful and not have taken it out in a public space like the locker room."

I shake my head, "That isn't really why I'm upset. I understand it was an accident, and that it was never your intention to show him it in the first place. I'm only upset because the first thing you should have done was tell me that he knew. When the journal first got lost, I told you to your face how stressed out I was about someone getting ahold of the journal and telling Damien. Heck, we facetimed last night because I couldn't sleep since I was so stressed out about it! Those would have been the perfect times to tell me that he already knew, but you didn't tell me."

I tell him this truthfully.

There were so many times in which he could have told me that he knew. I mean yes, I would have been a little angry at first, but I would have never held it against him...


And he should know that.

"You are right, I should have told you. I didn't want you to be upset with me so I didn't tell you, which is no excuse. I thought that once the journal was gone, so was the idea of you finding out that he knew. I know now that it was selfish of me and I'm sorry. I was being a terrible best friend to you. I'm sorry." Liam apologizes, and I know that he was being sincere.

Again, I know Liam would have never meant to intentionally hurt me, ever since we were little he's always looked out for me.

That's why without no hesitation, I pull Liam into a hug, "I forgive you, just don't ever do it again." I mumble into his shoulder.

I feel him nod his head against my shoulder, "I promise," he says, before pulling away.

I then watch as he cracks his knuckles, the corners of his mouth turning upwards into a smirk, "Now where is this Annab*tch?"


Newsflash, Liam unfortunately never hunted down Annabelle.

As much as I would have loved to see Liam speak his mind towards Annabelle, I really didn't want him to get either suspended or expelled.

I would have felt extremely guilty if he got in trouble.

Plus, I really think from now on she will finally leave us alone. Damien told her off, which is what she needed to hear.

She needed to know that Damien was completely uninterested in her. She took having a crush to a whole new level.

Walking into the hospital hand in hand with Damien, we again planned to see Layla since we didn't have much time to talk with her yesterday.

Once we get in the elevator, I turn towards Damien, "Before I head in, I'm going to stop in the bathroom real quick."

He nods his head, "That's fine, take your time. But actually, not too long because she's mean when it's just me."

I can't help but laugh, "She's your sister, she's not that mean."

With those two, I always ask myself if I really wished I had siblings or not.

I find the sibling bickering cute, but if I had a sibling, I would have definitely knocked them out by now.

John Cena style.

The elevator opens and I head towards the bathroom. I do my business and then head to the sink to wash my hands.

When I am applying soap, the door opens and I watch in the mirror as the nurse who took care of Layla from yesterday makes her way into the bathroom.

I think nothing of it until I attempt to leave. Spotting something on the ground, I pick up her ID from which she must have dropped on the way in.

Isabelle Grimes

For some reason, the last name looked oddly familiar.

I wait until she's done to return her ID because you know, I'm a pretty nice person.

But when she comes out of the stall and I attempt to give her the ID, the reaction isn't what I expected.

Instead of a "Thank you," she gives me a dirty look and yanks the ID out of my hand. She then continues to make her way towards the sink and wash her hands.

Well that was awkward.

I decide to just leave after that and head towards Layla's room.

When I get there, I am met with her cheerful face and I quickly forget the awful feeling I had from that nurse.

"Yay you're here!!" Layla says happily, holding her arms out for a hug.

Giggling, I walk up towards her bed and give her a big hug.


We stayed with Layla for about two hours until we decided that it was time to head home. I wanted to stay longer, but I knew that I had a bunch of homework that needed to be done before tomorrow.

Since I got barely any sleep last night, I know that tonight I should try to go to bed early to make up for it.

Damien was really understanding about it and offered to take me home.

Pulling into my driveway, I turn towards Damien with a small smile, "Thank you for taking me home."

He rolls his eyes at my words and gives me a cheeky grin, "You are my girlfriend, of course I am going to give you a ride home. There's no need to thank me for that." He says in a 'duh' tone.

"I know but I'm still going to thank you, it's the polite thing to do." I say in a 'duh' tone back.

It's true though, a simple thank you means a lot.

I would know, that nurse didn't give me a thank you.

"By the way, I had a really weird incident in the bathroom." I say all of a sudden, now thinking of that nurse.

He raises in eyebrow at me, "I get we are dating now, but I think that's a little bit of a TMI-..."

I shove his shoulder, "Not that kind of incident you goof! I had some nurse give me a death glare for returning an ID that she dropped. It was really weird."

"Well that's mean, who was she? I'll go back to the hospital right now and report her to the manager." He says, crossing his arms over his chest.

I guess I'm not the only one who is cute when they are angry.

"No, no it's okay. She may have just had a bad day or something." I try to reason, not wanting him to drive all the way back to the hospital just because my feelings may have gotten a tad bit hurt.

He pokes his tongue against his cheek, and I could tell that he was still bothered by it. "But still, she was rude to you for no reason. You should have told me right after it happened, I would have said something to her."

I shake my head, "Seriously, it's okay. I'm not bothered by it, so we can just let it go."

We have a stare off for a couple seconds before he sighs, "Fine, I won't do anything, but could you at least give me her name?"

"I will, but promise me you won't do anything?" I ask, holding up my pinkie.

He holds out his pinkie and crosses it with mine, "Pinkie promise."

After I feel confident that he means it, we unlock our pinkies and I shift in my seat, "If I remember her name correctly it was Isabelle Grimes."

I expected him to simply nod his head or say something in the lines of "okay."

But what I did not expect was for his jaw to clench and eyes to narrow in anger.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"Yeah, the fact that there is an Annabelle Grimes."

You have to sing karaoke, what song would you pick?

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