《The Chapstick Girl》Stalker


Amber's pov:

Frozen in my spot, I look over at Damien who had a look of confusion on his face.

"What is that?" He questions, making me wince.

Annabelle smirks as I glare up at her from my spot on the ground.

I couldn't decide if I felt more scared, upset, or annoyed by her behavior.

It may be all three.

I knew that she was angry, but this is a whole new level of mean girl.

I don't understand why she can't just leave us alone, especially Damien. She already put him through enough, at this point, it amazes me that she hasn't gotten the message.

But seeing her standing here, with the journal in hand, makes me realize that she still believes that there is a way that Damien will forgive her.

I don't know how she got it, and I don't know if I even WANT to know how she got it.

I can't recall a time where she was close enough to me to even grab it.

That's scary.

But what's even scarier is the thought of her looking through it.

By the looks of it, she definitely did... but I don't want to know how much of it she looked through.

There is A LOT.

And it's embarrassing.

Liam was probably writing names for my great, great, great, great grandchildren by now, how do I explain that?

Of course Liam is Liam and there really is no real explanation for anything he does, but still...

I technically never stopped him.

"Oh you don't know what this is? What about you Amber, do you recognize this?" She doesn't even try to hide her sickening grin as she shoves the journal in my face, causing a few of its sparkles to fall into my lap.

Liam isn't going to be too happy about that.

"I do." I wasn't going to lie, I've done too much of that already. Plus, all she has to do was open to the first page to see a page dedicated to its creator, Liam.

If it has anything to do with Liam, I am obviously involved, we've only been best friends our whole lives.

"Then why don't you tell him Amber? Tell him how long you've been obsessed with him like a creepy stalker!"

"Oh I'M a creepy stalker? Says the one who somehow finds out about his family life and lies about it to try and ruin his relationship with his friends!" Her words spark some anger in me and I couldn't help but fight back and defend myself.

Also, I would be lying if I said that deep down I wasn't still angry about her making Damien cry when she caused that argument between him and Luke.

It takes skill to push my buttons and make me angry, and she has somehow done it.

"Well it wasn't fair that you got to know about his sister when there are more people that care about Damien's well being."

"Like you?" I couldn't help but laugh.

Her hands ball up into fists, "Stop making me look crazy!"

"You are making yourself look crazy, you are the one who approached us seeking Damien's attention. You haven't even been here for a month and you are already possessive over someone whom you barely know." I say, crossing my arms over my chest. It is quite concerning though, I don't even want to know what she may have been like to her past crushes.


Maybe that's why she got expelled from her last school.

"You know what, since you are acting like that I will just tell Damien about the journal myself!" She says, opening it up and proceeding to flip to a certain page.

I look over at Damien as he places a hand on my thigh, giving me a look of 'are you okay?'

Internally, I answered no, as I was practically shaking while asking myself what page she could possibly be looking for.

I could just reach over and rip the journal out of her hands, but what good would that do? She already knows what's in it and he already knows about it.

Finding the page she was looking for, she smiles to herself and flips the book towards us, and I can't stop myself from wincing.

"This was dated six years ago." She smiles cheekily, pointing to the old picture that Liam took of Damien and I when we were in middle school.

It was eleven year old me trying to hide my red checks while coincidentally standing next to a small looking Damien in the lunch line. In the right corner of the screen, Liam was holding a thumbs up.

All in all, it wasn't hard to figure out that Liam took this photo with a purpose, to embarrass me and get a photo of his "dream couple."

I look over to see Damien squinting his eyes while trying to get a clear view of the photo. I keep my eyes trained onto his face to try and figure out what he was thinking, but I was only met with a blank expression. After a few more seconds, he then leans back and says, "I remember that shirt, it was my favorite."

I think both mine AND Annabelle's mouths drop from the unexpected response.

"O-Okay, how about this!!" She proceeds to flip towards a couple more old photos, each one proceeding to get worse and worse as my crush on Damien throughout the years becomes more noticeable.

But after each photo she shows him, Damien only comments on what he was wearing, or his memory of the day that the photo was taken.

I didn't know whether to be happy that he was taking this better than what I expected, or afraid that he is actually hiding is true feelings and is starting to get a little freaked out.

After about the sixth photo, Annabelle stomps her foot and crosses her arms over her chest, "Why are you acting like this!"

"Acting like what?" Damien mocks, the corners of his mouth tugged upwards at her ticked off expression.

"Does this not bother you? She has had this childish crush on you for years and pretended that she didn't even know who you were!"

I couldn't help but frown...

Childish? That's a little harsh.

"So? I think it's cute." Damien says, throwing an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close to him.

I didn't know whether to be surprised, blush, or stick my tongue out at Annabelle.


I stuck my tongue out at Annabelle.

Her face gets red with anger, and I think that maybe that wasn't the best thing to do since she looks like she is about ready to punch me in the face.


But I know she won't be able to lay a hand on me since I got my BOXER boyfriend by my side.

Otherwise... I would be a little scared.

"Cute? You think it's cute! Fine, is it cute that it's written in here the days that your 'relationship' progressed? Or the horribly cropped marriage photos of you in here? Or the lists of-..."

"Yes, I'm sure Liam did an amazing job creating the journal, I get it. But can you please just give it back and leave? All you are doing is cutting the time that I could be spending with my girlfriend, so if you could..." Damien holds out his hand for the book.

"I- You know what? Be like that, I tried to warn you." Instead of handing it to him, she aggressively throws the book at him, and if it wasn't for his fast reflexes it would have hit him right in the face.

There was no remorse in her face as she stomps away, earning a sigh of relief from me.

But my breath hitches as Damien sets the book down in my lap, and the realization hits that I now have to explain myself.

"I don't even know what to say." The first thing I do is speak the truth as I look up into his doe eyes.

"There's nothing to say... I'm not mad." He removes his arm from around me and instead goes to take my hand in his.

With my free hand, I scratch the back of my neck, "I'm a little embarrassed though, I had hoped that you would never see this."

To my surprise, Damien laughs, but his next words cause my heart to drop into the pit of my stomach, "I get it, but don't worry, Liam already told me that he was the one who made it."

"Oh ok-... WHAT!!" My mouth drops as Damien looks at me with an amused expression.

"I mean, it explained the awfully decorated cover, so I really wasn't that surprised."

"You.. You knew?" I probably looked and sounded crazy because Damien continues to laugh at my words.

"About the journal, yes. I may or may not have walked in on Liam writing in it. Did you know that he's already on the names of our great, great, great, great grandchildren? He even has the audacity to think that I will let a Liam jr. Black roam this earth. Absolutely not." Damien says, shaking his head to show his distaste in the idea.

If I wasn't so stuck on the fact that Damien already knew about the journal, I would have laughed, "Let me get this straight, you already knew that I've had a crush on you since elementary school?"

"Oh no, that one is new to me. But like I said, I find it cute, I just wish you would have told me though, it would have made confessing to you so much easier." He whines, nudging my shoulder.

I nudge him back, "So just to be clear, you aren't mad... even though I did technically lie."

He shakes his head again before proceeding to grab my face with both of his hands, "I could never be mad at you. Plus I can't hold it against you, I've always been irresistible, even from a young-..." Boldly, I cut him off by leaning in to connect my lips with his. He responds instantly and molds his lips with mine, only stopping for a second for air before putting our lips back together.

If anyone were to round the corner and see us, especially a teacher, I already knew that I would be embarrassed for life. But yet I don't make the effort to stop as his lips draw me in for more.

To be honest, I don't know how long we went on for, but I just know that when he pulled away, my head was spinning and I seemed to be in a little bit of a daze.

"Wait, " Damien rubs his lips together before smirking, "mango, it's definitely mango."

I giggle, "You're right, that's to bad though, if you were wrong, I would have made you kiss me again."

His face drops, "You should have told me that! I would have guessed carrot or somethin."

I laugh, "Carrot? Why would I own that?"

"Why wouldn't you? Got something against vegetables?" He raises an eyebrow before attacking me into a hug.

"Someone's getting a bit clingy, hmmm?" I tease, to which he takes it in himself to BITE my shoulder.


"Did you just bite me?!"



"Because I'm overly joyed."

"And why are you overly joyed?" I mock.

I feel him smile in my shoulder, "I don't know... I guess now that I think about it, I like the fact that I've been your crush for so long."

"Do you have to bring that up?" I whine since I was finally able to forget everything that happened a couple minutes ago.

He giggles into my shoulder, "I didn't mean to, it just crossed my mind. That means that you definitely are stuck with me for a long time."

I don't say anything as I just continue to laugh at his silly words. But now that I think back to what he said, I have the strong urge to say something to a certain someone.

Doing my best to pull my phone out of my back pocket while trying not to fall backwards from Damien's weight, I unlock my phone and go into my messages.

Finding the person that I was looking for, I tap Liam's name to type out a message.

Me: I'm going to kill you.


I hate to say it, but there may only be about two or three chapters left of this book. But I'm just itching to finally change this book to complete and start a new chapter (hehe) of this series!


If you could be a mythical creature, what would you be?

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