《The Chapstick Girl》Hickey


Amber's pov:

With a humorous chuckle, Ashton cradles Julie's smaller frame to his chest before covering the side of her face with wet kisses, earning a laugh from the rest of us.

"You are embarrassing me..." Julie whines, a prominent blush scattered across her cheeks.

"That's my job, princess." He smirks, giving her temple one last peck before taking a seat in the open space beside her.

Even though I've known them for quite some time now, I still can't get over how cute Julie's and Ashton's relationship really is.

I admire how they always look out and protect each other, like how Ashton drove all the way here just to make sure Julie was okay.

And in return, Julie does the same. Throughout the school day, Julie always motivates Ashton to do his best in school and stay out of trouble.

Repeating what she says on the daily, "the only reason he isn't kicked out is because I would drop kick his behind if he does."

Although they don't get to see each other in person everyday, they always find a way to help each other out.

And I can't help but mention that it truly amazes me how well they fit the stereotypical nerd and bad boy duo.

Julie, who's head is constantly in a book, and Ashton, who somehow finds a new way to get himself in trouble a week.

The perfect duo.

"You got here a little fast, don't you think?" Luke was the first to tease, causing Ashton to look down at his bare wrist as if he had a watch.

"What can I say? I am a guy who values getting to places on time."

"You weren't even invited." Julie says grumpily under her breath, causing Ashton to place a hand over his heart.

"I think my heart just broke."

"That must have hurt."

"It did."

"That's too bad."

"It was your fault."

"Was it?"

"You might need to kiss it better."

"In your dreams."

"A lot of things happen in my dreams, but I don't think I should say since they aren't necessarily PG 13-..."

"Okay!" Ella claps her hands together, stopping Ashton from continuing before this conversation has the chance to escalate.

"Yeah you can't say stuff like that, we got children." Gianna says, pointing towards Damien, Liam, and I, the only juniors in the group.

"Just because we are one grade lower than you it doesn't make us children." Damien argues with a small pout, which only earns him a few awes in return.

"Point proven." Gianna says, patting Damien's shoulder.

"Ahhh, it's so nice being considered one of the adults now." Luke says with a cheeky grin before sticking his tongue out at the three of us.

"Actually that included Damien, Liam, Amber, and Luke. Sorry, I should have specified." Gianna giggles under her breath as Luke glares at her.

"As I recall, I am two months older than you."

"Physically you are older, but I am talking about mentally."

"And what's that supposed to mean?!"

"It means you act childishly." Gianna says smugly, picking at her nails.

"I don't act childishly!! Ella, tell them I am an adult!" He whines to his girlfriend, who only scoots away from him with a 'given up' expression.

"So I see I haven't missed much." Ashton laughs, shaking his head at Luke's pouty expression.

"Well..." Julie starts to say, nudging me softly in the ribs.



I love you my friend, but you do in fact drive me crazy.

"Oh yeah," Ashton suddenly sits up while looking at Julie, "what won't we know?" He asks, raising an eyebrow as Julie giggles nervously under his gaze.

"Uhhhh." She mumbles, looking over at me for permission to tell him.

I nod my head while giving her a small thumbs up.

"Damien and Amber are-..."

"-...THEY ARE DATING!!!!" Gianna interrupts her with a shout while excitedly jumping up and down.

"Jeez, someone calm this woman down." Luke whines, covering his ears.

"Wait really?" Ashton asks, looking between Damien and I for confirmation as we simultaneously nod our heads.

"Finally! I was beginning to doubt if Damien was actually going to do it." Ashton teasingly pushes Damien's shoulder, causing his cheeks to turn a shade pinker.

"I was nervous!" Damien whines, hiding his face behind his hands.

"Hey I get it, but I am proud of you! My little Damien has a girlfriend now!!" Ashton says with a toothy grin while excitingly shaking Damien's shoulder.

Watching this interaction I couldn't help but awe.

It's no secret that Damien looks up to Ashton a lot, so I could tell that Ashton's words meant a lot to him.

That makes me happy.

"But wait Ashton, there's more!" Gianna says, looking at me dead in the eyes before wiggling her eyebrows.

My mind goes black as I stare back at her.

What was she-...




Not again.

"What?" Ashton says, looking at us again as we both look away with blushes.

"They kissed!" Ella says, laughing as she tries to uncover my face from my hands.

She wasn't successful.

"DAMIENNNNNN!!" Ashton shouts excitedly, causing me to peak one eye open to see him trying to uncover Damien's face like Ella tried to do to me.

He also wasn't successful.

"You guys are so embarrassing." Damien says shyly, while letting Ashton uncover his face after his nonstop determination to get his hands off.

"Was it only once?"

"NOPE! It was-..."

"How about we let them answer this time." Julie says, pulling Gianna back down since she was still jumping up and down excitedly.

If anyone was watching, they would have definitely thought that Damien just proposed or something because of all these overly excited responses.


Don't think about it.

Don't think about it.

Don't think about it.

"How many?" Ashton breaks the small silence, raising his eyebrow at Damien.

"I lost count."

"So MORE than three times?!" Ashton asks surprisingly, looking over at Julie who laughed at his expression.

"Why are you so surprised?" Damien couldn't help but ask after watching how surprised he got.

"They kissed more than we did in our first week of dating!!!" Ashton points at Damien accusingly.

"Pffft weak....." Gianna says under her breath, earning a glare from Ashton.

"Shush it, we already know about you and Jake, you animals."

"Ohhh-... YOU just got exposed!!" Luke laughs loudly as Gianna stares back at Ashton with her mouth agape.

"W-We weren't that bad!!" She stutters, refusing to make eye contact.

Something tells me she knew that was a lie.

"Oh really? Because I recall mine, Zander, and Jake's little picnic to the makeup store to try to make his neck a decent skin color after you-..."

"Children, we have children!" Julie reminds Ashton as he quickly shuts his mouth.

"Uhmm-... I am pretty sure they know what a hickey is by now." Gianna says, raising her eyebrows at Damien and I accusingly.


"You don't know that," Julie cries, reaching over to cover Damien's ears before whisper shouting, "don't give him any ideas."

I blush.

"Hey," Ashton pulls Julie away from Damien, "let the boy make his own decisions." He then turns towards Damien, "Just don't be like Gianna and Jake... remember how scary that was?"

"I can hear you!!!"


"And aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Mhhhhhm-...no." Ashton says, sounding a bit nervous at her sudden question.

He's definitely supposed to be in class.

"Wait, are you?!" Julie asks, making Ashton turn towards her with a guilty expression.

"Did I tell you how incredibly gorgeous you look today?"


"Ashton FREAKIN Rider!!!"


"So..." I blush as Damien grabs a hold of my hand and gives it a soft squeeze.

"At least they know now."

"I know, it makes me feel a lot better now." I smile as Damien swings our entwined hands back and forth.

We decided to separate ourselves from the rest of the group to go on a small walk since there was a small trail connected to the towns center.

We've been on it before.

"I'm glad I got to pull you aside, you were looking extremely kissable."

"Kissable?" I giggle as Damien nods his head.

"Yes, and very much so." He says, before stopping our walk for a brief second to give me a small peck.

"Feel better now?"

"Not even close." He says, before rubbing his lips together.


"Wait let me guess... mango." He says pointing to my lips.

"It's actually my Pineapple Mango Chapstick, but I'll spare you a half point." I laugh as he pouts.

"Not fair, that kiss wasn't long enough."

"Then you should have kissed me longer."

"Can I?"

"But now you already know what Chapstick I'm using."

"How about I make myself forget, and then we can do it again."

"And how are you going to do that?"

He looks around for a second before suddenly buckling his knees and sending himself towards the ground, nearly scaring me half to death as I quickly drag him back up.

"What are you doing?!"

"Making myself forget."

"By giving yourself a concussion?"

"Well that was the first thing that came to mind." He chuckles as I place my hand over my racing heart.

"My heart almost jumped out of my chest."

"That was the plan."

"I see that now." I shake my head and attempt to push him away, but for a moment I forgot our hands were still interlocked.

"Haha, looks like your stuck with me."

"You drive me crazy."

"That means I'm doing my job correctly."

Again, I shake my head at his silly behavior before we fall into a comfortable silence. Continuing to walk down the trail, we take in the cooler, autumn weather, which is a lot nicer compared to the hot summer days we became so used to.

"Now that I think about it, it's actually quite fun."

"What is?"

"Guessing your type of Chapstick."

"Oh are we back to the topic of my Chapstick again?"

"Yes, I was just thinking since it will always be different, that means each kiss we share will always be different too."

"What if I put on a Chapstick you won't like?" I tease, looking up at him.

He hides back a grin, "Well I guess I'm gonna to have to suck it up since I will be getting my kisses no matter what."

"Oh really, what if I don't want to give you any kisses?" I challenge.

"Then I will just have to do this," he says, before placing his hands on my waist before pinning my back to the nearest tree.

"See? Now you have to kiss me."

"Nuh-Uh" I say, before sucking in my lips so he wouldn't be able to kiss them.

And for a second, I actually thought I was winning.


I was wrong.

Very wrong.

"Oh so that's how you want to play? Then game on." He says, before putting his head in the crook of my neck.

What is he-...

I hold back a moan as his lips attach to my neck, leaving wet kisses.

Liking the way his lips felt on my neck, I lean my head to the side to allow better access for him to kiss, and not being able to keep it in, I moan as he reaches my collarbone.

"Damien-..." But my words get caught in my throat as he then begins gently sucking the area, leaving sensations that I've never even thought to exist before.

I was at a loss of words as his hands then traveled down my hips to my lower back, gently rubbing the area in a small circular motion.

After a few more seconds of bliss, Damien pulls away to move to a different part of my neck, again repeating the process. I didn't have to look down to know that he left a hickey, and in the moment, I didn't even care.

All I could focus on was how gently Damien was caressing and kissing my body, sending pleasure throughout.

Suddenly getting a grip of myself, I bring one of my hands up to Damien's hair and play with the ends, gripping it a bit more tightly as he sucks a bit harder before letting go to give a wet kiss to the spot that his lips abused.

He takes a second to stop and look at me before whispering a quick jump, causing me to do as he says and wrap my hands around his neck and jump in his embrace.

His hands grab me from underneath as he softy squeezes my butt, causing me to squirm in his tight hold.

"Can I kiss you now?"

I didn't even spare a second to attach my lips to his, kissing him hungrily. He does the same as he focuses on sucking on my bottom lip as his body slowly rubs against mine.

I feel his tongue against my lips as it begs for an entrance, to which I don't deny. Not giving it a second thought, his tongue explores my mouth as his hands continue to rub the bottom of my thighs.

If I'm being honest, I don't know how long we stayed kissing each other against the tree, but it was enough time to make each other pull away breathless.

We stare at each other as we catch our breathes, and once again, I am captivated by his large, doe eyes.

Damien is and always has been handsome, but in this moment, he was breathtaking.

And I'm not just saying that because I am currently out of breath from my first ever...


Make out session.

"That was-..." Damien says between breathes as I nod my head.

"I guess I'm gonna have to take a trip to that makeup store Ashton was talking about." I laugh between breathes, putting a finger on one of the dark purple marks on my skin.

"What do you mean? I think they look sexy." He says giggling before giving my neck another peck.

"As much as I would love to show them off, my father... your coach would kill me. No wait, he would kill you."

He laughs before moving a small piece of hair out of my face, "Well at least I would have had one of the best moments of my life leading up to my death."

"One of the best?" I blush as he nods his head.

"Yes, I think kissing you has become my new favorite thing."

"I'm honored."

"You should be." He rubs his nose against mine, causing me to giggle before he gently let's me back down onto the grass.

He holds out his hand as I take it in mine, pulling me back onto the trail.

I place my head on his shoulder as we begin to walk down the trail again, taking in the moment that we just shared.

Who would have thought that I would have kissed my crush of years like that.


Okay so Liam probably has already thought that or put it in the Ambien journal... but it was a nice thought.

"Oh you know what..." Damien says, making me look up at him with a questionable look.


"I do taste the pineapple now."

"You dork."

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