《The Chapstick Girl》Silver Platter


Amber's pov:

"Finally!" I say excitedly as I snuggle myself between the covers of my bed.

I love Liam and all, but you are coming across dangerous territory if you come in between a girl and her bed.

Searching under my covers, I find my blankey tangled underneath the rest of my covers.

What? If you don't have that one blanket that you've had forever that just stands out from the rest then you my friend, are a liar.

I hug the soft material close to my chest as I smile in content at the cozy feeling.

This is nice, how I physically drag myself out of this each morning for a place that I don't even like is beyond me.

Closing my eyes, I find myself drifting off to sleep quite quickly.


I groan into my pillow, hearing the sound of a notification going off from my phone. I feel around my bed to try and find it, but sadly, I come across nothing.

Opening my eyes, I look around my room to realize I left it on my desk on the complete other side of my room.

You know what, it can't be that important anyway. I get a lot of meaningless notifications throughout my day, what is the chance that this one will be important?

I roll over to my other side away from my phone and close my eyes again, getting ready to welcome myself into a peaceful slumber.


"Why!!" I whine, flipping over in my bed to glare at my phone's lit up screen. It's going to bother me if I don't figure out the cause of it.

Two buzz's in a row is way to suspicious.




"Okay, okay!! I'm coming." I say, talking to my phone as if it can actually hear me.

Grabbing my phone, my eyes light up as I see texts from Damien on my screen.

Damien🥰: Hiiiii

Damien🥰: Are you busy?

Damien🥰: I mean if you are then that's okay!!

Damien🥰: But if you aren't... could you come over?

Damien🥰: please.

I feel my heart start to quicken it's pace as I quickly unlock my phone to type a response.

Me: Don't worry I am not busy at all so I can come over :)

Damien🥰: thank you!! I'll send you my address

You know how I said earlier that it's dangerous territory to come between a girl and her bed?

Yeah well that was a lie.

Though I would really be lying if I said that I didn't feel nervous. I hope he isn't over thinking about the fight with Luke.

I know I was able to make him feel a little bit better by the end of lunch, but Damien cares deeply for his friends, so trying to forget about it must be hard on him.

It just upsets me that Damien thinks this is all his fault, because it's not. You shouldn't have to feel the need to tell people something that you're not comfortable talking about.

Quickly grabbing a few things like my purse and keys, I start to walk downstairs while putting in the address that Damien sent me on my gps.

"Hi sweetie." My dad says as he sees me coming down the stairs.

"Hey dad, do you mind if I hangout at Damien's for a little bit?" I ask, jumping off the last step.

"It depends... what are you gonna do?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at me while a small smirk dances on his lips.

"Dad!!" I whine, trying to hide my blushing cheeks behind the palms of my hands.


"What? I'm just making sure that you will be safe! It's my job you know." He laughs, patting my head as if I was still a child.

"We are just gonna talk, because that's what FRIENDS do." I say, emphasizing the word friends so he doesn't get the wrong idea.

"Wait you guys aren't a thing yet..?"


"What?!! I thought after you guys almost kissed you would have been official by now."

"Wait-... YOU SAW THAT!!!" I couldn't help but say in horror as he hunches over in laughter.

I'M DONE... Prepare my funeral!!!

"Of course I saw it, do you think your old man is blind or something? He can kiss you if he wants but not on MY bleachers during MY practice."

So let me get this straight...

He KNEW that we were about to kiss but acted clueless when he interrupted us-... this man is EVIL.

"So what I'm hearing is that you don't care if he kisses me if he wants?" I say, attempting to get back at him, but I don't know why I thought it would work since this guy is clearly insane.

"Yeah I trust him enough, but if I happen to see it he will in fact be doing push-ups from beginning to end of my practice."

"Yes sir!" I playfully solute with a goofy grin, to which he returns.

"Now run off and have fun, but not too much-..."

"We won't!!" I shout, running out the door before having to have THAT conversation.

No thank you.


Pulling up to the house that my gps leads me to, I see Damien's car in the driveway, letting me know that I was at the right one.

It would be embarrassing if it wasn't.

After turning off my car, I get out and walk to the front door, taking in the exterior of his house.

It was honestly a pretty nice house, most likely three stories if they have a basement, and it looked really spacious from the outside.

I get to a small porch area where I raise up my fist to knock, but I was beat to it as the door opens to Mrs.Black.

"Hi honey, come in!" She says with a welcoming smile. Damien must have told her that I was coming.

"Hi Mrs.Black, how are you?" I ask politely as I step into the house before taking my shoes off at the mat.

"I'm good, thank you. I think Damien is up in his room right now, it is the first door on the right." She says, gesturing me towards the staircase. I give her a quick "thank you" before making my way up.

Following her direction, I walk towards the door and knock, and from the other side, I begin to hear footsteps walking towards the door.

"Amber!" The door swings open and I am met with Damien's charming smile and bright doe eyes.

"Sorry it took so long, I kinda took a wrong turn on the way here." I smile sheepishly, to which he chuckles and shakes his head.

"You and your horrible sense of direction." He jokes, before softly grabbing my wrist and leading me into his room.

"It's not that bad!" I try to defend myself, even though his words were one hundred percent true.

"If you say so." He grins, before taking a seat on his bed. He pats the space beside him, and understanding his direction, I take it.

"So how are you feeling?" I ask, hinting about today's earlier events.


"I am feeling a lot better after your words, even though he hasn't tried to contact me yet, I have hope that things will be okay." He gives me a small smile, to which I return.

"I'm so happy that you are feeling better, you know I was really worried when you called me over." I pout, to which he gives me a frown.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to worry you, I just missed you." He says, nervously looking down at his fingers.

"You don't have to be sorry, I missed you too. Even though we just saw each other at school, we've been hanging out a lot recently after your practices, so I'm not used to being alone." I say, putting my hand over his.

He look backs up at me with a small blush on his cheeks, "I'm not used to being alone either, and above all I'm not used to not being made fun of for my power ranges collection-..."

"-... made for six year olds from McDonald's. But now that you've mentioned it, where is this power ranger collection of yours." I ask playfully, looking around his room.

His room just looked like how any other teenage boys room would look.

Though I was quite impressed by the amount of trophies that sat on his dresser from boxing, I didn't realize that he won so many matches throughout his last couple years.

"I didn't put them up because I didn't have the red power ranger to complete it, I'm still upset." I turn back towards him to see a cute pout on his lips.

"You know they probably have them on amazon or something-..."

"No! I want it to only be from McDonald's, it feels like a reward after my hard work."

"Hard work? All you have to do is ask for a happy meal-..."

"And it takes great courage to ask for one! You don't understand the pressure of being through the drive through and having to decide on whether a hamburger or chicken nuggets is the better move."

"The horror." I playfully roll my eyes.

He squints his eyes at me before poking my shoulder, "So what about you? Did you get the chance to talk to Liam? I know you wanted to earlier..." He asks.

"Yes I did, and it was actually really nice to catch up with him. I feel like we haven't had a one on one chat in forever, so there was a lot to be said." I say, purposely leaving out what we talked about.

I didn't know if it was my place to tell Damien that Liam and Zander almost kissed or not. I know Liam felt comfortable telling me, but I don't want to tell anyone incase he wanted to keep it a secret for now.

"I assumed it went well since you are still alive and breathing, I was worried for your sake." He snickers as I playfully hit his shoulder.

"I was scared okay?! Since we were little we had always constantly updated each other on even the smallest things in our lives. I was worried my head was going to be on a silver platter!"

"If it makes you feel better, I would have chosen the prettiest silver platter that I could find for you."

"Nuh Uh, I would have dragged you down with me the second I knew that I was a goner."

"But the difference between you and me though is that I would be content with being served next to the prettiest girl on the planet."

Don't blush Amber.

Don't blush Amber.

Don't blush-... who am I kidding, why do I even try to stop it anymore.

"Thank you, but I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one." I pat his shoulder, but at this he shakes his head.

"I'm telling the truth! And you know how bad of a liar that I can be." He says matter of factly.

He isn't wrong, he is in fact a pretty bad liar.

"Okay, but back to what I was saying, I'm just relieved that things went well. And I just want to let you know that Liam doesn't find you in the wrong at all for wanting to keep your sister a secret. He understands what it is like to struggle with openly talking about something, and it is your decision on who you want to tell and when you want to tell them."

At my words, a toothy grin makes it's way onto his face, "I understand why Liam is such an amazing friend to you, he always knows what to say and how to say it."

I laugh, "that's Liam for you."

There were a few seconds of silence where we sat thinking, but it didn't last very long as Damien quickly whips his head towards me.

"Oh my gosh I almost forgot!" Damien says all of a sudden, looking at me as I give him a questionable look back.

But before I could ask, I am being tackled onto the bed in a hug, with him laying above me and my back on the bed.

"I forgot to get my hug." He says softly, his head resting on my shoulder as his arms are wrapped comfortably around my waist.

I couldn't help but giggle, causing him to look up with his Bambi eyes.

"I thought we agreed on once day, and you..." I bop his nose playfully causing him to scrunch it, "already had yours."

"But that was a couple hours ago, that's basically yesterday."

"Oh really?" I tease, to which he nods his head.

"Well it's not my fault that you give the warmest hugs, I have no choice but to take advance of it." He says, before a soft yawn leaves his lips.

"I think you need a small nap." I watch as he struggles a bit to keep his eyes open.

"No I don't." He whines, looking away from me while placing his head back on my shoulder.

I laugh, "You've been sleepy all day, you just yawned, and you can't keep your eyes open... you are tired."

"I can't fall asleep though."

"Why is that?" I ask, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach as Damien snuggles his face into my shoulder a little bit more.

"Because the longer I sleep the less time we can spend together."

It took everything in me not to awe at his words.

"But if you are only taking a nap then there is a chance that I will be here when you wake up."

"I don't want to take that chance though." He tries to lift his head up, but I quickly push it back down.

"How about this, you take an hour long nap. That way you can get some rest and you won't lose that much time."

He thinks for a second before I can feel his head nod on my shoulder. He then rolls off of me but stays by my side, and smoothly I may add, he slips his arm under my head

With a swarm of butterflies in my stomach, I turn a little bit towards him to see him already staring at me.

"Are you gonna sleep too? I don't want you to get bored." He asks, using the arm that wasn't underneath my head to reach over and remove a strand of hair from my face.

I think my heart has in fact exploded, I don't think I can feel it anymore.

"I think I might, your bed is pretty cozy." I giggle while patting the bed with my hand.

He laughs while shaking his head at me, "okay you weirdo."

I exaggeratedly gasp at his words, putting a hand over my heart, "Wow, who knew sleepy Damien could be so mean."

"Shhhhh or I'll kick you out."



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