《The Chapstick Girl》Payback


Amber's pov:

"So you are telling me... THAT ALL HAPPENED WHEN I WAS SLEEPING??!" I couldn't help but raise my voice as Liam blushed.

I was stunned.

If my dumb butt didn't fall asleep during the movie, I could have witnessed the DOWNFALL of my best friends 'dom like personality.'

If only I could go back in time, because gosh it would be my dream.

But I'd be lying if I didn't blush at the part where Liam said that Damien picked me up bridal style off the couch to take me home.

Goal for next time... DON'T fall asleep, because apparently that's when all the interesting stuff happens.

"Y-yeah." He stutters, looking away from me and out the window of his car.

We were parked in my driveway, deciding it was best to stay in here to share our almost first kiss experiences.

Obviously for safety reasons since my dad was inside the house. And this conversation... is something that I would prefer him not to hear.

"Awww, look who's the blushing one now." I squeal, squishing his cheek, to which he swats my hand away.

"Hey! You were a blushing mess in your story too missy!!"

"You aren't wrong, but at least I wasn't a stu-stuttering mess." I playfully mock, causing him to flip his head back over to me with a glare.

"That's a little rich coming from you don't you think?" He squints his eyes at me as he pokes my forehead.

Since when have I ever...


Honestly, I'm not even gonna deny it.

"...fine, so we were both stuttering messes, but isn't it crazy..." I start to say, biting my lip while trying to contain my smile.

"Is what crazy?"

"That's we've both almost had our first kisses? I remember us always talking about what our first kisses would be like when we were younger, but now..."

His eyes widen a tiny bit as he takes in my words, soon following with a small smile, "I remember that! We would sit and talk in that... awfully dangerous treehouse of yours that your dad built... well attempted to built. Why the f*ck did he let us in it?"

This causes us both to laugh as we think back to the tree house.

It was a great attempt of my dad wanting to build us something that would get us out of the house so he could watch tv and not have to hear our elementary school nonsense.

But that thing...

Was dangerous.

I am one thousand percent sure that it didn't stand up straight since the day it was built, and I even recall it shaking with any type of movement in it.

I don't know why Liam and I went in it almost everyday, even though we were young, we could tell that it was definitely not safe in the slightest bit.

After a couple seconds of laughter, we then fall into a comfortable silence. I take it as a chance to take in everything that Liam has told me up to this point, which causes a question to come to mind...

"Did you... you know, end up calling him after that night?" I couldn't help but ask.


His eyes wonder down to his lap, staring down for a couple seconds before shaking his head "no."

"What, but-..."

"I know... I'm just-... Ugh!!! What do I even say?! I couldn't even form a simple sentence when I was with him, how could I have a whole ass conversation?" He frustratedly groans as he places his head in his hands.

"Hey-..." I reach over and grab his hand that was closest to me, "it's okay to be nervous, and I completely understand where you are coming from. And by what you've told me, I feel like he's really into you, so you should take that chance. If you are nervous about talking to him over the phone, just send him a text, I'm sure he will like that you are reaching out to him either way."

He stays still for a couple of seconds before looking back up at me with hopeful eyes, "you think he won't mind if I send him a small text instead?"

I couldn't help but giggle as I ruffle his hair, "Of course he won't mind, you are overthinking it."

"AGHHH-... I'm turning into you," he shivers in disgust, "an over-thinker."

"Okay, rude!" I stick my tongue at him, to which he sticks his out right back.

I'm not that bad.

Okay maybe a little...

FINE! A lot... But I can't help it!

He pulls out his phone from his back pocket, and I watch as he goes to his text messages and types in Zander's number.

"Did you memorize his-..."

"Don't judge me."

"I'm not, I'm actually quite impressed."

"Why thank you-..."

"-... of how whipped you are... and you say I'm the love sick puppy." I let out a few laughs as a blush rises onto Liam's cheeks.

"Stop... I'm not used to this, I'm used to being the one that is making fun of you."

"And now it's finally my turn, so let me have my moment." I cheekily grin.

After years of him taunting me about Damien, I declare this day to finally be my UPRISING.


You better look out Liam, I got years worth to catch up with and taunt you about, you can call it payback!!

He goes to type a message, but he instantly freezes, turning towards me with a nervous gaze.

"What's wrong?" I ask, taking in his facial expression.

No, it can't be...

Is he... is he AFRAID to text him?

First off... awwwwwwww.

Second off... payback.

"What should I say?" He asks, nervously playing with his thumbs over his phone screen.

"Just start off by saying hi and your name, so he knows it's you."

"Okay..." he turns towards his phone to type, but he freezes again and looks back up at me.

"Should I say hello or hi-..."

Not even a second later I find myself bursting out into a fit of laughter for probably the tenth time. Holding my stomach with one hand, I wipe a couple of loose tears with the other.

"Are you seriously that nervous to talk with him? He's not going to judge you on whether you say hello or hi."


"He could!! You never know-..." he whispers the last part to himself as he leans back in his seat.

"Just say, 'hi, it's Liam' and add a cute little smiley face."

"That sounds good..." he begins to type, "wait which smiley face do you think-..."

"Oh my gosh give me it." I laugh, snatching his phone out of his hand and picking out a simple smiling emoji.

"Do you want me to add a heart at the end too-..."

"NOOOOOO!!!" He snatches his phone back before I even had the chance to finish my sentence.

"What? I think it's romantic~..."

"It's too early for that!!"

"Oh really? But it wasn't too early for him to place his hand-..."

"SHHH!!" He covers my mouth with his hand, quieting me as if we weren't the only ones in the car.

Now you know what it feels like to be the one embarrassed, hah!!

"You're blushing again."

"Do you want to be thrown out of this car?"

"Personally, yes." I begin to open the car door playfully but he quickly snatches the door handle and slams it shut.

"No you are staying put!!!!"

"But why-..." I whine, rolling around in my seat, having the need to wrap myself up like a human burrito in my bed.

So close but yet so far away...

"Because what if he responds?!"

"Then you answer back."

He then proceeds to flick me in the forehead, "ow! What was that for?!"

"You know I can't do that!!"

"Yes you can, all you have to do is be yourself. Just respond back as you would with anyone... minus the flirting part, I'm going to leave that to you."


"But if it doesn't work out, then that's okay! If he doesn't like the real you, it's not your fault, it just wasn't meant to be, so don't stress yourself out."

Wow for someone who has never been in an actual relationship before, I am pretty good at giving advice for it.

Go me!!

"I guess you're right... well f*ck, when did you become the one giving relationship advice?"

"I learned it from my best friend." I nudge his shoulder, causing a small smile to form on his face.

I couldn't help but say those words truthfully, I don't think I'd be where I am at with Damien today if Liam's constant advice didn't help me.

Sometimes, he doesn't even have to say it, but the amount of times where he nudged his head towards Damien, signaling me to talk to him or to go with him like he did at lunch today, I don't think I would have had the confidence to.

"I guess I'm pretty amazing, aren't I?"

"Shush and send the message already." I giggle, reaching over in attempt to hit the send button, but I am quickly pushed back into my seat.

"I got it, I got it!" He says, looking at me for a second before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

He then proceeds to hover his thumb over the send button for a couple seconds before finally clicking it, "oh my gosh!!! It sent!!"

"I mean, that's how sending a message works-..."

"I hope he's a quick responder, but by the looks of it, probably not."

"You just sent the message not even a good five seconds ago."

Not going to lie, it was amusing to finally be the one watching someone freak out while talking to their crush...

It's been me being the one to freak out for way too long.

"What if he saw it and ignored it?!"

"Liam, it's okay! He's probably in class right now or something, you know, because he's in college..."

"You're right... I'll give it at most an hour, but if he doesn't respond-...


"Okay fine, I won't think about that. I will just-... AHHHHHHH HOLY SH*T HE RESPONDED."

"What did he say?!" I lean towards his phone as we both read it together.

Zander: Hey I've been waiting to hear from you ;)


"Yes I can read you know." I cover my ears for a couple seconds from his loud pitched voice m.

I mean I'm happy for him...

But safe to say my eardrums were not.

"What should I say now??" Liam asks, pushing his phone towards me, hinting at me to take it.

Rolling my eyes playfully, I grab his phone out of his hand, "I say you just tell him he's hot and go from there-..."

"NO!!" He again snatches back his phone from my hands, causing me to laugh.

"I was just kidding... maybe...but why don't you start off by asking how he is or something."

"Okay... but how should I-..."

"Sheesh, give me this." I take the phone out of his hands and begin typing 'sorry about the wait hehe, how have you been?'

"The F*CK, I am not responding with hehe."

"What? It sounds fun! It adds a little bit of flavor."

"It's sounds stupid."

"My feelings-..."

"Haha, you deserve that."

"I love you too."

"I should have let you leave."



"Liammmm let me leaveeeeee." I whine, prying on the door handle like a little kid.

Taking the kid part a little bit too seriously though, he then proceeds to put the CHILD LOCK on, causing my mouth to drop in shock.

"D-did you just child lock me in?"


Two can play at that game.

"Fine, then I'm just gonna-... HELP!!! SOMEONE!! I'M BEING KIDNAPPED!!!!!!!"

"No one can hear you-..."







"AHHH-...what? Can't you see I'm busy? Now where was I? Oh yeah... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."

"This girl..." Liam mutters under his breath before covering my mouth with his hand again, but in return, I bite him.

"What the... gross!!"

"That's watcha get!!"

Hehe, I win.

"Fine... but can you at least stay for another five minutes, just to help me start off the conversation?" He asks, giving me puppy eyes, the ones that he knows that I can't say no to.

He. Is. Evil.

"Since you're my best friend, sure, but you better buy me ice cream sometime in the near future for this."


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