《The Chapstick Girl》Zander


*Continued from the night where everyone hung out at Julie's house. (With Ashton, Jake, and Zander).*

I was nervous.



I was sweating.

Is it hot in here?

I look around at everyone else who was cuddled up in a blanket with their significant other.

Not going to lie, when Damien covered a shivering Amber with his blanket, it took everything in me not to scream...

Cry tears of joy...

Cover my heart like a proud parent...

Oh and let's not forget, record the moment for the Ambien journal..

It took a lot of self control...

Which I'm actually quite proud of, but if they don't get together soon I'll have no other option then to... kindly... lock them in a closet together until I hear some smoochen.

It's just tough love, she will thank me for it in the end.

Or she will stab me to my death...

But that's a risk that I will be willing to take.

I mean think about it, that would make one heck of a wedding speech.

Not that I... heh... already planned their wedding...


I should probably get rid of that page in the journal before Amber finds it.

Just to be safe.

While I'm at it, probably their future house designs too... I think the page with their 23 children with their full names should be fine though.

At least I hope so.

Shaking my head out of my thoughts, I wave my hand in front of my face in attempt to try and cool myself off.

It might just be me then who's hot.

And for that, I knew exactly what the reason was.

To the right side of me sat Zander, barely a fingers length away from where I was sitting.

I couldn't help but steal a few glances at him throughout the movie, taking in how attractive he really was up close.

Even if my side profile was half as hot as his, I would be happy.

His sharp jaw line could kill me if it wanted too...

And I would happily let it happen.

I still can't believe how nervous he made me earlier by just a single conversation.

Although I haven't been in many relationships before, I would be lying if I said that I didn't have a handful of crushes.

But none of them have made me feel this type of way before.

And that's scary.

By one conversation, I was left a stuttering a mess.

And the words he said to me...

"You've grasped my interest, and I'm surely not letting you go."

I don't think my heart has returned back to its regular pace yet, and it's been a little over two hours since he's said it.

His words just continue to repeat over and over in my head, like a f*ckin summoning ritual or something.

I shift around in my seat on the couch, but flinch as my thigh accidentally comes in contact with Zander's.

Feeling heat rise to my face, I look down at my lap in attempt to hide the redness of my cheeks. Even the smallest bit of contact from him has me turning into a blushing mess.



I guess I can't make fun of Amber for it anymore, because it turns out I am exactly the same way.

"You okay?" I hear Zander ask, causing me to look up at him with a nervous smile on my face.

"Y-yeah... it's just h-hot." I breathe out, trying to look anywhere else but him.

But the feeling of his burning stare brought my eyes back to his, causing a small smirk to tug at his lips.

"Really? Would you like me to get you anything to cool off? Water, a cooling pack, or ice... if you are into that." He raises his eyebrow at me as I feel my heart beat quicken by his words.

"N-no, I'm okay." I attempt to act unfazed by what he was implying, but it was difficult since my brain and heart clearly wanted two different things.

"If you say so." He eyes me for a couple seconds before turning back around to face the tv.

I find myself letting out a sigh of relief from being able to break away from his imitating stare. I put my hand over my chest, feeling the quickened pace of my heart.

How did I go from being a confident gay to consistently being a blushing mess?

I try to clear my thoughts as I look back at the movie that was playing, hoping that the scenes would distract me from the fact that one of the hottest guys I've ever seen is sitting right next to me.

Oh lord if you could hear me now.

Just know that I am an innocent man...


Okay MAYBE NOT innocent, but you get what I'm trying to put down right?

I don't control the naughty thoughts they just do that on their own.

A movement from Zander pulls me right back to where I was before, as I repeatedly tell myself not to blush.

But as I do this, I see Zander from the corner of my eye turn his head towards me and stare at me for a couple seconds.

I can't even judge because that's what I've been during the whole movie.

Taking a deep breath and mentally saying a few words of encouragement, I go to turn towards him with confidence...

Until I freeze.

To be exact, the feeling of a hand being placed on my thigh causes me to freeze in my place.

To be more exact, HIS HAND




Looking over at my shocked expression, Zander then gives my thigh a light squeeze before returning his attention back on the tv.

I give myself a moment to look down to see his hand that was on my thigh, holding it in a firm grip...

Ugh those arm muscles-...

CONTROL yourself Liam!!

Don't let him know that he is affecting you this much-...

But before I could finish that thought, he slowly starts to run his hand up and down my thigh, causing a swarm of butterflies to enter my stomach.


"I-... uhm...." I can't even form a simple sentence as he leans downs and whispers, "Am I making you nervous?"


"N-no." I stutter, turning my blushing face away from him.

He moves his hand up my thigh, giving that area a little squeeze also, "how about now?"

I couldn't even answer him as I tried to get my staggered breathing under control.

A small grin forms on his face, showcasing his pearly white teeth, "I'm going need you to answer me."

With his other hand, he slowly traces from my shoulder, all the way down my chest and to the lower part of my abs.

He runs his thumbs over the skin right above the top of my sweat pants, before lifting up his head to look at me right in the eyes.

Feeling flustered, I turn my head away, too embarrassed to meet his imitating stare once again.

"Z-Zander our friends are still here." I whisper, kind of grateful at the moment that we took the couch that was farthest away from everyone else.

As if those words didn't affect him one bit, he grabs my neck with his hand and forces me to face towards him, with a smirk dancing on his lips.

"Does it look like I care."

F*ck that's hot.


"NOOOOOO!!! Put on another." A loud voice shouts, catching me by surprise as I flinch away from Zander.

I didn't miss the frown on his face as he sent a glare towards Jake, who was whining from his place cuddled up next to Gianna.

"I think it might be a little too late to start another movie." Julie says, flicking the lights on, causing a series of groans across the room.

"Too bright! Turn it back off." Luke whines, covering his face with the blanket that him and Ella were sharing.

"Unfortunately, Julie is right, plus we got one who is already asleep." Ashton says, pointing towards Amber who was fast asleep on Damien's shoulder.



I watch as small tint of pink makes its way onto Damien's cheeks from all of the sudden attention on him and Amber.

"I-I should probably take her home." He stutters, causing a small series of awe's to be heard throughout the room.

"Do you need any help? I don't know how strict coach might be about you taking her home." As much as I wanted to let Damien take her away like any Prince Charming would do, I would in fact like to see him come out alive...

Or that would really cause some problems in the Ambien journal.

"I'll be okay." He gives all of us a soft small before turning towards her gently and scooping her up in his arms bridle style.

He grabs a couple other things like her phone before making his way out.

"That's my child." Julie cries, as soon as he is gone.

"Wanna bet how long it will take for him to ask her out?" Gianna stands up from her spot on the couch with a small smirk on her lips.

"Bet." Julie challenges back, with a smirk of her own.

"Not again." Is the last thing I hear from Ashton as he walks away from the two girls while shaking his head.


Getting my stuff together, I grab my keys from the inside of my coat pocket before making my way towards the door.

"Thanks for inviting me Julie." I say before giving Julie one last hug.

"Oh stop with that already silly. You ARE part of the friend group, you are welcome anytime." She gives me a smile.

"Thank you-..."

"Except Sunday's, she's mine on Sunday's." Ashton buts in, wrapping his arms around Julie's waist.

His words earn him a smack in the chest as Julie rolls her eyes, "ignore him, he has...," she whispers the last part, "separation anxiety."

"I DO NOT!" He whines, digging his face into the crook of her neck.

I couldn't help but laugh as she mouths the word "see" as she points to the tired Ashton who looked as if he was going to pass out at any second.

"Well I'm going to head off now, I know you don't want to hear it, but again thank you." I say, opening the door as we both exchange smiles.

"No problem, be safe, I'll see you Monday at school." She waves before closing the door behind me.

Shoving my hands in my pockets, I walk towards my car, but then I feel my heart drop as I see a dark figure leaning against it.

"I'm going to ask you once to GET AWAY FROM MY-.... o-oh... hi." My confidence drops once again as I am faced with the presence of Zander.

"I thought you left already." I say, nervously scratching the back of my neck.

"I did, but I turned back once I realized I forget something."

"What did you-..." but before I could finish, taking only a few steps, he is right in front of me, his face only a few inches away from mine.

"I forgot to give you this." He takes my hand in his before dropping a piece of paper in it.

Looking down, I see a phone number scribbled across of it.

"Zander I-..." I look up too quickly to be met with his face even closer to mine.

And with our lips almost touching, I watch as he leans in the tiniest bit and before they touch, he pulls away with a teasing smirk on his face.

"Call me first, then we'll see."

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